The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2580: Early Warning Crisis of the Rubik's Cube

The war with the Federation Dominator-class fleet in front of them was smoother than Thane imagined.

Thanks to the elite legion brought out by Thane from the world of despair, Thain and others were not at a disadvantage from the beginning.

They were even the ones taking the initiative to attack.

After returning to the material star realm, the majestic and abundant energy elements in the surrounding environment are the biggest support for these returnees from the desperate world to fight.

And when he sensed the surging power of death elements around him, and the faint pressure of the forbidden curse coming.

Thain was not surprised or panicked at all.

After all, this is the wizarding star domain. From the time he killed the first federal ship and quickly used the Rubik's Cube to absorb and grasp the information contained in the opponent, Thain already knew where he was now.

The support from the wizard civilization must be fast, but Thain did not expect it to be so fast.

Moreover, the surging and suppressed tide of death elements gradually appeared, which undoubtedly explained one thing to Thane - the master who first arrived on this starry sky battlefield was a true spirit magician of the death system!

Moreover, the opponent's strength must far exceed that of him now.

The emergence of death-related forbidden spells will definitely make creatures on the battlefield who are unclear about the situation tremble with fear.

Fortunately, these guys that Thain brought out from the world of despair lacked everything except courage!

When Thane made it clear that this was support from his own civilization, all the wanderers continued to fight calmly.

Do they even dare to fight the Overlord, let alone face the large-scale forbidden curse that is about to appear?

As for the mechanical legion under Thane, they don’t even know what fear is.

On the other hand, the Gallente Federation Legion felt that they were "surrounded" since the appearance of the legion led by Thane, and their military morale was greatly turbulent.

And Rogge's chanting of the elemental tide that triggered the forbidden spell was about to become the last straw that broke the federal army's will to resist.

Especially when Thain's Union Fortress robot is suppressing the opponent's "Eureka Raider".

After all, not all federal legions have the same fighting spirit as Marshal Thorim.

Many people want to live.

As a result, chaos and turmoil gradually emerged under the pressure of the forbidden curse.

The federal army that appeared on this starry sky battlefield.

Many of the federal ships were even instigated by wizard civilization in advance.

It's just that after Marshal Thorim and others entered the Wizarding Star Domain, they changed their route without authorization and closely monitored the middle and lower-level officers.

That was why these federal ships, which had been instigated to rebel, failed to transmit the accurate coordinates of the fleet group to the wizard civilization in time.

Now, as these young men launch a rebellion, the federal fleet collapses faster.

And as the tone of the forbidden curse gradually faded away, creatures of death and darkness with terrifying auras appeared one after another from the starry sky battlefield in the light of the six-pointed star array.

It turns out that the large-scale death-type forbidden spell released by Master Rogge is not an offensive forbidden spell, but more accurately a death-summoning forbidden spell.

In a very short period of time, more than two hundred dark and death creatures of level four or above rushed out from the light of the forbidden curse.

This is not the most exaggerated thing. The most eye-catching thing is an extremely astonishing gray-black skeleton master with an exaggerated height of tens of thousands of meters, slowly walking out of the summoning formation.

From the appearance point of view, this gray-black skeleton master is much uglier than the white jade skeleton next to Rogge, and its aura is also full of extreme darkness and evil.

This skeleton master, named "Bone Demon Evil Emperor", is a powerful alien master who signed a contract with Rogge as early as the seventh level.

It's just that this guy was disobedient in the past.

At that time, because they were both at level seven, Rogge couldn't force the other party to ask for anything.

We can only invite the other party to help fight based on the premise of equal contract.

But as Rogge has now been promoted to level eight, under the guidance of the Law of Absolute Death, this guy has to show up to join the battle and meet the contract summoning time limit even if he is unwilling.

After all, at this time, if he disobeys Rogge's summons and guidance, in addition to offending the eighth-level true spirit magician, the backlash of the omnipotent soul of the master caused by violating the contract is also a weight that this guy cannot bear.


sIn fact, the principle of equivalent transactions that the Wizarding World has always flaunted is based on the equality recognized by the magicians in the Wizarding World. It does not mean that others think so.

