The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2555 Rose Silver Ring

After finding the energy source and specific star coordinates to leave the world of despair, Thane did not immediately blindly open the space-time channel.

Speaking of which, this feeling is quite strange.

When he was unable to leave the world of despair, for nearly 20,000 years, Thain could only think about how to leave this damn place and return to his mother civilization and hometown.

But now that he was really close to his goal and had the possibility of leaving the desperate world, Thane was not as anxious as before...

Maybe it’s because there are ways to leave anyway, so you can leave anytime?

And the tens of thousands of years he spent in the world of despair have exceeded the total time Thain spent in the material star realm.

In terms of age in the astral world, he is still over 10,000 years old.

But in terms of body cell age, Thain is already an old guy tens of thousands of years old.

Even bigger than his mentor Lu Lianman.

"After leaving the World of Despair, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find a time and space where so many top-level civilization relics are gathered together."

“I don’t know when I will come next time.”

"For a moment, I was still a little reluctant to let go." After a certain experiment, Thain said to Gongsun Wudi.

"If you don't want to leave, you can continue to stay here."

"Perhaps Ziyou will be very happy." Gongsun Wubi said to Thain.

Thain smiled awkwardly and said, "I was just joking."

"After all, this place does not belong to us, the wizarding world and the star realm do."

"Besides, only by returning to the material star realm and the wizard star realm can I return to the Tianming Empire..." Thain said while looking at Gongsun Wudi.

Invincible's originally indifferent face could not help but tilt slightly at this time.

Obviously she cares about something, but she just doesn't say it.


The time of return is tentatively scheduled to be two thousand years from now. "

"I've been in the world of despair for so long anyway, I don't care if I spend more time."

"At this time, I may be able to repair the joint fortress group that was severely damaged in the last battle."

"Including some experiments conducted in the desperate world, we will also complete them from beginning to end." Thain said.

After hearing this, Gongsun Wudi waved his hand. It would be fine for Thain to make this decision by himself. She would not have any objections.

The repair work of the Union Fortress robot went very smoothly after that.

It's not that Thain's mechanical mysteries and Rubik's Cube are too powerful, but that after this ruins of the Lord of the Light God Clan, Ziyou threw another source energy civilization ruins in the surrounding area to Thain.

And from these source energy civilization relics, Thain found a large number of technological and legal resources that were helpful to him.

It seems that the one who breaks out the war with the Source Energy Civilization is indeed the Light God Clan.

As for why there are orcs with destructive attributes in the ruins of the Light God Clan, I believe that when Thane returns to the wizarding civilization in the future, he will get the corresponding answer.

The ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization in Thane that Zi You recently told was not as huge as the Source Energy Sub-City.

However, after Thane's research, he concluded that the main body of this ruins should also be a Dominator-class fleet group of the Source Energy Civilization back then.

Space battleships are not a research direction that Thain is good at.

Although he has rebuilt his own joint fortress group in Despair World in recent years, mana fortresses and technological battleships are originally two different things.

However, in this slightly smaller ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization, in addition to obtaining some ancient civilization resources and materials, Thain still explored many truths that interested him.

On this day, Thain called Ziyou in front of him and showed her his latest research results.

"This thing should be called 'Energy Arms'. After my modification, it can play a good role in blessing most middle and low-level creatures." Thain pointed at the belt-like things in front of the experimental table. .

These things are also available in the wizarding world. During the civilized war, most middle- and low-level knights loved to use them and collectively called them "magic devices."

However, these "belts" made by Thane borrowed many technologies from energy civilizations.

Since the source energy civilization is a technological civilization, the creatures in the civilization are generally weak.

Therefore, the main audience of these belts designed by Thane can also be adjusted down to weaker biological groups.

Thain also didn't know whether there would be a market for the device he designed in the wizarding civilization.

But he called Ziyou over today to show off his latest research results, which was just one of them. More importantly, he had something else to give to Ziyou.

At this time, Ziyou looked curious and amazed at the research results displayed by Thain, but in fact, there was still a touch of loneliness deep in her eyes.

Until, Thane handed a magic ring to Ziyou.

"Look, I made it for you."

"Of course the grade is not as good as your star ring, but I also spent a lot of time making it..." Before Thain could finish speaking, Ziyou snatched the magic ring from his hand.

This is a rose-shaped ring that looks extremely sharp on the surface, and the overall color is silver.

\u003eAnd its legal attributes actually contain a trace of devouring power.

That's right, this thing is the first world-class secret treasure made by Thane after he smelted Cell's Tail Needle.

In the center of this rose ring, there is a slender spike, which is the tip of Cellu's tail needle.

Cell's tail needle is not easy to smelt.

In order to cut off this thing, Thain used the Immortal Sword as a tool.

The silver ring, which looks like a rose with thorns, is obviously very popular with Ziyou.

She kept looking at the ring in her hand, while Thane recounted the materials and laws she used in the process of making it.

"By the way, this rose silver ring also contains a certain amount of space power."

"I've stored many of your favorite magic potions inside, such as..." Thain hadn't finished his words yet.

Ziyou threw Thain down and kissed the guy's chattering mouth.

Thain's voice stopped abruptly.

Thain stared blankly at Ziyou who was close at hand and had his eyes wide open.

The softness coming from his lips made Thain's breathing gradually deepen.

After a moment, he felt something strange about Ziyou below, bitten Thain's lips hard, and stood up again from Thain's body.

Glancing at Thain's magic robe that arched up his lower body, Ziyou said fiercely, "Pray, don't let me find you and your civilization."

"At that time, I will completely demonize you and make you my slave!"

After that, Ziyou turned around and left Thain's laboratory, walking further and further away.

After walking very far away, Ziyou looked back and touched the ring that was already worn on her hand.

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