What happened in South Demon Continent, the accurate information was sent to the parties, now the parties understand what happened, “Why the coalition will fail, why Ye Dynasty suddenly broke out the strength of the unified continent.”

It turned out that the mysterious force was behind the support. In the beginning, several legatee actually met one side of the mysterious force.

That is, in the place where Evil E was sealed, they wanted to break the seal, but they were almost backlash by the seal. The feeling of the mysterious cloak gave them a terrible feeling, and they did not dare to shoot.

At that time, the mysterious cloak had put down the madness, let the whole Demon Profound World pay attention to it, don’t provoke Ye Dynasty, and then don’t take it.

There are also eight hundred City Lords in their Evil Dynasty, and there are countless flying dragons. They are just one of their squads, but such a small team can easily destroy Evil Dynasty, which shows the horror of this squad.

At that time, the strength of this team was definitely not too small. The Ye Dynasty, which was originally ranked in the back position, was promoted to the first force of South Demon Continent. They were a little more vigilant, and some worried that the mysterious forces would start with them.

Evil Dynasty has been extinct for so long, the mysterious forces have not seen it, and Ye Dynasty has also grown honestly, and the speed is slower than them.

From the news from Ye Dynasty, I learned that the mysterious power has disappeared, and Ye Dynasty, who has no mysterious power to help, they don’t care a little. Now, for so long, they are increasingly neglecting the existence of Ye Dynasty. .

It wasn’t until Ye Dynasty suddenly swallowed three top forces that led to the siege of South Demon Continent, who only noticed Ye Dynasty.

Because the mysterious force only shot once, time separated by so long, many people actually ignored his existence.

There is another reason. The original 800 City Lord is very strong, but now it can only be regarded as general. Now the top power does not have hundreds of City Lord’s? Now the basic top forces are already meeting the requirements.

So they are not very concerned about the mysterious forces, originally they think that Ye Dynasty has no resistance, it will be destroyed by all parties, and it will eliminate this potential threat.

But now the mysterious forces are at the same time. I don’t know if I’m not shooting. I’m not only destroying the coalition forces, but also directly capturing South Demon Continent. This is really amazing. I never thought about this mysterious force. So terrifying.

It turned out that the last eight hundred City Lords were really a small team. Now, there is such a strong strength, and it is not sure whether it is all or not. The strength of the mysterious force is absolutely unfathomable.

“What should we do now?”

The parties gathered to discuss this matter urgently, and if they could not think of a quick response, they would be in danger.

Someone suggested, “Before, in any case, gather the remaining three continents all strength, even if the power is too powerful to imagine, then our Demon Profound Clan can’t just smash it, and fight with them.”

Some people also suggested, “This time it was a thing of South Demon Continent. It was totally unrelated to us. Everything was a force on South Demon Continent. I wanted to destroy Ye Dynasty. I finally led the mysterious forces to shoot. We kept it right, that After the mysterious power swallowed South Demon Continent, it should not be hands-on.”

“Because that power has such a strong strength, why wait for it to be shot now, it must be those people who have angered the mysterious force, but we just form a coalition defense just in case.”

Others also suggested, “If we want to talk to that mysterious force, the South Demon Continent has now been attacked by them, and then simply let them, as long as we can guarantee that we are a few completely.”

Everyone in the parliament spoke of different opinions, each with its own reasons, and began to argue, and did not make a decision at one time.


“Your Majesty, South Demon Continent has all been attacked, and now is cleaning up the mess.” Bai said to respect Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yu’s mouth rose and showed a satisfied smile. Daqin got a continent. If he could completely swallow it, the overall strength of Great Qin’s would be even higher.

At the same time, this other harvest of South Demon Continent, although not accurately counted, but it does not feel less, enough to make Zhao Yu surprise.

At this time, Zhao Wei also learned some news from other continents, and said slightly, “Quickly pack up the battle and continue to attack the nearest West Demon Continent, preferably the fastest and fiercest.”


When I think about it, I also understand Zhao Fu’s meaning, with a smile on my face, obeying, and then the Daqin parties acted together and attacked West Demon Continent.

at once!

The entire West Demon Continent was informed of the news, and it was immediately panic, and all of them rushed to the past, fearing that the mysterious forces would destroy them.

The other two continents were also shocked and shouted. “This mysterious force swallowed a South Demon Continent and was not satisfied. He also wanted to swallow West Demon Continent. This appetite is too big. Can you be too greedy? Are you not afraid to stay with you?”

The things that the parties are most worried about are still happening. Now all parties must urgently dispatch, otherwise the whole Demon Profound World will fall. The mysterious force is too ambitious. If you really want to capture Demon Profound World, then they can only die. war.

Under such a huge threat, all the people of Demon Profound World were also flustered at this moment. I didn’t expect to have the revolution of Ye Dynasty once, and it was implicated in the whole world. Now it is the whole crisis of Demon Profound World. in. It is really amazing.

Countless Demon Profound Clan is also anxious to rush to West Demon Continent, this time must block the mysterious forces, or wait for them to destroy West Demon Continent, they left two continents absolutely not guaranteed.

At that time they were not dead, they had to surrender to the feet of Ye Dynasty. Because Ye Dynasty had an unclear relationship with them, Ye Dynasty might unify Demon Profound World and become the only dynasty of Demon Profound World.

The entire Demon Profound World will also belong to Ye Dynasty, they have no chance at all, can succumb to others, how can they be noble and proud.

The situation of Demon Profound World is tense, and the ordinary people are also very concerned about this matter, because this is about their survival, some people are more afraid of their hearts, I hope they will not be destroyed by Ye Dynasty.

At this time, Daqin took people to the West Demon Continent, and with a fierce and huge sea-like atmosphere, swept across the area, no one could stop, but only a few moments of effort, they captured hundreds of regions. .

The other three parties continue to arrive quickly, and the two armies also officially met.

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