The one thing is that Supreme Being has left outside. I don’t know what happened. Zhao Wei is quite surprised. Because Supreme Being is outside, Zhao Wei has not dared to step out of Land of Legacy for several months. .

There is something, it is sent to the average person to deal with, because this is an accident, the consequences will not be very serious.

Now that Supreme Being is gone, Zhao Wei feels that the pressure is on the decline, and there is no need to worry about the threat of Supreme Being. You can enter and leave the Land of Legacy at will.

Zhao Wei did not know what the reason was, so that these Supreme Being left, he had inquired about the news, but could not find it, and finally he could only give up.


A few days later, Zhao Wei came to Land of Legacy and began to be careful. First, I observed that there was nothing left, and then I was relieved to go to the various Large City pools. I also had questions about what happened in the past few months.

In the past few months, because of the relationship between Supreme Being, it seems that all parties are more careful, they choose to be quiet, they don’t want to cause trouble, and the countries that are experiencing war are also at the same time.

Even the most powerful Monster Horn Empire in the region, that is not to dare to speak out, to be honest, because a Dukedom is not in the eyes of Supreme Being, Monster Horn Empire is afraid of accidental, it is going to perish. .

The power of Supreme Being can be seen as powerful.

However, Supreme Being went away and was surrounded by excitement. What should I do? During the war, the Monster Horn Empire did not start the war at this time, but continued to make good contributions to the Quartet and the surrounding world. Trade is unfolding, and it is not known when its fangs will be revealed again.

Continue to inquire about the news and find that there is another big thing, that is, there are really Supreme Being people, not twenty people of Kingdom, but one of the Ancient Stem Domain Five Great Sects.

Being able to be accepted as an apprentice by Supreme Being is undoubtedly a great opportunity. Anyone will be envious. Of course, including Zhao Wei, there is Supreme Being as a backing. In Heaven Awaken World, you can almost walk sideways. There is nothing to be afraid of.

Zhao Wei is now afraid to appear in front of Supreme Being. Because of the fear of identity disclosure, Heavenly Spirit Stele has been striking down his own tasks all the time, and the number has gradually increased.

This sect is related to a Supreme Being. Now no one is daring to provoke it. It is good to do it in all directions. I don’t want to be evil, because everyone understands that this force must not be provoked.

Zhao Wei also learned that even someone was looking for his own news. Zhao Wei couldn’t help but think of the Third Prince. Besides, he seems that no one will find himself. The Third Prince must be trying to get rid of the roots.

Knowing this news, Zhao Yan no expression, and his eyes flashed a hint of coldness.

Then, Zhao Wei learned a good news, that is, a small country said that it would attract a Hummer. That person can only get a lot of territory in the country as long as they become their Hummer. There are still many powers, and their princess grows too. Looks like Heavenly Immortal.

Zhao Wei is more interested in this. Of course, it is not for the princess, but for the territory. This small country is at the edge of Lüyin World.

Now Heaven Domain enchantment does not know when it will disappear, and Daqin can also say that it has successfully invaded Demon Profound World and Fish Scale World. It has strong strength. Zhao Wei wants to put a chess piece in Lüyin World and rush out Land of Legacy for Daqin. prepare for.

It can also be used as a force in Demon Profound World and Fish Scale World, with the help of Great Qin’s, slowly eroding Lüyin World.

Therefore, Zhao Wei needs to find a suitable target. The best power of this goal is relatively small, so that it can be controlled. Of course, it is too small to develop. It is too slow to develop. Zhao Wei believes that this small country is the best target.

Although this small country gives a lot of territory and power, the princess is also beautiful and moving, but there are not many people going there, because this small country is in dire straits.

There are other countries attacking, and they are still in an unfavorable situation. The defense has been broken. The internal emperor has just died. Several royals are taking power. It is completely a mess.

If you go there, you won’t get anything, and you may bring yourself in. The more important thing is that those who want to marry their princesses must have 300 cities.

This is not a small amount. The small country now has a total of more than 200 areas, a total of more than 900 cities, this three to three, accounting for one-third of the total, can be said to be blatantly robbed.

If a Dukedom, or a Kingdom, a princess married, it would be nice to give these as a dowry, but a little Nobledom princess, isn’t it too much.

And even if the small country said that it also gave territory and power, but now that small parliament will not be destroyed, it is hard to say, because their current situation is very dangerous. If this small country is destroyed, the three hundred cities will be squandered.

Now the behavior of this small country can be said to be selling princesses, because the war is tight, they are all disadvantageous on this side, they need three hundred City Lord’s strength, as a strength to resist the invasion.

In this case, who will go to spend three hundred City Lord 娶 a princess? This can be very irrational, even if it is next to the country.

Zhao Wei thought about it. There was no problem in spending three hundred city pools. I originally regarded this small country as my own, so Zhao Wei decided to go to this small country.

This small country is called Happy Weed Country, and now the six-year-old emperor is in charge of the political affairs. Of course, such a child can’t do anything. The Empress Dowager is now assisting the little emperor. The other royal families are not convinced, trying to seize power, and they are The pulse is to grasp the real power.

Now the power of the little emperor is not as many as the royal family. It is a matter of time, and the princess who wants to marry is also the sister of the little emperor.

These three hundred cities and towns should not only deal with external troubles, but also be used to deal with internal problems, consolidate the rule of the little emperor, and do not know whether this princess is willing to dedicate himself, the purpose should be to ensure the throne of his younger brother.

Returning to Daqin, first use the props to restore the city to the state that no one has ever used, to avoid revealing the true identity, and then Zhao Wei came directly to Happy Weed Country.

“Go to the obituary, I am coming to marry the princess.” Zhao Yu, a black cloak, came to the front of the palace and said directly to the guard.

“What? Are you coming to marry the princess?”

The solitier was surprised and the news was released for a month and a half. This was the first time someone met someone who said they would marry their princess, because in the situation of their happy Weed Country, no one is willing to spend three hundred cities to make a Hummer.

After the news was released, Happy Weed Country all paid more attention to it. The orthodox branch hoped that someone would come to help earlier. The royal family was also nervous. Because people who can come up with three hundred cities, it is definitely not simple.

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