Now that only Zhao Yi comes over, she has no choice. Otherwise, she will be seized by others. Maybe Happy Weed Country will be destroyed. As for Zhao’s identity, it can only be dealt with later.

“Well, this HighneSS will give you the princess.” Le Yuyu made a decision and nodded and said to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yan’s face smiled and he took out a storage ring. “Three hundred city pools are in the ring, please accept the Queen’s Empress.”

Next to a palace lady, came over and picked up the storage ring in Zhao’s hand, and was about to turn and hand it to Le Yuyu.

At this time, a few powerful middle-aged men came in from one side, and the leader of the group, directly started talking, “I don’t allow this marriage, Zhiwen is my Happy Weed Country’s Crown PrinceSS, I can marry like this. People, and the identity of this person is unknown, may be another attempt.”

Le Yuyu slightly frowns, knowing that these guys will be confused, saying, “Now that foreign countries are invading, Happy Weed Country’s defense has been broken, and the front army needs this strength. At this time, you don’t have to mention it again. Wen will marry him.”

The middle-aged man below, in his heart, was angry and saw Le Yuyu so no face to him, with a hint of threat, “You can consider the Queen Mother, don’t regret it in the future.”

Le Yuyu was in a tight heart and heard the threat of the other party. This was to launch a mutiny, which made Le Yuyu hesitate.

Now, Happy Weed Country’s Royal Seal is not in control, because after each generation of kings, the National Games will temporarily fall into chaos, during which the successor must be recognized, in order to become the real king.

But other people who have pure king blood and who are not weak destiny can also take action to seize power and compete for the throne. This can also be recognized by the Royal Seal.

So Le Yuyu can’t use the Royal Seal to directly abolish the power of these royalties, and if they can, they won’t be so angry.

At the beginning, due to external invasion, if there is civil strife, Happy Weed Country may not be guaranteed, so both sides are restrained to avoid any major conflicts, resulting in internal losses, which makes foreign countries cheap.

But now it is different. If Le Yuyu gets a 300-city pool to solve the problem of foreign invasion, then the Royal Seal will officially recognize her youngest son as the mainstay, and it will be much easier to dispose of them.

Directly abolish the City Lord, which makes them lack a big piece in the top fighting power. Of course, they also cultivate their own city, but the number is not dominant. At that time, only the troops have great advantages because they have always mastered Real power.

However, it is more troublesome to snatch the throne, and there may be some accidents, so it is necessary to stop Le Yuyu now.

Even if it is now mobilized, it will be better than the latter.

But one side is mainly worried about external threats. At this time, civil strife will start to get very bad, so at this time they just use this to threaten Le Yuyu. If she doesn’t know the general, then don’t blame them for whatever means.

Le Yuyu is also in a dilemma. On the one hand, he wants to get three hundred cities to consolidate the imperial power. On the other hand, he is afraid that the current royal family will launch a rebellion.

Once they launch a rebellion, they may lose on this side, and foreign countries will seize the opportunity and may kill Happy Weed Country in one fell swoop.

“Heh! ”

Suddenly a chuckle, breaking the deadlock, everyone’s eyes turned to Zhao Wei.

The middle-aged man coldly snorted, said, “The Princess of Happy Weed Country is not married, you still leave early, so as not to get into trouble.”

Zhao Wei turned a pair of terrifying eyes and looked at the middle-aged man. Suddenly, a middle-aged man burst into a chill.

“A few of you are really bold, dare to face the Empress Dowager, are you afraid of dying?”

“There are three hundred City Lords I have already handed over to you. Now, according to the truth, Princess Zhiwen should be my own. This has nothing to do with you, and you have no right to intervene.”

Zhao Wei sees the plan to be successful, how can it be destroyed by several people.

Le Zhiwen heard this, his face was red, some shy, Le Yuyu was happy, because the mysterious person in front of him chose to help her, maybe there was a chance to turn around, she still had a chance.

The royal family, who also glared directly, looked even more furious. The middle-aged man headed by him was even more furious. He had just faced Zhao Fu’s gaze and had disappeared. Coldly said, “You are looking for death, here is Happy Weed Country. The site, no matter who you are, even the dragon will crawl for me.”


A huge momentum broke out, the whole hall was shrouded in this kind of momentum, the air instantly dipped, and the ordinary palace ladies and Soldiers face became pale, because this is the 9th Order strong plus the strength of the capital, how can the average person withstand .

The middle-aged man looked at Zhao Wei with a cold eye. That huge momentum directly pressed against Zhao Wei. If it was not for this special period, some of them would be jealous of Zhao Wei’s identity. The middle-aged man might directly kill Zhao Wei.

But Zhao’s mouth is rising, revealing a smile. Under such a huge momentum, there is no such thing as nothing. Instead, he turned to look at the people brought by several royal families.

“You just all gathered here, just as I solved it all at once.”

When I heard Zhao Fu’s words, everyone felt amazed and suddenly had a bad feeling. Suddenly a more powerful momentum broke out. Like a mountain, it was pressed against everyone. Everyone changed his face and only felt the body. A sink.

This strength is so terrifying that everyone seems to fall into the ice cave, and the body is cold. I didn’t think that Zhao Wei had such a strong strength.

And such a huge strength, even Happy Weed Country can not have, what is this person’s identity? The people were shocked and Zhao Fu’s identity far exceeded their imagination.

At this moment, Zhao Wei also suddenly shot, waved his hand, an invisible sharp blade flew out, killing all the people brought by several royal families, blood flowed to the ground.

at once!

Not only do a few royals want to escape, but Le Yuyu also feels that things are not good. I want to escape from this place. This time, I may have attracted a lot of people.

Clang clang clang ……

A chain of irons sounded, countless chains were fired from the void, and flew away to several royalty, and several royals changed their faces, taking out a weapon and erupting a powerful force, showing a terrible attack.

However, it didn’t have much effect. It only cut off a small number of chains. Most of the chains tied several people tightly, letting them struggle, and they could not break free.

“The kid will let me go, or wait for the big army to kill, and you will die very badly.” The middle-aged man was tied up by the chain, struggling, but he could not get away with it, and yelled at Zhao.

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