The fluctuations here also attracted a large number of guards in the first place, but Zhao Wei did not have any fear.

Zhao Wei alone has no problem with thousands of City Lords, but one person is more difficult to deal with a country because the country not only has Nation Armament, but also officials and legions. If they are together, Zhao Wei certainly can’t beat it. .

But now that the foreign invasion, Happy City’s City Lord and the main force are forced by foreign countries, there are few left-behind people, and the strength is not very high, so Zhao Wei certainly does not have to be afraid.

Looking at the guards who were coming in from outside the door, Zhao Wei’s face waved calmly, and a black dragon pattern spread out, covering the entire hall and isolating the group ofsoldiers.

Then, Zhao Wei went to the several tied royals, and the royals were afraid, because it was obvious what Zhao Wei would do to them.

And Zhao Fu’s did have to do anything, only to see him come to them, a reaching out a giant force hit a few people’s chest, several people slammed a blood, several City Lord Seal emerged from it And Zhao Wei was in a shot, a bigger stretch, hit a few people.

Several people squirted a large blood and blood at a time, and the spirit suddenly shrank. They were unable to lie on the ground, and their angry hatred stared at Zhao Wei, and they wanted to make Zhao smashed.

Zhao Wei first forced out the City Lord Seal. The second was to abolish the cultivation base of several people. Then Zhao Wei took out a few black bugs like a line. This is the brain worm, and it is not a general bug. It is a brain worm that has been fed Zhao’s blood.

These brain worms can’t be effective for high cultivators. Zhao can only abolish the cultivation base of several people. Now they are seriously injured and the brain worms are easy to control.

There are also brainworms that are not effective for high-order blood vessels, so Zhao Wei feeds his brain with his own blood, so that these brainworms have strengths that resist high-order blood.

After taking out these brainworms, Zhao Wei reached out and threw a few brain worms into the brains of several royal families. Several royals immediately screamed in pain, and the outer Soldiers attacked the black dragon pattern mask in a hurry. However, the sturdy dragon hood makes their damage not a trace.

Le Yuyu A few people are also looking at the scene with a look of horror. They are also in the black dragon pattern, the body seems to be imprisoned, can not be a trace, can only look like this.

Slowly, the screams of several royal families were small, their looks became numb, their eyes were empty, and then they gradually recovered, but they were another look.

Zhao Yan smiled on his face. Several brain worms successfully occupied their bodies. Zhao Wei turned his head and looked at Yuyu.

This made Yuyu a cold heart and felt an unprecedented fear. Le Zhiwen hurriedly shouted, “I am willing to marry you, don’t do it to my mother.”

Zhao Yiyi thought, if you want to control them directly with brain worms, Zhao Wei can prepare two brain worms for them, and they are now keeping.

The original Zhao Fu’s plan is to use the brain worm to control the core of the Happy Weed Country with the brainworm, so that you can control Happy Weed Country and make it work for Daqin.

But the key is that Land of Legacy, many people know that there are brain worms, there are many ways to detect, there are ways to restrain, this is no more than the information blocking Land of Legacy, in Fish Scale World, how to use it, it does not matter, But outside the Land of Legacy, be careful.

There is also the Happy Emped Country emperor. As a king of a country, he cannot be controlled by brainworms. Although Zhao can abolish him, those who are occupied by brainworms cannot inherit the throne.

Because it is reasonable to say that the person occupied by the brain worm has died, and the brain worm only controls his body, which naturally cannot become a king.

Thinking about the small meeting, Zhao Wei decided to leave them, but he couldn’t do anything. He must think of other ways to control. A pair of eyes looked at the graceful Le Yuyu. Zhao Yan’s face showed a smile and walked over. Out caressing her delicate face.

Feeling Zhao Fu’s touch, and the possession of the eyes, Le Yuyu’s fear gradually faded, but excited, and the body enjoyed Zhao Fu’s action.

Zhao Desires Immortal Scripture, with its own charm, just like Mo Yao’er can charm many men, and the charm of Zhao Fu’s body is of course only for women, and because of the Emperor Phoenix Statue, The more people Phoenix Qi is, the more likely it is to be controlled by Zhao Wei.

Le Zhiwen was on the side, looking at the scene, Zhao Wei gently touched his mother, and his mother was full of blushing, as if enjoying it, etc. This seems to be wrong, isn’t it a horse for himself? Is Zhao Wei not coming for himself? Then he is not supposed to do something for himself?

But now things are very wrong, she found that Zhao Wei was more interested in her mother, which made Le Zhiwen very complicated.

She started to be a man who was her in the future, and she was a little shy. She first had a good impression on Zhao Wei, but although his terrifying strength broke out, her heart turned to fear, and now she looks at his mother’s love and affection. I don’t know what to say.

At this time, Zhao Wei touched Le Yuyu’s face, and also had Six Desires Demon Qi injected into her body. She smiled and started talking. “They have been controlled by me. The Queen Mother should say what you should know next. I can protect the security of Happy Weed Country and even make it even more powerful.”

Le Yuyu’s thoughts are already unclear, and lust almost occupies the brain, but she also understands that she can only follow Zhao Fu’s words, or she will be completely controlled, such as those of the royal family.

Gently nodded, Le Yuyu looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of eyes in the spring, saying, “this HighneSS knows, this HighneSS will do what you want.”

Zhao Wei was satisfied with the wave and removed the black dragon pattern cover. Because Zhao Wei also had a shield, the guards who attacked outside could not see what happened inside the hood.

At the same time, the chains of several royal families are bundled, and all are untied.

The black dragon pattern disappeared, and countlesssoldiers poured in. They were about to attack Zhao Wei. The original middle-aged man slammed down and shouted. Le Yuyu also let them back first, which made countless soliters look awkward.

However, the order issued by the highest level of the two parties, although these sandiers do not know what’s the matter, but still obey the withdrawal of the order.

When the numerous soldiers left, Zhao Wei immediately issued orders to several royal families. All of them were unified to resist the invasion. Now several royal families are controlled by brainworms. Naturally, they have no opinion on Zhao Fu’s order and immediately turn away.

Its City Lord Seal Zhao Wei re-given them, but now his injuries are serious, and they need to recuperate. Zhao Wei does not need them to fight on the front line. He only needs the power he has to master, support the front line and stabilize the battle.

Zhao Wei has a good understanding of Happy Weed Country because of a detailed investigation of Happy Weed Country. A series of orders are issued for the current situation of Happy Weed Country.

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