The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2560 The catastrophe of the Immortal Realm is coming!

Demon Emperor Lu Ya had already become famous in the Immortal Realm during the ancient Gods Tribulation.

It is rumored that he is the son of the ancient Demon Court Emperor Jun, and his body is a three-legged golden crow.

Since 200,000 years ago, when Lu Ya started to rebuild the Ancient Demon Court, he was also using the name of the Ancient Demon Court.

Therefore, many well-known demons in the fairyland were attracted to seek refuge.

What's more, it is rumored that he received the Chaos Bell personally given by Dao Ancestor Hongjun before leaving the star world. 🅆

The Chaos Bell is one of the innate treasures of the Immortal Realm Civilization, and its grade is comparable to the twelfth-grade Karma Red Lotus of the Styx Ancestor.

The Chaos Bell also has a well-known name among the demon clan - Donghuang Bell.

This was the natal treasure of the Demon Emperor Donghuang Taiyi.

Lu Ya's ability to obtain this treasure is enough to prove the legitimacy of his Demon Emperor bloodline.

Today, there are many demon saints in the fairyland civilization.

The Eight Great Sages, Shitunoling, and Wa Palace are all forces that the demons can rely on after they become famous.

The Nuwa Empress in the Wa Palace was indifferent to the world, Shituoling was close to Buddhism, and the Eight Great Sages were used to being free and undisciplined.

If we were to say that the only one with strict hierarchies and following the development and expansion model of Heavenly Court was the Demon Court established by Emperor Lu Ya.

Moreover, Emperor Lu Ya had an outstanding record of killing Zhao Gongming, the saint who intercepted the religion during the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

Therefore, both his identity and strength attracted a large group of aspiring demon clans to seek refuge with him.

In the entire Immortal Realm civilization, Emperor Luya's strength is also ranked in the upper middle.

Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian may not be able to defeat Emperor Lu Ya who possesses famous secret treasures such as the Chaos Bell, the Immortal Killing Flying Knife, and the Nail-Head Seven Arrows Book.

When Emperor Mosquito asked Emperor Luya for help, the eighth-level saint who was in the Demon Court was still a little surprised as to what had happened.

Regarding the situation of protecting the Mosquito Emperor, Emperor Lu Ya did not want to publicize it in the Immortal Domain.

After all, most of the saints in the Taoist court have enmity with Emperor Mosquito.

Among these sage Taoist courts, such as the Wa Palace and many Chanjiao Celestial Courts, the relationship with the Demon Court of Emperor Lu Ya is quite good.

Fortunately, the star field that Emperor Mosquito came to belonged to the Demon Court base camp built into an iron barrel by Emperor Luya.

It is still quite far away from the hinterland of Immortal Realm. (sThis also shows how rapidly the fairyland civilization has developed and expanded in the past two hundred thousand years, and how vast the civilization’s territory is.)

As long as Emperor Luya does some concealment work, the news that Emperor Mosquito is here should not be exposed.

Just when Emperor Luya was complaining a little, Emperor Mosquito appeared in his territory with such great fanfare.

Several demonic civilization masters who were constantly chasing behind him finally attracted the attention of Emperor Lu Ya.

Those three seventh-level demon emperors were nothing more than that.

What attracted Emperor Lu Ya's real attention was the Luoyuan Demon Emperor who had reached the mid-eighth level of strength, and the other Dark Demon Ancestor who was far stronger than the Luoyuan Demon Emperor and whose aura was even more terrifying!

Yes, scary!

Emperor Lu Ya, who had reached the eighth-level saint realm, never expected that one day a tyrannical existence would appear that would make him feel terrifying.

You know, even the sage Lao Tzu from Bajing Palace would not make Emperor Lu Ya feel this way.

This is also related to Laozi's peaceful personality and his rule of inaction.

"Fellow Taoist, help me!" Emperor Mosquito Heaven shouted from a distance towards Emperor Lu Ya who had appeared.

This is the sphere of influence of the Immortal Domain Demon Court. In this vast star domain, there are a large number of demon creatures living in almost all worlds.

When the Mosquito Heaven Emperor, the Dark Demon Ancestor and others arrived, the pressure of the Lord they carried was extremely tyrannical.

Therefore, many demon creatures of level 4 and above who did not know the truth flew out of their own world out of curiosity and looked towards the end of the starry sky.

The mosquito emperor's escape speed was really fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it quickly fled from the edge of this star field to the side of Demon Emperor Lu Ya.

No wonder he was able to escape from the Dark Demon Ancestor for so long.

