Every city was chaotic, the sound was harsh, and there were screams, crying, screams, flooding the city, countless people fleeing in fear and fear, and in the face of the sudden attack, Daqin, they did not resist the strength.

Eight sea beasts also fluttered to a city, and began to destroy the killings, completely desperate, killing people, after destroying the city, directly swallowed City Creation Stone and continued to attack the next city.

The city walls were quickly broken, and countless people were afraid of fear and death. The bodies were all over the city, the bloody smell continued to spread, and the dead people continued to rise, just like a huge catastrophe by Demon Profound World.

Because the killing was too much, the blood gas rushed to the sky, and the sky was dyed into blood, and the murderous aura of the Jin Ge iron horse continued to advance outwards and brutally.

The various cities were directly attacked by Daqin, and the numerous Soldiers of Ye Dynasty were responsible for accepting the surrender. The areas captured were more and more large, and the plundering of the Population was increasing, and the overall strength was rapidly increasing.

Soon most of the South Demon Continent fell, these areas have been successfully captured by Daqin, and the remaining forces are also urgently united to form a blocking force.

This force gathered in the Dark Devils area and wanted to fight with Daqin, blocking the Great Qin’s offensive.

In the face of this force, Daqin did not fear it. He led the Soldiers and City Lord, who had surrendered countless surrenders, to the Black Demon Region. This is the last point of South Demon Continent resistance, and Zhao Yi is trying to solve the problem once and unify South Demon Continent as quickly as possible to avoid any accidents.

The two armies gathered in the Dark Zone, and the chilling atmosphere made the entire Dark Devils dignified. Countless beasts fled wildly, because the momentum of the two armies was terrible.

When the two sides met, South Demon Continent was stupid when it was on, because the number of Great Qin City Lords is now over 60,000, and the army is more than 800 million.

These are the City Lord and Soldiers who surrendered. Because of the timeliness, they were directly applied by Daqin. At the same time, they gave them a lot of sweetness, consolidate their loyalty and gather together under the leadership of Great Qin’s.

On the side of South Demon Continent, the City Lord is only nine thousand, and the soliters are only 400 million. The strength and City Lord are completely inferior to Daqin.


Daqin saw this group of resistance forces, and there was no discourse. He directly launched the charge. The army was like a tsunami. With a general momentum of destruction, it surged toward the resistance army.

The smell of the monks made many resistance army Soldiers stiff, and there was only fear in their hearts. Because the opposite strength was too strong, they seemed a little weak.

The Resistance City’s City Lord, who saw this force sweeping South Demon Continent, was also shocked, far beyond what they expected. They heard that this force is strong, but they don’t know the exact amount, but they I did not think that Daqin was so strong.

They have more than 9,000 City Lords, 400 million troops, face more than 60,000 City Lord, and 800 million troops. This is not counting the group of dragons in the sky, and the group of ferocious Giants. That terrifying incomparable eight giant war beast.

“How is this still playing?”

In the face of such a powerful force, even fools know that they are losing, there is no hope, now only run, no chance to run without running, they will all die here.

The Resistance Army saw Daqin’s terrible strength. Even the courage of the First World War did not, and the direct withdrawal completely. The City Lord fled the place, and the Resistance Army quickly retreated. Daqin was generally chasing after him.

After a while, some of the slow-moving City Lord and the Resistance Army were intercepted by Daqin. In the face of the terrifying strength of Daqin, these City Lords surrendered. Only a few City Lords chose stubborn resistance, but they were killed in a moment.

Daqin continued to pursue the escaped resistance army.

After only a few hours, the Resistance Army died directly. Only one-third of the people fled back to their respective regions. Two-thirds of the people were either killed or surrendered to Daqin.

This is the last resistance of South Demon Continent. Now it has been destroyed by Daqin. The South Demon Continent Daqin can naturally be unblocked and continue to sweep across the regional city. One Demon Profound Clan is afraid of fear. In the middle, he was surrendered to Daqin on the ground.

South Demon Continent has fallen completely, and a large number of people have begun to flee to other continents, and this news, through their mouths, blew the entire Demon Profound World.

They are waiting for the show, waiting for Ye Dynasty to be wiped out by all the coalition forces to eliminate this possible threat.

Now things are completely out of what they expected, letting them think about it and not expecting such a result.

The ordinary people are unaware of it. They don’t know what happened to South Demon Continent. They don’t know that the coalition forces attacked Ye Dynasty. They just lived as usual. They faced this with a lot of South Demon Continent people who fled. Shocking news.

“Ye Dynasty not only defeated the coalition forces but also captured the entire southern continent. The news shocked them that they could not speak, beyond the imagination.”

To know this, even the first force of Demon Profound World, and never dare to think about unified continent, because the faced difficulties and resistance are too big, they may not be unified, they will be jointly attacked by other forces.

Now that Ye Dynasty has done it, to accomplish this impossible thing, their Demon Profound World is a total of four continents, now Ye Dynasty is one quarter, and now Demon Profound World, one quarter is Ye Dynasty of.

The news was too shocking. Originally, it was a force that occupied hundreds of areas. It suddenly expanded rapidly and directly occupied South Demon Continent, an unimaginable terrifying speed.

East Demon Continent A few legatee, that was shocked by this thing. “How could Ye Dynasty have such a strong strength? How could South Demon Continent be fully exploited so easily? With such a thunder, who can block Ye Dynasty? Ye Dynasty This is the trend of unify the world.”

The other three continents were greatly alarmed. Countless forces also convened an emergency meeting to discuss such a terrible Ye Dynasty. They must be unite as one at the moment, otherwise everyone will die together. Now Ye Dynasty is like this. terrible.

Sky Demon Sect of East Demon Continent, although Magic Seven is seriously injured now, it is highly valued, and several elders with real powers are sent to participate in the meeting of how to face the Ye Dynasty.

The things of Ye Dynasty, that makes the entire Demon Profound World unsafe, the parties panic, everyone is afraid of Ye Dynasty, now Ye Dynasty is still swallowing the last body of this South Demon Continent, will not be the other afterwards Continent hands-on, this is the most worrying thing for everyone.

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