The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2556 Implantation

Before leaving the desperate world, Thane did something else.

——Added a layer of double insurance to all the wanderers who follow him.

A miniature bomb developed from the ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization is Thain's main research result.

A few years ago, the Source Energy Civilization seemed to use this method to control creatures from alien civilizations that were not of its own race.

Not only the source energy civilization did this, but the Gallente Federation, which was also a top technological civilization, also played this trick during the Civilization War.

The legions that Thain had come into contact with before, whether it was the Sea Planet Legion led by Orm or the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion led by Salem, had similar situations.

This seems to be a common problem of technological civilization.

He always wants to use this method to control his vassals and servants.

If Thane had a small number of followers, Thain would naturally not need to make such an arrangement.

But precisely because of this, the number of wanderers who will follow him out of the hopeless world is too large.

Thain thought about it for a long time and decided to make this layout.

He can't put all his hopes on the loyalty of others.

Faced with this request made by Thain, there was not much dissent among the followers under his command.

It was mainly because when Thain left the City of Machinery, he had carefully screened his followers several times.

And the subsequent battles with Cellu and the sloppy old man further tempered these followers' yearning for and obedience to Thane.

For them, what does it mean to implant a small micro-device in their brain or heart that usually does not affect them?

As long as they can leave the world of despair, Thain can chop off their arms and there will be no problem at all!

During the years when Thain ruled the City of Machinery, he deeply penetrated the concept of balance of "equivalent transactions" into the minds of all his followers.

If you want to get something, you must first pay something.

When Dang Ming and two other half-step peak despairers took the initiative to accept Thane's micro-bomb transplant.

The overall promotion of this project has become much smoother.

"Of course, this is more of a preventive measure and I hope I never trigger them."

"And after I return to the material star realm, I will do my best to meet the terms I promised you before."

"Whether it's joining the Wizards Alliance or helping you find your home plane and the various resources you enjoy in the alliance realm." Thain said to all his followers.

Is it really useful to implant micro bombs in the body?

A little bit of it is better than nothing.

Just like the magical contract made by the wizarding world, some powerful alien creatures can still tear it up.

But at least after successfully signing the contract, it will have a certain binding effect on these guys.

These miniature bombs are uniformly controlled by the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand.

And through the Rubik's Cube, Thain can accurately lock the specific coordinates of these creatures, as well as their current corresponding physical status.

Having such a foreign object implanted in the body is not all bad.

In addition to gaining more trust from Thane, a powerful magician.

Thain also mentioned that when they are injured or in danger of being surrounded, he will get the news as soon as possible and make assistance decisions.

Among all the followers, Thane has a better relationship with Qinglong Swordsman.

Maybe it's because the other party showed a touch of kindness to Thain when he was in the Immortal Land?

Therefore, at the beginning, Thane mentioned that there was no need to implant a micro bomb in his heart.

In response to Thain's expression of kindness, Qinglong Swordsman smiled and shook his head.

"Everyone else has it, but I don't have it. Isn't it appropriate?"

"And after I return to the star realm, I don't plan to leave you too soon."

"Traveling the star realm and seeing more splendid and powerful alien civilizations was a decision I had already made when I left my mother plane."

"Your wizard civilization, from your introduction, is obviously a more powerful and vast civilization than the plane where I was born."

"Let's hang out with you for a while."

"How about you help me release the control of that 'metal piece' when I want to leave?" Qinglong Swordsman rested his head on his arm and said with a very free and easy smile.

The "metal piece" he mentioned was the mini bomb designed and developed by Thain.

Indeed, this thing is no longer just a bomb. In Thain's follow-up research and development, it will also have a long-distance communication function similar to the crystal ball in the wizarding world.

This is a standard equipment only for followers of Thane.

In response to Qinglong Swordsman's answer, Thane nodded.

Later, Thain couldn't hold back his curiosity and couldn't help but ask about his relationship with the sloppy old man.

In the previous battle in the valley, Thain was in the center of the battlefield.

However, the all-round image capture and information collection from Wuxiang Mask still allowed Thane to discover something strange about the Blue Dragon Swordsman.

He was even more keenly aware that the sloppy old man seemed to be interested in the Qinglong Swordsman and deliberately stopped his attack.

Faced with Thain's question, Qinglong Swordsman did not hide anything.

He said very calmly, "That old man... is equivalent to half of my master."

Qinglong Swordsman knew that the sloppy old man almost killed Thain before, but he still told the truth.

"We are not masters and disciples, but the old man did teach me a lot of secrets of swordsmanship in the Immortal Land, and helped me solve many obstacles in my cultivation."

"It's quite funny. I once tried to ask the old man if he would accept a disciple."

"What do you think he said?"

"He said he can't use a sword, he is a swordsman." Qinglong Swordsman laughed.

The Qinglong Swordsman's frankness brought a smile to Thain's face.

He patted the strong shoulder muscles of the swordsman in front of him and said, "After returning to the wizarding civilization, I can introduce you to some strong men who use swords and knives."

"The path of cultivation that we knights in the wizarding world take is also pretty good."

"Then I'm looking forward to it." Qinglong Swordsman replied.

This ruins of the God of Light in the world of despair became more and more prosperous during the development of Thane in the following years.

If it weren't for this main ruins, strangers would not be allowed to approach.

I'm afraid that after a period of development, this place will become an attractive regular settlement.

In the process of studying the ruins of the Lord of the Light God Clan, Thain's personal angel Fumila gave him great help.

Thanks to the gift of faith inheritance received from the Twelve-Winged Angel of Light, Thane was able to quickly decrypt the information mastered by Fumila and re-energize the various equipment in this ruins of the Lord of the Light God Clan.

As for the pure power of faith that is needed to activate these divine power formations of the Light Gods.

Thane was replaced by the mechanical creature faith in the Rubik's Cube.

After Thain's research and testing, it is obvious that this replacement is feasible.

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