And after arriving at Demon Emperor Lu Ya's side, Emperor Mosquito didn't even stop at all.

He just said, "Fellow Taoist, help me block this beast for a while, and wait until the essence and blood of this Heavenly Emperor recovers."

Later, come and lend a helping hand to Brother Dao! "

Having said that, Emperor Mosquito Heaven actually fled straight into the depths of the Immortal Realm without any intention of communicating too much with Demon Emperor Luya.

Demon Emperor Lu Ya had been secretly protecting the Mosquito Emperor before because this guy was a blood mosquito and was also a member of the demon clan.

Under Lu Ya's ambition to rebuild the glory of the ancient Demon Court, the powerful Mosquito Heaven Emperor can also give him considerable assistance.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, Emperor Mosquito Heaven had helped Emperor Lu Ya to secretly deal with many powerful people in the Immortal Realm who he could not personally target.

Many of the major cases handled by the Immortal Realm Civilization in recent years by Emperor Zie Tian were behind the orders of Emperor Lu Ya.

For example, the Queen of Ten Thousand Demons and the Heavenly Demon Emperor, who are also saints of the demon clan, have developed far less than the Demon Emperor Lu Ya over the years.

Among them are some of the writings of Emperor Mosquito.

But today, Demon Emperor Lu Ya would never have imagined what a powerful enemy the Mosquito Heaven Emperor had provoked for himself and the Immortal Domain Civilization.

Emperor Mosquito Heaven could turn into a streak of blood and escape, but Demon Emperor Lu Ya obviously couldn't do that.

The star field under his feet is one of the foundations for him to reshape the ancient demon court.

Hundreds of millions of monsters live here, relying on the breath of the monster emperor to survive.

How could Demon Emperor Lu Ya give up this great foundation so easily?

Therefore, when as many as five demonic civilization masters appeared at this time, Demon Emperor Lu Ya still had to bite the bullet and fight against them.

"This is our fairyland civilization, within the Demon Court!"

"He who is idle shall stop!"

Emperor Lu Ya flew forward and unfolded his three-legged Golden Crow body and said.

The simple and majestic Chaos Bell appeared behind Emperor Lu Ya.

As Demon Emperor Lu Ya stopped the digital masters of demonic civilization in front of him, the Chaos Bell behind him also emitted ripples of laws.

The expressions of the four Demon Emperors including Luoyuan Demon Emperor changed slightly.

Demon Emperor Luoyuan still had a sharp eye, and he recognized the huge bell behind Emperor Lu Ya at a glance. It had a majestic momentum that could only be possessed by a civilized treasure.

Demon Emperor Luoyuan has a low reputation among the demon emperors of the Demon Tide Civilization.


The highest level of his weapon is just a high-level world-class secret treasure.

If it was one-on-one, he might not be the opponent of Emperor Lu Ya in front of him.

But this time... the Luoyuan Demon Emperor and the other three seventh-level Demon Emperors were not the main force.

He turned his head and glanced quietly at the Dark Demon Ancestor.

As expected, all that appeared on the face of the Dark Demon Ancestor was anger and ferociousness.

As if out of hostility, Demon Emperor Lu Ya dared to block his way.

"Yes, yes, the Fairyland Civilization is indeed another top civilization?"

"The power of the original law contained in this big bell is much richer than that smelly mosquito's golden lotus."

"Jiejie, Jiejie, that's the case."

"The demon tide army obeys the order and demonizes them!" Then the Dark Demon Ancestor pointed forward.

At the end of the starry sky where Emperor Lu Ya looked, an endless purple raging demonic wave suddenly appeared.

Obviously, the powerful enemy that appeared in front of him was not just a few foreign masters who were just attacking the Mosquito Emperor.

It was also when Emperor Lu Ya was stunned that the huge dark fist of the Dark Demon Ancestor had already appeared in his field of vision.


The sound of the Chaos Bell suddenly resounded throughout the world.

Not only every world in the star domain where Demon Court is located heard this warning bell.

Including in the distant hinterland of the fairyland civilization, deep in the sea of ​​​​chaos, the sound of the Chaos Bell also caused waves of waves.

Outside the wild world.

In the Eight Views Palace.

The sage Lao Tzu carried the Tiandao Sword on his back and slowly walked out of the gate of the Eight Views Palace.

Looking towards the direction outside the chaotic sea of ​​​​air where Demon Court is located, he looked thoughtfully.

Demon world.

Wa Palace.

Saint Nuwa stretched out her slender jade hand, and the jade plate of creation in her hand was also emitting bursts of fluorescent light at this moment.

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