The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2578 Amazing Battle

When Gongsun Wudi went into battle, Thane, after releasing two or three fire-based forbidden spells, finally waited for his own combined fortress group to slowly emerge from the Rubik's Cube.

After returning to the material star realm, those who were strengthened by the energy of the balance law of the star realm were not only the wanderers.

Including all the advanced intelligent robots under Thane, as well as the huge joint fortress group in front of them, there have also been subtle changes.

To be precise, there are many more active energy elements on the metal surfaces of these mechanical creations.

This increases the energy conductivity, material hardness, and magical plasticity of these mechanical creations to varying degrees.

Of course, the most intuitive result is that the strength of these advanced intelligent robots, as well as Thain's combined fortress group, has also improved to a certain extent.

"Could it be said that...intelligent robots are also a type of life?"

"The performance improvement of these mechanical creations can also be regarded as the compensation of the laws of balance in the astral world for the creatures that emerge from the desperate world?" 🅆

The ash robe on the body makes a hunting sound.

While Thain was flying towards the control room of the joint fortress group, he was still thinking about these truths in his mind.

He did not realize what a huge shock the appearance of the behemoth he was driving brought to the Gallente Federation Legion in front of him.

With a huge size of more than 100,000 meters, this size is comparable to the largest star-level war fortress in the Gallente Federation.

This series of fortress platforms belongs to the "dominance" in the federation's power hierarchy.

Among the six federal fleets executing the doomsday plan this time, there was no Dominator-level fortress accompanying them.

Because the Dominator-level fortress can only be used as a city-defending platform due to its huge size and energy consumption, it is not suitable for performing special operations missions.

On the frontline star field battlefield where the Gallente Federation is currently confronting the Wizarding Civilization, there are only two Dominator-level fortresses that are still in service.

And of these two, one was extremely seriously damaged.

They have lost the ability to move and jump in space, and can only be used as fixed dominator-level turrets on the battlefield in the border star field.

The Wizarding Civilization has not launched an attack on the star fields that the Federation last defended recently. It is probably waiting for news on the battlefield of the "Doomsday Plan".

At this time, unlike Ming, Qinglong Swordsman, and Gongsun Wudi who had not released the seal, they could only be said to be equal to the master.

Thane, driving the upgraded joint fortress group, is a complete master!

As the Rubik's Cube in Thane's hand emits a dazzling blue light.

The huge joint fortress group began to slowly deform, transforming in the direction of combat robots.

At the same time, in many corners of this starry sky battlefield, nearly half of the advanced intelligent robots under Thane who had participated in the battle broke away from the current battle group and actively flew towards the fortress robots where Thain was located.

The arrival of hundreds of advanced robots, while constantly transforming, merged with Thane's Union Fortress robot.

They turned into the fortress robot's arms, fists, thighs, back propulsion device, shoulder cannon...

When this magnificent metal robot, which was more powerful than all the main output ships of the Federation's Orobas-class war fleet put together, stood in the starry sky.

All federal creatures who saw this scene for the first time could not help but be stunned.

This is the most perfect display of the power of technology and magic!

When Thane's fortress robot's eyes lit up, as his mechanical arms crossed and closed, an extremely dazzling energy beam shot out from the "World-Destroying Shock Light" sequencer on his chest.

Sure enough, after returning to the star realm, as Thain's personal elemental energy was fed back and replenished, the fortress robot and all the intelligent robots participating in the merger were strengthened.

The strength of the overall fortress robot is already equal to that of the "Master"!

"Boom!" The passing light energy column of the world-destroying impact directly "cleared" the Gallente Federation fleet on the starry sky battlefield.

Compared with the storm of swords wrapped in the darkness, and

Qinglong Swordsman's sword after sword.

Thain's world-destroying impact light energy column is obviously superior in terms of killing range and effect!

In the cab of the fortress robot, Thain himself also entered a strange state.

He did not think about the insights he had just returned to the material star realm, but devoted himself wholeheartedly to sensing the new level of power.

"Is this the power of domination?" Thain, who came into contact with a new field of power, couldn't help but look at everything in front of him with excitement and shock.

What he saw at this time was not just the material appearance of his tyrannical strength.

But through the appearance of what happened on this battlefield, we can come into contact with something deeper inside.

The power of domination, the realm of domination, and the soul of domination.

Thain has also dissected and studied many dominator-level biological specimens in the past, whether it was the eye of the dominator, the flesh and blood of the dominator of Cell, or the saliva of the dominator...

But to this day, Thain still feels that his understanding of the realm of domination is really lacking!

Each of the roaring energy rays stimulated by the Union Fortress robot was able to rival the Juggernaut's attack.

These energy rays consume respectively the energy stored in the fortress group itself, the Rubik's Cube, and Thain's own elemental power!

Of course, all the advanced intelligent robots involved in the integration also played a huge role in this process.

Their own energy is also integrated into Thane's battle.

It is precisely such a large and powerful energy base that can support Thane to exert his dominance and replace the role of the general soul of dominance.

Opposite Thane, in order to deal with the sudden appearance of his "master".

Marshal Thorim not only ordered his Orobas-class fleet, but also the main attack ships to open fire on Thane.

Including the Dominator-class mecha that was dispatched with the fleet group, also subsequently entered the battle.

This is controlled by two of the top mecha pilots in the Federation.

A Juggernaut-class mecha named "Eureka Raider".

When this Dominator-level mecha entered combat mode and instantly opened up the memory alloy of its own mecha, it possessed a tyrannical body as high as 40,000 meters.

It is still like a "little brother" in front of Thane's Federation Fortress robot.

Although, size doesn't tell everything.

However, the violent collision of these two huge master-level metal creations still caused the highest level of power impact in this starry sky battlefield.

Faced with a volley of capital ships from the Federation's Orobas-class war fleet group and a doomsday weapon strike.

Thain, who was sparring with the "Eureka Raider", immediately activated the "Planet Shield" of his fortress robot!

"Booming" explosions and energy shock waves swept across the surrounding starry sky.

For medium and low-level creatures, these dominating battlefields are like places where strangers should not approach.

The collision of such a majestic energy strike with the dominator-level power will obviously attract the attention of interested people in the surrounding star fields.

In particular, this place belongs to the wizarding civilization.


"Uh, yes, I have now found the Federation Orobas-class war fleet group."

"It's just...something's not quite right..."

Fat Rogge stood on the back of a bone dragon, staring at the starry sky in front of him in stunned silence.

Behind Rogge, the white jade skeleton said nothing, quietly admiring the scene in front of him with him.

What appeared in the field of vision of Rogge and the White Jade Skull was the scene of hundreds of desperate world wanderers fearlessly charging towards the Federation's Dominator-class fleet group and Dominator-class mechas.

Beyond that, on top of these outcasts with exaggerated personal powers.

There was also a huge Union Fortress robot that astonished even Rogge, and was wrestling with the Gallente Federation's Dominator-class mecha.

"Is something not right?"

"What happened to you?" Ms. Bev's voice came from the crystal ball in Rogge's hand.

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