The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2530 Ten Thousand Years Later

Is there true friendship in a hopeless world?

might have.

Although the dangerous environment and lonely life may drive many homeless people crazy and become increasingly hysterical.

But that doesn’t stop there being some truth, goodness and beauty in this world.

Feeling itself is an elusive thing.

As the trio who once provoked Thane - the dwarf, the two-gun gorilla, and the leopard.

Thain originally thought that they just happened to bump into each other, so they lived together.

There are many gangs like this in the desperate world.

In addition to limited cooperation, there will also be a certain amount of fear between them.

There are even cases where they fight each other for immediate interests and benefits.

But Thain didn't expect that the trio of two-gun orangutans would actually have some real feelings for each other.

At least the orangutans and dwarfs were really resentful of the Cell test subject because of the death of the leopard.

Regarding what Thain proposed, let the two cooperate with themselves to conduct some experiments.

After these two guys joined Thain's command, they also participated in it respectfully.

And Thane can also feel their urgency to improve his strength.

However, since Thane moved into the ruins of the Osdia civilization and renamed it the "City of Machinery", the Cell test body that brought great chaos and destruction to this settlement has never appeared again. .

In the first few decades, Thane kept an eye on this matter and prevented Cellul from coming to cause trouble.

But as time went by, Shalu disappeared like a human being.

Thain gradually relaxed his focus on this aspect and focused his energy on other areas.

After all, Thain's own experiments need to be completed, and the development plan of the Machinery City also needs to be on track.

In the following years, the development and expansion of the Machinery City officially took off.

In less than a few thousand years, the size of the Mechanical City has increased several times based on the ruins of the original Osdia civilization.

And this path of expansion and development has never stopped.

The development model of the Mechanical City benefits from its own rapid construction and the siphon effect on all wanderers in the surrounding areas.

Because the city has a relatively abundant supply of energy crystals, and the construction of the Mechanical City is becoming more and more prosperous, this settlement gradually attracts more and more wanderers, who gather here.

The wanderers who arrive here do not necessarily come here for the secret realm of rules such as mechanical space to get a chance to escape from a world of despair.

They are purely for the high quality of life here and the sufficient supply of energy crystals.

For the vast majority of fourth- and fifth-level creatures who cannot escape from the world of despair, and even those who are pseudo-desperate, a mechanical city that can bring them a stable life and even a relatively stable supply of energy crystals is like heaven!

Therefore, in addition to the expansion and development of the Mechanical City itself.

With the influx of more and more wanderers, it has led to another wave of explosive development in the City of Machinery.

Of course, having more people is not necessarily a good thing.

Especially in a place like Despair World.

Conflicts and contradictions also occur one after another in this process.

There are even many desperate people who have their own strength and are interested in Thain's dominance over the City of Machinery.

They not only want to take the City of Machinery away from Thane.

I also want to find out why Thain has so many energy crystals on hand?

Of course, Thain had nothing to say to these wanderers who were spying on them.

Thanks to the policies implemented by Thane when he first took over the City of Machinery in the early days.

In the beginning, there were more than a thousand wanderers in the Machinery City, but they gradually developed into Thain's most loyal fans.

They may not necessarily surrender completely to Thane, but they have definitely become a community of interests in the Mechanical City under Thain's planning.

In his early years, Thain conducted systematic research on the Wizards Alliance system.

Today's carrot-and-stick treatment of these wanderers in a desperate world can only be said to be Thain's active application of the knowledge he has mastered.

The wizarding civilization can control so many alliance planes, and it certainly does not rely on iron-blooded suppression.

The gift of appropriate benefits can save Thain a lot of trouble.

It is also because of this

, after the establishment of the Mechanical City, some conflicts occurred in the early stage, or the troubles caused by the powerful and below the desperate ones.

It usually doesn't bother Thane.

Only when many half-step peak despairers, or even peak despairers, appear in the City of Machines, they clearly want to compete with Thane for power.

Thain was forced to walk out of the laboratory only when Gongsun Wudi and others found it difficult to deal with it in the short term.

Thain's apparent strength is indeed not eye-catching among the desperate.

But in the City of Machinery, in recent years, no one has dared to challenge or disobey the majesty of the Machine God Emperor!

Especially two thousand years ago, another peak despairer appeared to challenge Thane and interrupted the magician's ongoing experiment.

In a state of rage, Thain immediately flew out of his mechanical laboratory, controlled an unimaginably huge mechanical giant, and finally beat this desperate man to a pulp.

After that, the City of Machinery was very peaceful for a while.

Ten thousand years later.

On this day, Thain came out of the experimental state.

Compared to 10,000 years ago when the Mechanical City was first established.

At this moment, Thain's eyes were filled with erudition and wisdom.

Of course, along with this temperament, there is also a touch of... melancholy.

Thain suppressed his negative emotions very well.

Several advanced intelligent robots then served Thain to change his magic robe, and assisted him in recording experiments and preparing for the next experimental project.

In response, Thane raised his hand to stop the movements of the intelligent robots in front of him, and said, "I will go find your mistress first, and the next body refining experiment will be put on hold for now."

Of course, no one dares to disobey Thain's orders.

Several advanced intelligent robots didn't say anything. They bowed respectfully and sent Thain away from the laboratory.

After passing through several advanced robots and leaving the laboratory, Thane flew straight to the training area where Gongsun Wudi was.

The experience of getting along with him for many years made Thain certain that Gongsun Wudi was there at this moment.

As Thain left the laboratory and flew to the training area, a dozen patrolling advanced intelligent robots and a larger number of

Ordinary infrastructure-type intelligent robots appeared in Thain's field of vision.

And look at their only master and founder with respect and admiration.

Ten thousand years have passed, and the number of intelligent robots under Thane has grown from more than thirty to one hundred and forty-seven.

And this number is still growing.

The emergence of a large number of advanced intelligent robots has also brought Thain's strength to a level that is unimaginable to outsiders.

Although in the past ten thousand years, Thain's true form has still remained at the level of a desperate person.

But when he turned on his mechanical transformation, the power he possessed suddenly exceeded the limit that a desperate person at the peak should have!

Two thousand years ago, the guy who offended Thain happened to be Thain's 100th advanced intelligent robot and participated in the integration experiment.

When the combined fortress group controlled by Thane has the combined blessing of hundreds of advanced intelligent robots.

It also indicates that Thane's power has truly touched the realm of dominance!

Today, Thain, who was stuck in breaking through to the half-step stage of peak despair, was not thinking about how to proceed with his next experimental advancement as usual.

When he found Gongsun Wudi who was in training, Gongsun Wudi, who was covered in white seal bandages, was sitting in the center of the training room adjusting his breath.

Her body surface was soaked with a layer of sweat, as if she had just completed strength training.

"You look irritable."

Gongsun Wudi didn't even open her eyes. She judged this just by looking at Sean's insignificant breathing rate.

Faced with Gongsun Wudi's words, Thain did not deny it.

He nodded and said, "It's not because of experimental matters."

I saw that Thain then sat down next to Gongsun Wudi without any appearance.

Smelling the faint body fragrance coming from Gongsun Wudi next to him, Thain said, "I feel a little homesick."

"Unknowingly, it has been almost 20,000 years since we came to this world."

"It's incredible. The time I have spent in this world has exceeded my age in the star realm." Thain shook his head and said.

"On the first day of the month, please vote~"

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