In the end, the water that melted from the numerous bodies of corpses all poured into the door, and the strength of the formation was stopped, and the Gate of Fallen Angel was finished.

Now the Gate of Fallen Angel, the strength contained in it, is beyond the expectations, and it is very scary. After all, it is the blood of millions of Fallen Light Angels, and the body of 100 million Fallen Angel.

Zhao Wei couldn’t help but want to see the true effect of the Gate of Fallen Angel, and let Arasina show the strength of the Gate of Fallen Angel.

At this time, in addition to Arasina can control the Gate of Fallen Angel, the 10 million Fallen Light Angel can also control the Gate of Fallen Angel, and even can inject strength into it, because the door is filled with their blood.

I saw Arasina stretch out a hand, the palm of the hand emits black light, and the Gate of Fallen Angel exudes a powerful momentum, and then moves up, because the volume is too big, they all set off a strong wind.

The Gate of Fallen Angel slowly and automatically stood up. The height of several kilometers and the width of 10,000 meters, striking down the door of the densely carved Fallen Angel engraving, looks even more shocking.

Arasina showed the ability of Gate of Fallen Angel in turn.

The first is defense. I saw Arasina’s outstretched hand and grabbed it. The Gate of Fallen Angel broke out with a powerful momentum. A huge black energy cover spread out and wrapped a huge door.

Zhao Wei took out the sword and attacked it hard. The defensive cover was very hard. Zhao Yi’s sword was on the top and there was no reaction. It seemed to have a defensive cover composed of hundreds of millions of people.

Personally testing the defense of Fallen Angel’s door, Zhao Hao nodded with satisfaction, let Arasina show the next ability, that is, the ability to attack.

I saw Arasina’s outstretched hand, pushing forward with a force, and a strong strength emerged from the hand and poured into the Gate of Fallen Angel.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and a Gate of Fallen Angel broke out a very strong strength, set off a huge wind, and countless black light emanated from it, the Fallen Angel carved on the door, actually from the door Go inside.

Now they are standing in front of the door, there are on the ground, there are also in the sky, about 10 million, the color is black, the body is like metal, the metal wings, the metal features, the metal weapons, worry about ice- Cold killing momentum.

When Zhao Wei saw this scene, he was a little surprised. If the million metal Fallen Angel attacks, it feels that hundreds of millions of insects can’t stop it. It is too terrifying.

If you install this thousand doors on the border of Daqin, Zhao Wei feels that you don’t have to worry about Fiery Flame Kingdom. Without a soldier, it is impossible for Fiery Flame Kingdom to attack Great Qin’s defense.

It’s just a pity that with the current Great Qin’s ability, there are materials that can’t make as many Gate of Fallen Angels.

Arasina waved his hand, and the metal Fallen Angel on the sky on the ground automatically returned to the door. Arasina also used the third ability, named Angel.

Arasina’s outstretched hand, a burst of strength, poured into the Gate of Fallen Angel.


A huge roar, a black terrifying strength erupted from the Gate of Fallen Angel, like a huge repulsive force, pushing everything around.

Formed a huge wind, the ground was also directly picked up, and countless sandstones also flew out with great force.

Zhao Wei saw this ability, and he was quite satisfied. He smiled and watched Arasina show the last power deterrent of Gate of Fallen Angel.


A huge roar sounded, and the Gate of Fallen Angel radiated countless black light. A huge pressure spread out, and the degree of feeling was stronger than the general Emperor Heaven Realm, and the scope was even larger.

Based on this momentum, it is estimated that many worms will scare their legs and will not be close.

For this Gate of Fallen Angel, Zhao Wei is very satisfied. There is such a door to guard the passage, which is of great help to Daqin.

“How are you feeling? Didn’t you let me down?” Arasina said with a confident smile.

Zhao Yan smiled and nodded.

Arasina looked at Zhao Wei with a hint of affection. “How do you reward me? I don’t want anything that is less valuable.”

Zhao Wei chuckled, “You can rest assured that I will reward you!”

Arasina’s face was a blush of blush, and she glared at Zhao’s arm and said, “Let’s stay in Chaos World tonight!”

Zhao Yiyi thought, replied with a smile. “After handling the matter, I said that many things have not been dealt with now.”

Arasina smiled with satisfaction. “Then I am with the gods and Bai Xihan, they are waiting for you.”

Now that the Gate of Fallen Angel has been built, the huge v-shaped channel can be installed and installed.

Chaos World is not on the side, it is now the side of Heaven Awaken World.

That crack can be under the ground of Xianyang, and Xianyang is the core area of ​​Daqin, which is the Great Qin’s capital, where the Great Qin Emperor Palace is located.

If countless worms rush out and there is no preparation, Daqin Dicheng will suffer the second one, so it must be handled well, and there must be no trace of care.

Near the crack, Zhao Wei began to expand the space here to tens of thousands of meters, and then portrayed a mandatory teleportation formation.

This forced legendary formation, Daqin studied very early, as long as there is a creature to step on, it will directly teleport out, so that the worms will not climb to the ground, directly teleportation to the battlefield, the Great Qin City on the ground also Will not be affected.

In addition, various defense measures must be taken.

Zhao Wei also asked Great Qin’s blacksmith to use a material to restrain the insects and to create a huge iron cage to cover the crack space.

Because of the main concern about the forced teleportation formation damage, once the teleportation formation is damaged, the worm can’t teleport, and it will stay in the crack space and destroy other forms. At that time, Daqin will not be able to force their teleportation.

Therefore, defensive measures must be taken to prevent the worms from rushing directly to the ground after losing control.

In addition to the iron cage, Zhao Wei also used several powerful arrays, as well as the construction of a strong prison, which was covered with a ban, to achieve the best defense work.

There must be no accidents with this. Great Qin Imperial Capital is on it, and the consequences are extremely serious.

The numerous tasks are released, and now it takes time to complete. Zhao Wei also released a spy and collected all the news outside to see how Li Baiqing and Monster Horn Empire planned to attack Daqin.

And there is also news of collecting Alchemy World, I hope there will be no accidents.

At this time, the three women also found Zhao Wei, they are women who are related to Li Baiqing.

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