For example, the Bone Demon Evil Emperor believes that the agreement he signed with Rogge back then seems to have a big problem now! )

The newly arrived ruler of the alien world - the Bone Demon Evil Emperor, is obviously not in a beautiful mood at this time.

Those more than two hundred dark and death-type creatures of level four or above summoned by Rogge were all subordinates of the large world where the Skull Demon Emperor lived.

When he noticed a Union Fortress robot Juggernaut that was a little bigger than him, he was suppressing the Gallente Federation's Juggernaut-class mecha.

This seventh-level master wearing a crown couldn't help but cursed to Rogge, "This war seems to be okay without me taking action, right?"

When looking at the combined fortress group where Thain was located, the Bone Demon Evil Emperor's dark eyes contained a look of fear.

This seventh-level master who came from a distant alien space and was secretly evaluated by Rogge as "ignorant" obviously did not recognize the true nature of Thane.

I just thought that the other party was also a living master-level existence.

Rogge didn't say much to this guy at this time. For Rogge, the Bone Demon Evil Emperor, the so-called seventh-level master, was just a "tool".

"Stop whining and help us resolve this battle as soon as possible."

"By the way, leave this Dominator-class mecha alone and go fight those Federation Dominator-class ships."

"Focus on observing whether there are any sources of abnormal energy fluctuations in the surrounding area. If so, notify me as soon as possible." Rogge said calmly to the Bone Demon Evil Emperor.

He did not tell the Bone Demon Evil Emperor that the so-called source of abnormal energy fluctuations was the location of the Federation's "God Crystal".

It is not a good thing to tell these "ignorant" alien masters too much details.

Faced with Rogge's indifferent attitude, the Bone Demon Evil Emperor grunted, then moved his huge body of bones and advanced towards the depths of the federal fleet group.

This guy is simply a "bone mountain", and his body surface is constantly exuding dark black evil energy.

Let Thain, a magician in the center of the battlefield, couldn't help but think about it after the battle.

After taking a quick look, I felt the urge to dissect and study the opponent.

After the Bone Demon Evil Emperor took action, Rogge and the white jade skeleton beside him also took action.

Unlike Thain, he is a body-refining magician and his fighting style is often aggressive.

Rogge is a pure necromancer in the wizarding world, and his fighting style is much more cautious.

Even... to the point of being "cowardly".

Since the Bone Demon Evil Emperor, he has summoned a lot of death-type creatures to protect himself, but it's not enough.

Rogge finally threw out two corpse-refining beasts with suppressed and ferocious auras. Judging from their appearance, they were mammoths and underworld scorpions.

The size of that white jade skeleton is not exaggerated, but its performance on the battlefield is really impressive.

Wherever they passed, explosions occurred frequently in the federal fleet.

In terms of lethality, it is second only to Rogge who continuously releases various types of death attack magic.

In this battlefield background, the victory for Thain and others is getting closer and closer.

And there were a large number of death-type legions to assist in the battle, and the casualties of Thane's legion were also kept to a minimum.

In the center of the battlefield.

In the flagship.

The red lights and sirens flashing all around herald the final outcome of Marshal Thorim and other senior leaders of this fleet group.

In such an obviously irreversible battlefield situation.

Marshal Thorim sadly issued the final order to a certain special ship under his command.

"Activate that device." Marshal Thorim sighed.

It was not long after Marshal Thorim issued this order.

Among the Union Fortress robots, Thain, who was in a fighting posture, suddenly received an emergency reminder from the Rubik's Cube!

Subsequently, with the blessing of Wuxiang Mask's vision, Thain quickly locked the special red federal ship behind this chaotic battlefield that caused even the Rubik's Cube to feel a great sense of crisis.

"There!" Thain shouted.

"Please give me a monthly ticket~

qaq~please please~"

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