The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2561: Heaven Burial Sword

The battle between the Dark Demon Ancestor and the Demon Emperor Lu Ya was a one-sided situation.

Although Lu Ya is accompanied by the Chaos Bell, this innate treasure does not belong to the level of civilized treasures.

The distinction between nature and nurture is the weapon refining concept of the fairyland civilization.

According to the evaluation concept of the wizarding world, this imperial bell should only have the level of a high-level world-class secret treasure.

However, because this big bell is one of the three major accessories of the civilized treasure, the Sky-Opening Ax, it has a trace of the heritage and law of the civilized treasure.

Therefore, its specific power is comparable to the best world-class secret treasures.

The Chaos Clock can be used offensively or defensively, and it also has sonic attacks.

This is a treasure with extremely balanced attributes in all aspects.

As for the other two innate treasures, the Pangu Banner, which was left after the Sky-Opening Ax was decomposed, it is extremely lethal, but has average defensive power; the Tai Chi Diagram is the main defense and has low offensive power.

The other two innate treasures are in the hands of Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing sage Laozi respectively.

At this moment, even though the Chaos Bell was by his side, Emperor Lu Ya was still defeated when facing the Dark Demon Ancestor.

The continuous ringing of the bells is actually the feedback of the Dark Demon Ancestor constantly punching Emperor Lu Ya.

When fighting Lu Ya, the Dark Demon Ancestor didn't even take out his weapon.

The extreme disparity in strength meant that even if Lu Ya was accompanied by the Chaos Bell, he would not be a match for the Dark Demon Ancestor.

Not only that, as the Dark Demon Ancestor's war order was issued.

The hundreds of millions of demonic tide legions began to launch a full-scale attack on the Demon Court Star Territory in front of them.

Demon Emperor Luoyuan and others knew that the Dark Demon Ancestor did not like to be disturbed by others when fighting.

Previously, it was to chase Taoist Mosquito so that Demon Emperor Luoyuan and others could help.

Now, Taoist Mosquito fled to the depths of the Immortal Realm, and another "rear" demon emperor jumped out.

The Luoyuan Demon Emperor and others, who felt that the Dark Demon Ancestor could handle their opponents, finally turned their gaze to the Demon Court Star Territory in front of them.

This is indeed an extremely

A rich and large star field.

At least it seems to be vaster and richer in resources than the Huanyu Star Territory that Luoyuan Demon Emperor and others have just conquered.

One of the main things that the Demonic Tide Civilization relies on to dominate the world is its own total resources.

Without enough resources, how can we support the supply of the endless demonic tide army?

Of course, in addition to targeting the Demon Court Star Territory in front of them, Demon Emperor Luoyuan and others have not forgotten the Emperor Mosquito who is still on the run.

The specific strength of the Mosquito Heaven Emperor is almost the same as that of the Luoyuan Demon Emperor.

However, he was seriously injured by the Yanxia Demon Ancestor and the Dark Demon Ancestor one after another, and his omnipotent soul was seriously damaged. Even his own golden lotus treasure was cut off by two levels.

The Mosquito Heaven Emperor was like a bereaved dog. Now let alone the Luoyuan Demon Emperor, even a seventh-level Demon Emperor who jumped out at random could easily deal with him.

The Demon Emperor Luoyuan didn't mind doing something like beating up a drowned dog.

Not to mention, he can also gain the favor of the Dark Demon Ancestor.

"Lord Demon Ancestor, I will continue to chase that blood mosquito, it can't run away!" Demon Emperor Luoyuan said in a deep voice.

At the same time, a world-class secret treasure astrolabe exuding the power of special laws appeared in the hands of the Luoyuan Demon Emperor.

This is clearly a tracking treasure.

When he continued to pursue the seriously injured mosquito Taoist, no one from Luoyuan Demon Emperor made any move.

With a cautious personality, he called the Ring Demon Emperor beside him.

The two of them continued to chase in the direction where the Mosquito Heaven Emperor was fleeing. As for the remaining two seventh-level Demon Emperors and the army of hundreds of millions of Demon Tide, they brought comprehensive destruction and demonization to the Demon Court Star Territory in front of them.

The battles that took place in the Demon Court Star Territory were remarkable in some areas.

