The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2577 The Power of Dominance

The fierce battle started when Thain and others came into contact with the federal fleet that suddenly appeared in front of them.

A large number of mechanical legions flew out of the Rubik's Cube. Under Thain's instructions, they all rushed towards the federal fleet in the starry sky in front of them.

As for those desperate world wanderers whose aura was suppressed and who obviously did not look like "kind creatures", they did not need too many instructions from Thain, so they rushed forward one after another.

Although these wanderers looked messy when they charged, they did not have the standard qualities that top civilized legions such as the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation should have.

But when they charge with their true bodies, which are carrying increasing pressure from energy elements, their momentum is quite strong!

And, there is one advantage to all wanderers from a hopeless world.

That was when facing the Gallente Federation's Orobas-class Titan fleet, the Dominator-class power beams and doomsday weapons launched by them struck.

Hardly a wanderer would show timidity in such a war.

Instead, they rushed forward with howls and screams.

The battle for domination experienced in the desperate world seems to have had a great tempering and impact on these wanderers whose personalities have gradually become distorted during their long exile.

What is the power of domination?

When a half-step desperate person escapes the lock-on attack launched by the Federation's Dominator-class fleet and approaches the opponent's surroundings...

"Boom!" The explosion appeared next to this desperate man who was half a step to the peak.

Several huge federal frigates and reconnaissance ships were dismembered into countless wreckage under the claws of this half-peak desperate man.

In a federal flagship directly opposite it, a federal four-star general looked at the picture and radar spectrum in disbelief.

"How can this be!"

"Why is it so fast?"

"This is beyond

The definition of level six pinnacle creatures in our federal regular database has been released. "The federal four-star general muttered to himself.

In the Gallente Federation, four-star generals are already qualified to command a war fleet with combat power comparable to that of peak level six creatures.

But from the perspective of the battle-experienced four-star general of the Federation in front of him, even if the fleet under his command is at full strength, it may not be a match for the peak level six creature in front of him.

Not to mention now...

It’s not just this half-step peak despairer.

The wizard civilization interception army that suddenly appeared in this starry sky is each one of the best in its class!

It must not be regarded based on conventional data and the combat power of creatures of the same level.

Even this half-step peak despairer is not the most terrifying.

The truly terrifying ones belong to the four peak despairers including Thain!

The first one to take action was Ming, who originally wanted to dominate the breakthrough process on the spot, but was interrupted.

A dozen sharp swords appeared around Ming's black robe.

As he held his right hand, these swords instantly turned into a storm of countless sharp blades.

In the world of despair, almost all wanderers can only fight with their passively evolved bodies.

But it is obvious that we are now in the material star realm, and the power of the energy elements that have just been absorbed is enough to allow these creatures, which have been "hungry" in a desperate world for countless years, to exert their power wantonly.

A method similar to the "Law God Realm" appeared at Ming's feet.

Judging from the scale of the energy level caused, it has obviously exceeded his performance in the desperate world!

He is indeed a guy who wants to step into the realm of domination.

As Ming's divine domain unfolded, he was enveloped in a dark storm of sharp blades and rushed straight towards the flagship of the Orobus-class domination fleet where Marshal Thorim was.

Although it was Ming's first time to come into contact with the Gallente Federation Legion, it seemed that he had already figured out where the enemy he really wanted to deal with was.

In a world of despair, these peak despairers have the strength to fight against the master in the short term.

Now, as Ming returns to the material star realm, the energy elements are further replenished, and he can also use the nearly endless active elemental energy laws in the star realm.

The strength and striking power he possesses at this time are obviously stronger!

Of course, Ming's behavior at this time was to use the storm of swords and rush towards the core of the federal fleet group.

It can also be seen as a way of venting his anger when his critical process was interrupted.

After Ji Ming, it was the Qinglong Swordsman who took action.

The green sword hangs at the side of Qinglong Swordsman.

As he swung his sword, he slashed forward.

An extremely ferocious and sturdy green dragon rushed towards the starry sky battlefield in front of him.

Where Qinglong passed, a large number of federal warships collapsed and exploded.

Among them, there are even two frigates belonging to the Orobus class fleet group.

They have obviously opened their AT force field cover in advance.

But under the bite and tail flick of the green dragon, it didn't last long before it shattered!

And this attack of Qinglong Swordsman is undoubtedly declaring to all the surrounding creatures that he has the exaggerated combat power to break the defense of dominant-level creatures!

"Sure enough, as I return to the material star realm, is the power of my 'Qinglong Yida' stronger?"

On the starry sky battlefield, the Qinglong Sword

The guest was still free, lowered his head, picked up his sword, examined it and said.

As for the green dragon that surged across the battlefield in the starry sky just now, it was indeed more powerful and huge than the sword Dali slashed in the desperate world, and it was earth-shattering!

The rumbling explosion echoed in his ears, and finally the middle-aged swordsman, who could have lowered his head in a daze even on the battlefield, came back to his senses.

Youming, Dao Dali, and all the wanderers acted as sharp knives and rushed towards the Gallente Federation fleet cluster.

Even Thain's mechanical legion, the battle became much smoother in the subsequent follow-up operations.

After Dao Dali came back to his senses, he picked up the Azure Dragon Giant Sword in his hand, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then suddenly dodged and continued to rush towards the federal fleet.

The general federal war fleet group cannot lock his position at all.

As the Qinglong Swordsman rushed towards the hinterland of the federal fleet.

A series of explosions occurred from both wings.

Although not like Ming, who opened his own Sword Art Online.

But the final killing results caused by Qinglong Swordsman were no less than Ming!

In addition to these two peak despairers, there were two more powerful beings present.

Gongsun Wudi did not release the self-sealing technique at this time.

It's not that she has contempt for the Federation Master class fleet in front of her, but...she is worried that after she unlocks the self-sealing technique, she will be unable to curb her promotion to the Master due to the influx of excessive elemental power!

This place is obviously not the best place for Gongsun Wudi to be promoted to master.

She must go back, to the Tianming Empire, in order to complete the precious process of qualitative change in her dominance.

As for now, Gongsun Wudi, with golden armor appearing on his body and holding a square-shaped painted halberd in his hand, is confident enough to destroy any enemy in front of him!

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