The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2529 Construction and Reshaping

Since the surrender of the Two-Cannon Orangutan and the Desperate Gnome, more and more wanderers in the Osdia settlement have looked at Thain with surrender.

Maybe they haven't completely surrendered in their hearts, but at least they have surrendered on the surface.

This is enough.

And if Thane wants to completely rule the Osdia settlement, he can't just rely on a big stick, but also a sweet date.

Thain believed that he had enough energy crystals and other magic potions on hand as a reward.

He will conquer these powerful wanderers.

Even if he can't completely conquer them, it shouldn't be a problem to get them to work for him through equal-price transactions.

It is difficult for Thain and his intelligent robots to completely mine the ancient civilization materials in the mechanical space in a short period of time.

These large numbers of wanderers will be Thain's most high-quality labor force for some time to come.

Even if the conquest situation is better, these wanderers from the ruins of the Osdia civilization may not be able to become direct descendants similar to those that Thane conquered in the Mechanical Valley.

As for the threat from Sarru mentioned by the Twin Cannon Gorillas and others, Thain said that they would naturally be protected.

As for killing, or even capturing the Cell test subject alive, Thain naturally wanted it.

With the strength of Thain, Gongsun Wudi, Ziyou and others, it shouldn't be a problem to jointly capture the Cellulite test body.

Even without the help of Thain and Gongsun Wudi, Ziyou could threaten Shalu's life by revealing all her trump cards.

I just don’t know, more than a thousand years have passed, what is the current status of the Shahru test body?

I heard from Shuangpao Orangutan and others that it appeared with a tail hundreds of years ago.

Did it also escape from the pursuit of the Blood Mosquito Lord?

Where did the more powerful Blood Mosquito Lord go?

Thain and others can deal with the threat of Shalu, but they still have no resistance at all against the more powerful Blood Mosquito Lord, who may have reached the eighth level of Lord.

Faced with Thain's questioning look, Ziyou said that she didn't know much.

However, she mentioned to Thane in an uncertain tone, "That blood mosquito master should no longer threaten us."

Ziyou's uncertain answer made Thain's mouth twitch.

But even now, it is impossible for Thain to make the decision to temporarily change the next operating base.

And soon, the end of the battle between Gongsun Wudi and the black-clad despairer officially marked the end of the chaos in the Osdia settlement.

The severely wounded desperate man in black took a deep look at Gongsun Wudi, and then said, "Half of the output of this settlement belongs to you."

After that, the desperate man in black flew away.

He actually did not leave this settlement, but just flew towards his residence.

He didn't seem worried at all. Thain and others would pursue the victory and kill him.

The fact is that no matter how fierce Thain and others are, they cannot kill all the wanderers in this settlement area.

The desperate man in black in front of him has naturally surrendered and expressed his willingness to accept Thain's dominant rule over this settlement.

There is no need for Thain to continue fighting to the death.

Doing that will only make more wanderers stand on the opposite side of Thane.

And judging from the actual battlefield situation, this

A desperate man in black with multiple sharp blades, his strength was much greater than that of the Golden Scarab, which was killed by Thane and Zi You together.

Thane's Union Fortress robot has consumed more than half of its energy.

Ziyou's star ring has already entered the cooling period.

If they continue to fight, Thain may not be able to control the opponent like he killed the Golden Beetle.

Seeing the back of the desperate man in black leaving, Thain couldn't help but look towards Gongsun Wudi.

Unexpectedly, Gongsun Wudi, who had just finished the battle, also showed some appreciation for the desperate man in black who was leaving.

This is indeed a good opponent that Gongsun Wudi can face up to.

After the battle at the ruins of the Osdia civilization ended, the name of this settlement was officially renamed "Mechanical City" by Thane.

Only the name of the settlement was changed, and it did not have much impact on the homeless people in the settlement at first.

However, shortly afterwards, Thain commanded many intelligent robots under his command and began to carry out drastic reforms in this "Machine City".

He looked at the huge metal buildings that were changing with each passing day and contained a strong magic technology style, gradually rising up around him.

All the wanderers in the Mechanical City couldn't help but gape at the changes taking place.

In the construction process of the Mechanical City, not all those who contributed were the advanced intelligent robots under Thain.

Those followers who were brought out by Thane from the Mechanical Valley also played a very good role in setting him up during this period.

And in the process of their work, they also attracted many wanderers from the original Osdia settlement to participate in the construction of Thane Mechanical City.

There is no way, Thain gave too much!

Just the energy crystal reward he gave to the wanderers was something they couldn't refuse.

Not to mention, in addition to the energy crystals, Thain also produced many rare potions made by himself to reward those with the most outstanding performance.

When the life potion made from the flesh and blood essence of the golden beetle was taken out by Thain.

The original half-step peak despairer in the settlement also invested in the planning and construction of Thane Mechanical City.

Thain even heard Ziyou mention that the black-clothed weirdo, the peak despairer who was severely injured by Gongsun Wudi, almost walked out of his residence because of the Brilliant Golden Beetle potion.

In short, the remains of the Osdia civilization, which were originally in ruins, are being constantly reshaped according to Thain's planning and vision.

Thain rebuilt this technological city, of course, not to recreate the glory of the Osdia civilization.

In fact, the technology possessed by Thane is completely different from the technology possessed by the Osdia civilization.

The mysterious power that Thane masters should be, more accurately, "magic technology".

The mechanical city being built will help Thane to more quickly improve his exploration of various mechanical mysteries and laws.

In particular, the extremely abundant cutting-edge technological materials in this mechanical city will also provide Thane with the ability to create more advanced intelligent robots, as well as create a more magnificent and powerful joint fortress group, as well as rich physical resources and knowledge resources.

At the same time, this is also the first step for Thain to establish his own power in the desperate world.

Just within the territory of the Mechanical City, there are thousands of wanderers, which is a considerable force!

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