Dark Demon Ancestor

He suppressed the Demon Emperor Lu Ya by at least two realms, but in this battle between masters, Lu Ya was not as shameless and cowardly as the Mosquito Emperor.

In addition to using the Chaos Bell to constantly fight against the enemy, Demon Emperor Lu Ya almost used all his tricks to press against the bottom of the box.

The Immortal-killing Flying Knife, which had been refined to the level of a medium-grade world-class secret treasure, was used by Lu Ya during the battle.

A strange white law beam shot out from the gourd mouth and fixed itself on the Niwan Palace of the Dark Demon Ancestor.

As Emperor Luya shouted in a low voice, "Baby, please turn around!"

The head of the Dark Demon Ancestor actually rotated 180°!

This is not physical damage in the simple sense!

As the immortal-killing flying knife immobilized the Dark Demon Ancestor's Niwan Palace, his soul was imprisoned.

What the Immortal-Decapitating Flying Knife really harms is the Dark Demon Ancestor’s Dominant Almighty Soul.

However, with the strength of Emperor Luya and the thickness of the Dark Demon Ancestor’s Dominant Universal Soul.

The damage he brought to the Dark Demon Ancestor was very weak.

"Jiejiejie, not bad!"

"You are much better than that stinky mosquito that can only run away!"

Under normal circumstances, the head of the Dark Demon Ancestor should have been twisted off. In fact, his head never left his neck.

And when the Immortal-Decapitating Flying Knife reached its peak, the final rotation of the Dark Demon Ancestor's head became slower and slower.

Following the Dark Demon Ancestor's sneer, his head, which had been rotated 180°, returned to its original position with a twist of his dark demonic arm!

In contrast, Emperor Lu Ya, whose mind was connected to the immortal-killing flying knife, spat out a splash of golden blood.

This is the blood of the Golden Crow, and it also exudes the hot true fire of the sun.

The immortal-killing flying knife is actually Demon Emperor Lu Ya's most commonly used weapon.

When expanding the power of the Demon Court to the outside world and continuously expanding into the depths of the starry sky, Emperor Lu Ya relied on his own

The immortal-killing flying knife killed a seventh-level master from an alien land.

But it was obvious that the Dark Demon Ancestor in front of him was something that Emperor Lu Ya could not afford to offend.

Under the premise that the Chaos Bell could only be used as a defense and the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife could not harm the Dark Demon Ancestor, Emperor Lu Ya finally took out another secret treasure of his - the Nail-Head Seven Arrows Book.

This is an extremely evil secret technique that the sage Zhao Gongming was fortunate enough to experience.

It is different from the fairy art that is vigorously promoted by the fairy civilization in the traditional sense.

The secret art of Seven Arrows with Nail Heads mastered by Demon Emperor Lu Ya is somewhat similar to the mystical methods in the wizarding world.

To be more precise, this secret treasure is a very rare mysterious world-class secret treasure.

And it seems that the grade is not low.

When Demon Emperor Lu Ya used the nail-head Seven Arrows Book to target the Dark Demon Ancestor, and shot seven arrows at the straw man in his hand one after another.

The Dark Demon Ancestor is angry!

"You're looking for death!"

As the Dark Demon Ancestor roared angrily, a pitch-black sword suppressing the raging demonic flames torn out from the starry sky and slowly fell into the hands of the Dark Demon Ancestor.

This is the weapon of the Dark Demon Ancestor—the supreme treasure of civilization, the Heavenly Burial Sword.

According to rumors, this civilizational treasure is not left behind by the ninth-level creatures of the previous generation of demon tide civilization inherited by the Dark Demon Ancestor.

It was not obtained from the hands of the top civilizations destroyed by the Demonic Tide Civilization over the years.

But when the Dark Demon Ancestor had just been promoted to the eighth level, he got it accidentally while traveling in the void of the star realm.

This is a terrifying weapon full of darkness and destruction.

I don’t know what kind of creature it was that was left behind before leaving the star realm.

As the Heaven Burial Sword appeared in the hands of the Dark Demon Ancestor, he slashed towards the Demon Emperor Lu Ya in front of him!

With this blow, the mountains and rivers changed color and the starry sky was torn apart.

An extremely spacious space-time turbulence actually appeared because of this.

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