The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2562 Remarkable

The Dark Demon Ancestor's full blow caused the soul of Emperor Luya to escape.

From this perspective, he should be lucky.

Because Emperor Mosquito had tried his best before, but could not make the Dark Demon Ancestor draw his sword.

When the terrifying power of death, destruction, and darkness descended, the scarecrow held by Emperor Lu Ya suddenly turned into ashes.

Although this mysterious world-class secret treasure was not completely damaged because of this.

But obviously it can no longer be used in a short time.

More importantly, after suffering a series of blows, Emperor Lu Ya's condition at this time was also extremely depressed.

When the Dark Demon Ancestor swung down the Sky-Burying Sword, the true form of Emperor Lu Ya appeared behind him, and one of his golden crow claws and half of his wings also shattered.

A painful scream came from the three-legged Golden Crow True Body of Emperor Lu Ya.

Looking at the Dark Demon Ancestor who was still approaching in the nearby starry sky, Emperor Lu Ya took one last look at the Demon Court Star Territory beside him. He felt cruel and fled towards the depths of the Immortal Territory.

Emperor Lu Ya understood deeply that if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood.

And this is a recognized hero in the fairyland.

The opponent's attack was so powerful that Emperor Lu Ya could not resist it.

After a brief confrontation, Lu Ya was severely injured. He knew that he could only resist such a terrifying and powerful enemy by relying on the power of other immortal saints.

In addition to Emperor Lu Ya, he successively used the Chaos Bell, the Immortal-killing Flying Knife, and the Nail-Head Seven Arrow Book to fend off the enemy.

In this vast Demon Court Star Territory, many demon creatures performed admirably when faced with the sudden attack of the demonic civilization.

Lu Ya hopes to restore the glory of the ancient Demon Court, but he is not just talking about it.

As one of the three major formations of the Immortal Domain Civilization, the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation has been almost perfected during the years when Demon Emperor Lu Ya commanded the Demon Court Star Domain.

As for the other two formations that are as famous as Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, they are the Twelve Capital Gods Formation and the Zhuxian Sword Formation!

When the star formation in the sky was taking shape, 365 bright stars enveloped the light of billions of stars in the starry sky, exuding infinite power.

As the being who presides over the 365 righteous stars, each one of them is a powerful demon race who has reached the fourth level of life or above.

When the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation was launched this week, the two seventh-level demon emperors who originally had launched an attack with hundreds of millions of demonic legions were blocked.

This is indeed a civilization with good strength.

Whether it was the strength shown by Lu Ya or the power of the Zhoutian Star Formation, it far exceeded the resistance these demonic tide legions encountered when they attacked the Huanyu Star Territory before.

However, just as Emperor Lu Ya was retreating steadily under the attack of the Dark Demon Ancestor.

The Zhoutian Xingdou Formation without the blessing of the master can gather the power of 365 demon clan righteous gods. It is already the limit to fight against one master.

But at this time, there are two demon tide masters appearing in front of the Demon Court Star Territory!

And in terms of strength, the Demonic Tide Master is more powerful and troublesome than the average seventh-level master of large planes.

The Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, which was operating at its peak, finally collapsed under the combined attack of the two demon tide masters.

In fact, the appearance of the masters of the Demonic Tide Civilization was too sudden, including the attack of the Demonic Tide Civilization Legion under their command.

Before this, the Demon Court Star Territory, headed by Demon Emperor Lu Ya, had no defense at all.

Those monster creatures didn't know the direction of the star field at the beginning, and enemies would suddenly appear.

Whether it is the hastily formed Zhou Tianxing Dou

The formation was still the three most precious treasures that Lu Ya was forcibly destroyed by the Dark Demon Ancestor who broke through all the magic.

All indicate that the defeat of the Demon Court Star Territory is irreversible.

This is still a one-sided war.

Although Demon Emperor Lu Ya and Demon Court Star Territory still performed quite well in the face of the sudden crisis.

But it cannot change the outcome of this war.

The thousands of worlds owned by the Demon Court Star Territory were quickly engulfed in flames of war in a very short period of time, and the power of the demon tide finally appeared in the fairyland civilization.

At this point, another top-level civilization has entered the chariot to fight against the demonic civilization.

"Why are these guys so able to run away?"

The Dark Demon Ancestor, who felt like he had just had sex with the Demon Emperor, looked at Lu Ya who was escaping towards the end of the starry sky and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

At this time, the rainbow light transformed by Lu Ya was actually faster than the mosquito emperor in terms of escape speed.

(s; The ability of Emperor Mosquito to escape does not lie in his speed, but in his ability to transform into omnipotent beings.

As long as some of the blood mosquitoes escape like a gecko with its tail cut off, the Mosquito Emperor will not fall. )

What's really ruthless about Lu Ya is that he doesn't even hesitate too much to abandon his huge foundation and hundreds of millions of people.

This is a true hero.

Many of the powerful foreign civilizations that the Demonic Tide Civilization came into contact with in the past were reluctant to part with their mother civilization and compatriots, so they were all swallowed up by the Demonic Tide Civilization.

If you encounter this kind of enemy who only runs away and rarely fights back, the Demon Tide Civilization will be quite depressed.

Because the star realm is infinite, who knows where these guys will end up.

Unless the Demonic Tide Civilization can completely demonize the star realm, it can still chase the opponent to the ends of the earth.


When Emperor Lu Ya withdrew from the hinterland of the Demon Court Star Territory, the demonization process of this vast star territory had only just completed one-third.

In many worlds, the Demon Tide Civilization Legion has encountered strong resistance from the local monster beast legion.

The forefront of the war between the middle and lower levels has just reached the periphery of Yaoting Star, the center of this star field.

Perhaps out of anger at Lu Ya's escape, the Dark Demon Ancestor held the civilization's most precious treasure, the Heavenly Burying Sword, and struck hard at the Demon Courting Star.

After tens of thousands of years of management and development by Demon Emperor Luya, Demon Courting Star is enough to have the foundation of a large star world.

But at this moment, under the angry attack of the Dark Demon Ancestor, Nuo Da's Demon Court Star actually began to collapse from the center of the plane territory, and the main continent suddenly started to collapse.

Demon Courting Star, which has a large-scale plane background, has not been completely destroyed.

But the collapse of its main continent is irreversible.

For Yaotingxing, this loss is also extremely huge!

After venting his anger, the Dark Demon Ancestor continued to chase in the direction of the rainbow light that Emperor Luya had transformed into to escape.

While constantly pursuing Emperor Lu Ya, they arrived at the outskirts of the Demon Court Star Territory.

The waves of obscure power turbulence coming from the depths of the distant starry sky made the Dark Demon Ancestor's eyes narrow.

As a top-level civilization, the Immortal Realm naturally has more than two eighth-level rulers, Emperor Mosquito and Demon Emperor Luya.

Being wreaked by the demonic tide army in the Demon Court Star Territory, it can only be said that the other party caught Immortal Territory Wenmin off guard.

If the fairyland civilization gathers high-level power, even if there is such a tyrannical existence as the Dark Demon Ancestor, it may not be able to wreak havoc and destruction without restraint.

Now, the true masters of the Immortal Realm have finally noticed this place.

"Writing was a little slow this morning. I'm still working on the next chapter. I'll try to update it before one o'clock~"

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