The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2579 The top leaders of wizard civilization were shocked

This should be the most shocking demonstration of mechanical mysteries in Rogge's nearly 100,000 years.

Because the City of Steel is located in the north of the Mamet Alliance, and the heads of the two top forces in the wizarding world are the same person.

Therefore, in the process of exploring truth for more than 100,000 years, Rogge is relatively familiar with the mysteries of mechanics and Victor, the seventh-level true spirit magician who is the first contemporary mechanic in the wizarding world.

It is different from what Thain pioneered, which is unheard of but brilliant.

The main research direction of Master Victor, a seventh-level true spirit mage, should be the deeper development and application of magical mechanical weapons.

The infinite light, the cultural treasure created by the Gallente Federation, will be Master Victor’s main research topic in the future.

Even after absorbing and applying a large number of cutting-edge technologies from the Gallente Federation, many high-level wizards in the wizarding civilization speculated that within 20,000 to 30,000 years after the end of the civilized war, the wizarding civilization’s machinist profession will inevitably usher in a wave of growth. Unimaginable and vigorous development.

By then, there might be a new true spirit level mechanic who would break through.

And Master Victor, the true spirit-level mechanic who gained a lot during the Civilized War, might also be able to accumulate enough knowledge to become an eighth-level magician.

But I didn't expect it.

The civilized war has not yet completely ended, but the wizarding civilization has already given birth to such exaggerated geniuses and new powerful men.

Rogge, who has been promoted to level eight, can see that Thain, who is driving the combined fortress group, has not really entered the realm of dominance.

It was precisely because of this that Rogge felt deeply that the opponent's strength was exaggerated.

"My mentor once told me that there are some real geniuses in the star realm who have not yet entered the realm of domination, but already possess the power to dominate."

"Although I should have belonged to this group back then... But I'm still a little worse than the little guy in front of me, right?"

"Right, Yue'er?" Rogge looked at the white jade skeleton beside him with his chubby cheeks.

A cold light flashed across the surface of the white jade skeleton. Facing Rogge's question, the skeleton did not answer anything.

"Want to help?"

"Let's take a look first." Rogge scratched his head and said to himself.

Later, he said to Ms. Bev on the other side of the crystal ball, "The situation is better than imagined."

Some, and I found a young genius here who is extremely civilized among us wizards. "

"Well, his subordinates are not bad either."

"I really don't know where they came from?"

"From the information I received before, we don't have such a powerful combat army in the Wizarding Star Territory."

"Is this the hidden force sent by Ms. Bev?" Rogge said, and transmitted the real-time battle scene in the starry sky in front of him to the end where Bev was.

When the war scenes from Rogge were transmitted.

On the other side of the crystal ball, Bev couldn't help but wipe her jade lips with her right hand when she looked at the battle scene in the starry sky, especially the extremely large fortress robot with master-level combat power.

"This is……"

Later, in the corner of the battle scene passed by Rogge, Bev saw the sound and shadow of Gongsun Wudi fighting in golden armor.

Her surprise immediately turned into joy, and a bright light flashed in her eyes.

"Support them immediately to ensure that the battle loss rate of this legion will not be too high."

"The civilized war is almost over. Any loss is a meaningless waste for our wizard civilization."

"After this war is over, bring the leader of this legion back to me." Ms. Bev ordered Rogge.

"Okay." A white bone staff appeared in Rogge's hand.

It seems that in this war, he also has to exercise.

At the same time, a gray-black magic message was sent from Rogge.

He is summoning the nearby Mamet United Army to gather here.

After all, when Rogge was first sent to intercept the federal fleet, he was not asked to do it alone.

Similarly, the God Crystal in the Gallente Federation fleet is also an incredible thing.

To be honest, Rogge didn't want to be blown up by this thing.

"So, where should we go first?" Rogge pondered in his heart, go first.

When entering a war zone.

On the starry sky battlefield in front of us, another incident occurred.

The accident came from Thain.

In the cab, Thain's body is surrounded by the energy of azure mysterious mechanical laws.

He raised his head slightly and said to Fumila, who had maintained the ability to merge with him, "Let's try that move."

Fumila, who had already merged with Thain's thoughts, said nothing. On the surface of the metal body that she had fused with Thain, a special ash flame began to slowly ignite.

At the same time, Thane also activated his Ash Demon elemental true form in the driving space.

When the shadows of the laws of angels and demons overlap in this blue space.

In the starry sky outside, the coalition fortress group displayed an unparalleled appearance. The last moment, it was raising its right fist and blasting the federal "Eureka Raider" in front of them.

The next moment, there was a "boom"!

The fortress metal robot, which was already incredibly large, suddenly burst into flames on the surface of its metal torso!

The gray-black flames complement the huge size of the fortress robot, making it even more awe-inspiring.

It's like a god and demon descending from the sky!

Embraced by extremely raging flames and mechanical power, Thane's fortress robot slammed forward.

The Federation Dominator-class mecha that was confronting Thane suddenly began to collapse and disintegrate from its left shoulder under the terrifying power of this punch.

Countless metal parts collapsed and flew on this battlefield in the starry sky.

The "Eureka Raider" mecha of the Gallente Federation is among the best among all the Juggernaut-class mechas.

Including the two brain-connected pilots driving this dominating mecha, they are also the top pilots in the Federation.

(The Gallente Federation has not produced eight-level mechas. Mechas with seven-level combat capabilities are already the limit of the federation’s current scientific research methods.)

But unfortunately, this "Eureka Raider" has suffered a lot of damage in previous civilized wars.

Of the two pilots, one even still has serious hidden injuries.

Including the energy of the Dominator-class mecha, it is also in

Down state.

Now, in the confrontation with Thain's Union Fortress robot, he actually fell into the disadvantage first.

Seeing this scene, the eighth-level true spirit mage Rogge, while chanting his death-binding spell, blurted out "not bad" to Thain's performance.

The deep coercion of the power of the death element has not weakened in the surrounding star battlefield.

The fat man was not worried at all. He chanted the wrong spell and caused an elemental backlash.

The white jade skeleton, which obviously had good combat power, did not immediately enter the battle at this time.

Instead, he stayed by Fatty's side until he ended the forbidden spell and released the spell.

After being promoted to level eight, his powerful strength allowed Fat Rogge to continue to maintain stable communication with Ms. Bev and others on the other side of the crystal ball while being engaged in combat.

When she saw a layer of dark gray flames igniting on the surface of Thane's joint fortress group in the magic light screen, Ms. Bev couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

On the other side, Saneses, the true spirit magician who also mastered the mysteries of the laws of fire, saw a clue from the ash flames of gas on the surface of the Thane Fortress robot.

"Huh?" Thaneses said in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Bev asked.

"Those flame elements seem to contain the green fire created by Cuilis in our Flame Conclave organization."

"Who is the magician driving the fortress robot from Trilis?"

"Could it be her husband?" Thaneses scratched his head and asked curiously.

He had not heard that Trilis had gotten married in recent years.

What she didn't even know was that Triris had a mechanic friend.

Saneses' doubts made Bev come back to her senses instantly and think through everything in an instant.

She looked at Gongsun Wudi in the magic light screen, and at the same time at the Union Fortress robot driven by Thane, her eyes couldn't help but become much gentler.

I saw Ms. Bev replying, "Perhaps not Master Trilis' lover, but her...disciple."

"Disciple?!" Saneses was obviously very surprised by this answer, with a look of disbelief on his face.

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