However, now more than a month has passed, no one is willing to come, because they are all aware of the situation of Happy Weed Country. It is very important for any of the 300 cities to be Nobledom. What a fool does.

When a few veins of the royal family thought, this is also reassuring that it is impossible for someone to come, but they are also a headache for the war against foreign countries.

On the one hand, they also want to be emperors and become the supreme master of Happy Weed’s. On the other hand, the current crisis, they are also difficult to solve, maybe it may indeed die.

Therefore, they are more complicated in dealing with this matter.

However, in order to seek the throne, it is only under the trend of external forces, or by virtue of their brute force to seize, there must be many people dissatisfied.

Orthodox royal branch, that is more anxious, there are dangers outside, and there are dangers inside. They are eager to want strength, to guarantee themselves and the country’s completeness, but unfortunately they waited for so long, that no one came, and the heart felt cold. It is.

Looking at the astonished look of the guard, Zhao Wei nodded and said yes.

The guards also reacted and reminded, “I want to marry our princess, but I have to go to the city. If I don’t have to leave quickly, I will take the risk of the Lord is a huge crime.”

“I know, you are going to inform!” Zhao Wei said with a chuckle.

When the guard saw Zhao Wei, he let out a sigh of relief and let Zhao Wei wait here, then turned and ran into the palace.

All parties have orders. If anyone comes to marry the princess, it will be reported to the parties in the first time, and Zhao Fu’s will come, so that the Kingdom in the storm will be shocked. Because Zhao Fu’s is coming, it will definitely cause Happy. The great changes in Weed Country.

A graceful woman in the palace, originally a sad face, holding a sleeping boy, next to a beautiful, tall, woman with a quiet temperament, is also a look of grace.

Now the orthodox branch is weak, and the other pulsing royals are constantly pulling people, making some originally dynasty ministers biased towards other veins. The situation is getting worse for them.

“See Queens, Princess, someone outside said to marry the princess.” At this time a guard came to sue, so that the two of them were happy, and they rushed to bring Zhao Wei into the palace.

The other royal families were also surprised by this. They also rushed to the palace and wanted to know the direction of the incident. That is, if there were any accidents, it could be stopped in time.

If the person destroys their plan, they will move their hands and kill the person.

Zhao Wei, who was already sitting in the hall, saw only a luxurious woman and a beautiful woman, with a kind of palace lady and walked in.

Zhao Wei slightly handed his hand, and he was polite and said, “I have seen the Empress Dowager!”

Before coming, Zhao Wei had already prepared for a detailed investigation of Happy Weed Country. Now I know the accurate information of Happy Weed Country and I know some people’s things.

Happy Weed Country The Queen Mother is named Le Yuyu and her princess is Le Zhiwen. The name of the little emperor is called music.

Le Yuyu smiled slightly and nodded, and did not care whether Zhao Wei would bow to the ceremony, because only those who are lower than their own identity would do the ritual, and Zhao Wei can come up with three hundred cities, the natural identity is absolutely not Simple.

I came to the top chair and sat down. “You should know about my Happy Weed Country. You don’t have to say this HighneSS. If you come up with three hundred cities, this HighneSS will give you the princess, and you are my happy. Weed Country’s Hummer.”

Wen Yan said, Zhao Wei replied with a smile. “I am ready, please don’t worry about the Queen Mother.”

Le Yuyu raised his heart a little and showed a smile on his face. He looked at Zhao Wei. “You are about to become the Hummer of Happy Weed Country. Now you don’t have to wear a cloak to hide your appearance!”

“And if it’s convenient, please tell this HighneSS about some of your things, so it’s also convenient for this HighneSS to know about your son-in-law.”

Happy Weed Country’s princess, who is standing next to the woman, Le Zhiwen’s face also showed a blush, and some looked forward to watching Zhao Wei.

In fact, no matter how Zhao Zhao looks like, as long as he can come up with three hundred cities, Le Zhiwen must marry Zhao Wei, because not only for Happy Weed Country, but also for her mother and younger brother.

But if Zhao Wei is the kind of person she likes, she can be good to her. This is naturally what Le Zhiwen wants most.

When Zhao Yu heard Le Yuyu’s words, he thought about it and took off his cloak. Now he has to be a son-in-law of others. It is really impossible to hide his appearance.

The black cloak slowly slipped down, gradually revealing the handsome face of Zhao Wei, slender figure, black life, a black hair hanging to the buttocks, all of which exudes a noble and overbearing temperament, which is very fascinating.

Zhao Wei is not the former Zhao Wei. After such a long time, both temperament and appearance have changed greatly.

Le Zhiwen’s heart beat quickly. She was very satisfied with Zhao Fu’s looks. She was very satisfied with this person. She thought that this person was her husband in the future. Le Zhiwen had a blush on her face and turned to look at her mother.

I saw Le Yuyu’s face also showing some blush, her breathing was slightly rushed, her body was shaking, which made Le Zhiwen slightly stunned.

Le Yuyu is now beating very fast. Zhao Fu’s body seems to have a magical effect on her desires. Phoenix Qi in the body has also become agitated and very hungry for the man in front of him.

After a while, Le Yuyu noticed her daughter’s gaze, hurriedly suppressed the emotion in her heart, returned to normal, and said with a smile, “Love is no matter in temperament or appearance, it is really far beyond the average person, this HighneSS Without any advice, I don’t know where the love is from?”

Zhao Wei was at the same time, replied, “Where is it from a distant place, passing through this place, I heard that Happy Weed Country princeSS looks like beautiful as an angel, only three hundred city pools can be married, so come specially.”

After that, Zhao Wei turned his eyes to Le Zhiwen next to him, his mouth rising, showing a polite smile, making the latter flushed.

There are more women around Zhao Wei, and I understand women more automatically. But with this method, are some of them too mean, just to win their Kingdom and make these things.

Le Yuyu heard Zhao Fu’s words and thought a little. Zhao Wei is obviously not the Lüyin people, but from the world. The identity is certainly not simple. If he is a Hummer, he does not know what will happen.

In fact, Le Yuyu’s ideal goal is to be the prince of several countries around, so that they can get their help, but this time the country that attacked Happy Weed Country may be not so simple, no one wants to get into trouble, so face them Request, no one is willing to promise.

PS; Sorry, not in the state, can only write so much, in the future will be more to make up.

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