The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2557 Leaving the World of Despair

In the laboratory, Fumila was assisting Thain, playing with a dim gray flame.

This is the fusion experiment between Ash Fire and Mechanical Mystery involved in Thane's last battle.

This experiment went smoothly, but there were some minor flaws.

And when he was about to leave the world of despair and sort out his research results in recent years, Thain was shocked to find out.

Originally, he thought that in a world of despair, he had already advanced his magic exploration to an extremely advanced level, and it would be difficult for him to make new breakthroughs.

You must return to the wizard civilization and the material star realm, get in touch with more cutting-edge mysteries, borrow the wisdom of the entire wizard civilization, or explore new heights in an environment rich in elemental power like the star realm.

But the truth turned out to be that in the process of sorting out the magical truths he had studied in the past, Thain belatedly discovered that he actually had many mysteries that he had ignored, and the small details of the experiments that he had left behind still had considerable research value. .

This may be because there is no end to learning.

During this period of time, when Thane was conducting experiments on the integration of Ember Fire and Mechanical Mystery, he did not overly pursue the complete form of Ember Fire. Instead, he re-exerted the "Dark Phoenix Flame" he obtained back then.

He discovered that this kind of law fire has higher metal fusion properties.

Before conducting experiments with the Federation fortress group, Thane first used Fumila as a test.

Fumila originally gave people a sense of holiness and had twelve dazzling silver metal wings.

When the fire of the Dark Phoenix merges into her body, it suddenly gives people a "fallen beauty".

Looking at Fumila, whose body was igniting with dim fires on the experimental table, Thain couldn't help but be stunned for two seconds.

Thain thought of these years in the desperate world, because he had never touched Gongsun Wudi, and he also kept his spirit in a state of depression most of the time.

Gongsun Wudi mentioned that he could

Go find the female humanoid despairer in the settlement and relax.

The list of choices for Thain even includes Minghua and Fumila.

Of course, Thain didn't do anything worse than a beast.

Suppressing one's original desires, as Gongsun Wudi said, is also a kind of practice.

But looking at Fumila in front of me, I thought about how the other person has been by my side for tens of thousands of years, giving silently.

Thain said, "After returning to the material star realm and the wizarding civilization, I will find a way to give you a real body."

"The Norman Federation's artificial human technology, I heard that its ultimate secret can even make those artificial humans have the ability to give birth to offspring."

"This has gone beyond the cognitive scope of ordinary metal robots."

"I believe that I can complete the upgrade for you." Thain said to Fumila.

When Fumila heard this, a peaceful smile appeared on her already beautiful face.

Over the years of following Thain, Fumila's personal strength has already reached the peak of level six.

Thane equipped her with a large number of technological weapons from Osdia Civilization and Source Energy Civilization.

However, regarding the secret of transforming nanocell tissue, I am afraid that no one had thought before that that the Norman Federation, a large technological civilization affiliated with the Wizards Alliance, would actually reach the forefront of the four top technological civilizations that Thain had come into contact with. .

It cannot be said that the technology of the Norman Federation exceeds those four top civilizations.

It can only be said that different civilizations have different research focuses.

The robot has been repaired at the Union Fortress.

After all, the various magic array devices in the main ruins of the Light God Clan were reactivated, and Thain's experiments on the integration of the Ash Fire Mystery and the Mechanical Mystery reached new heights and steps.

It was finally time for Thane and others to leave the desperate world.

These years may be approaching when he leaves the world of despair. Not only are Thane's experiments becoming more intensive and frequent, but all of his followers, including those under his command, are also very busy.

The world of despair has many "specialties" that are not found in the material star realm.

The most common one is the "Philosopher's Stone", a special crystal that can speed up the passive evolution of organisms.

In addition, all major regular dangerous areas and settlements have some special resources and materials that are very rare in the star world.

There are also ruins and ruins of top civilizations.

These things are of great value in the material star realm.

These guys who have suffered in a desperate world for tens of thousands of years may not be able to find a way back to their home plane if they follow Thain back to the material star realm, so they must think more about their future.

By joining the Wizards Alliance, you will indeed enjoy some benefits and unique resource support from the Wizards Alliance.

But in this world, the most important thing is to rely on yourself.

The Philosopher's Stone is bound to be widely sought after among the knights of the wizarding world and the vast majority of wizards' alliance member gods.

Those rare special resource materials in the star world, as well as various specimen materials from the ruins of top civilizations, will be the favored targets of powerful magicians of all wizarding civilizations.

With these, Thain's followers have the confidence and original capital for their own development.

Thain has also told them that the common currency within the control of the wizard civilization is "magic coins".

With money, they can buy their own plane and rebuild their own


Should he simply become Thane's thug, or should he carve out his own world in the huge Wizarding Alliance?

I think those wanderers were mentally prepared.

Therefore, before the astral driving channel was activated, all creatures packed their bags and brought a lot of things.

After all, after leaving this ghost place, you may not come back again next time.

The main energy-generating device of Thane's astral driving space-time channel is derived from nearly one-third of the flesh and blood of Cell's test subject.

The powerful phagocytic properties of Cell Cells meant that after Thane and others captured more than a hundred weak and innocent wanderers, their flesh and blood energy should be enough to support them in returning to the material star realm.

The arrangements made by Thain were more than that.

He also planted a magical destructive fuse in the space-time channel of the ruins of the Lord of the Light God Clan.

This layer of arrangement will not destroy the remains of the Lord of the Light God Clan, but it can block the ideas of those who come after him.

After returning to the star realm, Thain must consider some practical issues.

Thain did not want the coordinates of his civilization to be discovered prematurely by Ziyou and the civilization behind him.

Thain's method was not considered covert.

Ziyou might have noticed it, but it's also possible that he didn't care.

But in the end, she didn't ask anything.

As the day of departure approached, Ziyou's subordinates gradually reappeared around the ruins of the Guangming God Clan.

Thain handed them the last of his research results on ancient civilization.

This signifies that Thane and these creatures from the Demonic Abyss world are at peace with each other.

"So, goodbye."

Before the Star Boundary Drive Channel, Thain said to Ziyou who came to see him off.

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