A barrel of smoldering oil fell, Monster Horn army directly used an ice crystal, frozen those fire oil, can not ignite at all, Monster Horn army continued to attack.

At this time, the creatures of half-man half-bird are also flying in the sky. These creatures have bird wings, but some people have general heads, and the body is also human, and there are hands, but the lower body is similar to birds.

When they flew in the sky, they launched a rapid attack on Daqin. A root arrow shot at Daqin, and a spear shot with a terrible strength, which penetrated some of the Daqinsoldiers.

Daqin also shot a single arrow and a huge arrow, shooting the birds from the air.

The battle was very intense, the blood continued to splash, the screams continued, and more and more people died, and the body was already covered with the ground.

The Monster Horn army suppressed Daqin by thesoldiers in the sky and rushed to the wall. They were originally 2nd Order Monster Horn soldiers, and Yao Ming attacked Daqin smoothly, deliberately attacking with a strong military branch.

The Daqin side was originally understaffed. Now it is not only attacked by the Monster Horn soldiers in the sky, but also facing the army attacked below, and the gap in the cultivation base makes Daqin invincible.

Monster Horn soldiers cut a big Qinsoldiers in half, blood splashes, Monster Horn soldiers force a claw to fly a big Qinsoldiers, a Monster Horn soldiers pierced the chest of the Daqin Soldiers with a long gun.

The Daqin Soldiers flew out a Monster Horn soldiers, and a Daqin Soldiers smashed a Monster Horn soldier’s head and spewed blood out. A Daqin Soldiers pierced the Monster Horn soldiers’ throat.

The two sides smothered on the wall, the blood has already stained the city wall, and seeing that Daqin is also somewhat invincible, Daqin also immediately issued an order to retreat.

Daqinsoldiers and fierce beast, who received the order, quickly fled to the rear.

Yao Ming stood in the sky and watched the Great Qin Army team running away. He couldn’t help but laugh. This is the first time he defeated Daqin. The first time he saw the escape was Daqin, not him. He finally got this out. The bad mood, the mood has become very good.

Now attacking the Daqin defense, the next step is to rush into the interior of Daqin, attack the Daqin Palace, and destroy Daqin.

Thinking of this, Yao Ming couldn’t help but be a little excited. He shouted, “The whole army attacked! The Daqin people were rewarded, and all the women in the city were owned by the individual.”

At this time, the Monster Horn army was attacking the defense of Daqin, the enemy. All the people were excited and excited. When they heard the words of Yao Ming in the sky, the momentum rose and they rushed to the interior of Daqin with fierce momentum.

But some did not think that Daqin did not know when to build a second defensive wall, Yao Ming did not hesitate, he could break the first defensive wall, and the second can be the same.

“Kill Ah!”

The Monster Horn army on the ground, with a terrible momentum, shouted loudly, like a flood that swept through everything, rushing past the Great Qin City wall.

The countless flying troops in the sky were also excited and flew to the Great Qin City wall. They had heard that Daqin was very rich and the beauty was numerous.

Countless monster beast also screamed with excitement and rushed to Daqin with a strong temper. They wanted to devour the Daqin people and kill all the big Qin fierce beast. Their meat monster beast also liked to eat.

Aaaaaaaah ah…

A scream of screams rang, the Monster Horn soldiers on the ground, only felt a gray breath pouring into the body, just like countless worms biting their bodies, and it didn’t take long to die.

Not only them, the army that flies in the sky, but also the monster beast, they feel that countless worms are biting their bodies, and the number is not clear. They burst out of strength and want to block those worms, but they have no effect.

A flying army and a monster beast fell from the sky, a pain in the face, and traces of numerous insect bites.

When Yao Ming saw this scene, he knew that Daqin had used any method to turn the ground into a cursed land, and immediately ordered the army to stop. Yao Ming asked people to break the cursed land.

Because Daqin had used it once before, Yao Ming was also prepared, and some people were specially prepared to break this curse.

But Yao Ming soon became disappointed. The man’s face was ugly. “Your Majesty! The curse of this cursed land is too strong and very strange, and our strength cannot be removed at all.”

I heard Yao Ming’s angry wave of screaming at the man, and he was about to kill Daqin. How could he give up, loudly shouted, “I don’t care what you use to solve this curse.”

However, there is still no one, because the eggs collected by Daqin for so long can be used here, and the number cannot be counted.

Looking back to the Western battlefield.

The ridiculous gods have appeared in the sky with 12 gods. I saw 12 gods burst out with a strong strength, and one blood cell appeared behind them, and the blood cells were controlled by the gods.

12 blood cells lined up, bursting out a powerful suction, countless blood like tides poured into the blood ball, that blood cell absorbs countless 2nd Order soldiers blood, become huge.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

12 huge blood cells, shooting a huge bloody tentacles, the body of a single soliters, the 2nd Order soldiers have not much resistance, because now Blood God Demonic Monster is composed of 2nd Order soldiers.


Corpse Soul Guard also launched a fierce attack on this side, a sword with a strong strength, split the flame Giant in half, some hammers fly the flame Giant out, some with a shield fierce, smash that flame Giant .

Rooaaar ……

Winged Insect Chao Dragon’s battle on this side also achieved favorable results. By taking advantage of the ability to fly in the sky, a horrible beam of light was sprayed to penetrate the body of the Fire Beast. Some of them directly swooped down and the dragon claws were heavy. A blow, leaving a huge wound.

It was the battle on the wall, going out very tightly, the Fiery Flame Army continually striking down the Daqin Soldiers, and the Great Qin Army team also quickly striking down the Fiery Flame Army, both sides have a lot of losses.

General, seeing the scene in front of him, started talking, “Li Baiqing! I think we still have to temporarily retreat first. In this way, the loss is too great, and it is possible that we will lose here.”

Li Baiqing cold face, looking at Zhao Wei in front, the heart is very reluctant to retreat.

Su Yan also started talking, “Bai Qing! Now calm down, the situation is not good for us. If you go on like this, you will lose, or temporarily retreat. The forces around the United States are trying.”

In the end, Li Baiqing deeply took a deep breath, calmed down, nodded and promised.

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