The corpses on the ground have been paved with ground, almost all of them are the bodies of the Soldiers of the various parties. Originally, they are 600 millionsoldiers. Now there are only 200 million left, and they are still dying rapidly. The blood has already stained the red earth, and the smell of blood is tangy. To dye the sky into blood.

In the absence of surrender, only all died here, facing the encirclement of Ye Dynasty, and the crushing strength, none of them can escape.

Others understand this truth, their hearts are gray, they are finished, there is no possibility of victory, this time they really did not think, why Ye Dynasty emerged so many City Lord, and the dragon monster.

This time it was completely defeated in their hands. Without them, they had already ruined Ye Dynasty.

I heard that Ye Dynasty is supported by mysterious forces, but this mysterious force is too powerful. It is simply to smooth a continent’s strength. Now I can see this terrifying strength. They are afraid, and they are even more sigh.

I don’t know the true strength of this power. This time, it is not known whether Ye Dynasty is all-inclusive.

However, I heard that this mysterious force comes from outside. It is a big force in Heaven Awaken World. The real power may not only be so, it may be dozens of times of strength now, and Demon Profound World is really dangerous.

All parties rationally chose to surrender, and Zhao Wei did not refuse, and all accepted.

The City Lord surrendered above, and there was nothing unexpected about the Soldiers below. All of them were laid down, and they were honestly kneeling on the ground and surrendered to the foot of Great Qin’s.

Ye Dynasty The parties cheered with excitement and excitement. This time, such a big crisis can even be said to be the catastrophe of Ye Dynasty. But they still resisted and were not destroyed by all the coalition forces. It was really amazing. I am happy.

Moreover, they are still fighting on all sides of the coalition, and their losses on this side are also very small. This is the biggest victory of Ye Dynasty.

Of course, they are also extremely grateful to the mysterious forces. Without them, Ye Dynasty couldn’t resist it. At the same time, the power of the mysterious forces was so powerful that they were shocked and curious about their true identity.

“Your Majesty, the City Lord and Soldiers have been conquered, how should we act now?” White began to clean up the battle, respectfully asked Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei nodded and said, “Now prepare for a full capture of South Demon Continent!”

To resist the coalition forces of all parties, it is only to use Great Qin’s strength, and once Great Qin’s strength is leaked, it will inevitably lead to greater hostility, and then more people will jointly attack Ye Dynasty. In contrast, Zhao Wei does not intend to cover up. What, directly unified South Demon Continent.

Occupy a continent as a defensive base to counter the other three continents, and also quickly enhance the overall strength of Great Qin’s in a short time.

This is the purpose of Zhao Fu’s. Originally, Zhao Wei does not want to do this because the risks and pressures are too great. For example, this time the Daqin army was dispatched, and Human World has only civil servants, and a few City Lords are responsible for guarding. It can be said that it is very weak.

If Human World knows that the Daqin army has attacked Demon Profound World, once it attacks the Daqin, Daqin will suffer a lot.

Because Daqin’s top-level main force is now in Demon Profound World, there is no quick return method. The main force was already late when returning to Human World.


When he was obedient, he immediately turned and left, and issued an order. The City Lords successively led the action and began to act, turning into a stream of light and shooting at the horizon.

The dragon hovers in the sky, and when it receives the command, it also flaps its wings to bring a gust of wind and flies forward.

A hundred meters high Corpse Soul Commander, wearing heavy armor, carrying a big shield, taking a consistent pace, making a thunderous sound.

The eight Sea Beast Kings are also excited. They like the feeling of being a big killer. They haven’t been very addicted yet. After learning the command of a full-scale attack, they made a loud roar and then followed the terrifying momentum. The people of Daqin flew forward.

Countlessly the streamed Sky City Lord, the flying dragon in the sky, the terrible Giant walking on the ground, and the eight huge behemoths, marched forward together.

This scene is extremely shocking. It can be said that the attacking images that are rarely seen, the terrifying momentum emitted, and the shocking all directions, no one can resist.

Ye Dynasty People began to understand what’s the matter, and then received orders from the battle, they only shocked to know, “This mysterious force has to unify South Demon Continent.”


This is something they dare not think about, because it is so difficult to climb to the sky, they are absolutely difficult to do, can found a nation occupy a large territory, they are already content.

Now that I know that the mysterious forces want to unify South Demon Continent, they are completely beyond their imagination, and they are excited and excited. No one in Demon Profound World can do this. Today, Ye Dynasty is about to complete this feat. .

“Kill it!”

A torrent of rushing floods into the Quartet, the terrible momentum is like the Fierce Tiger, terrible and fierce, swallowing everything along the way.

The first is the recent forces, but these people have joined the coalition forces. Now some people have surrendered, and some have died. Now these forces are in addition to the city, and there are people and a small number of left-old Soldiers.

They basically did not have any obstacles. The City Lord died in the city. Most people were in emergency escape. Daqin took the City Lord Seal and came over to receive the city. The city that surrendered and received it, there was nothing. It is.

A large number of people fled, and the entire South Demon Continent was in a panic. Most ordinary people still don’t know what happened. They watched countless fugitives and wondered what happened.

It was only learned that the coalition defeated Ye Dynasty was defeated. Ye Dynasty began to wreak havoc in their area, constantly occupying the city, killing all the rebellious people, and they were forced to flee.

Everyone was shocked. I didn’t think that Ye Dynasty would win. So many people in the coalition were defeated. How could the strength of Ye Dynasty be terrifying?

South Demon Continent Other places, with this news, have changed their faces and are trying to jointly discuss how to face Ye Dynasty.

But they are already late, and Daqin quickly and swallows those regional cities and starts a real full-scale attack.

The City Lord, who exudes a powerful momentum, is on the top of the city. There is no discourse, and the unscrupulous shot directly hits the City Lord Mansion.

The dragon roared in the sky, fanning a gust of wind, spewing countless flames and cold currents below, igniting the houses, and the fire began to burn. The cold current also smashed people who were scared and afraid to escape.

The huge Corpse Soul Commander also turned directly over the city wall, into the City Lord, waving heavy weapons such as a big axe, great hammer, giant stick, crazy destruction, and everything in front of destroy.

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