The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2528 Surrender

The shattered golden carapace marked the embarrassment and unbearable state of the most desperate person, the Golden Beetle.

The bright red and trembling tissue and flesh showed how weak this guy was at this time.

Even half of his head was shattered.

Looking at the dying golden beetle at his feet, Thane judged that the collision of two different tyrannical forces within its body, resulting in the explosion of energy and impact of rules, was the real reason why this guy ended up like this. .

But the Golden Beetle is also lucky.

Because the other two half-step peak despairers present who were disobedient to Thain and Ziyou had been turned into a pile of minced meat under their exaggerated blows.

Their contribution should be in the puddle of red things that Thane has marked as raw materials for refining blood essence.

The golden beetle is also unfortunate.

Because Thane is not going to let it go!

Being able to survive the double blow of the world-destroying shock light and starlight, at least in the fields of vitality and defense, this guy has surpassed many peak despairers.

Those golden carapace pieces that were shattered all over the place were what Thain regarded as the best raw materials for refining weapons.

With these things, Thain didn't know how much magic weapon equipment he could make.

Or you can smelt them and add them to the surface metal shell of your high-level intelligent robot. You believe that your intelligent robot's defense will be greatly increased as a result.

Including the flesh and tissue of those golden beetles, they are also rare raw materials for top-quality blood essence potions.

Thain believes that the potion refined with the flesh and blood of the Golden Scarab as the main material must be far more effective than the contribution of ordinary desperate people or half-step peak desperate people!

"We can obviously have a good talk, why do we have to fight?" Thane's pity and seemingly helpless voice came from the Union Fortress robot.

Deep in the ground basin, the mouthparts of the golden beetle with only half its head left were still trembling slightly, as if it wanted to say something.

Maybe I still want to beg for mercy.

But Thain had no interest in communicating with it.

"Since you are not willing to give it, then I can only take it myself."

"Your body will be my most precious

One of the collections. "

"Don't worry, I will make good use of them!"

"Until the last bit of value is squeezed out of them!" After saying that, Thain raised his right fist and then slammed it down.

The heavy mechanical arm, as well as the accompanying laws of power and vibration, directly shook the remaining half of the Golden Beetle's head into a pile of mud.

Including those tissues and flesh that were still trembling, at this moment, they were also disrupted and reorganized by Thane's huge power.

When Thane's mechanical arm, stained with sticky blood, slowly lifted up from the deep pit of the basin.

Under his feet, there was only an insect corpse that was still warm but had lost its vitality.

The tyrannical and arrogant power caused Thain's fortress robot to raise its head, and all the survivors in the settlement area who were hiding from the outside to observe immediately lowered their heads.

The world of despair is a place that emphasizes strength and primitive savage jungle laws.

From the beginning, Thain could only forcefully seize this large settlement with strength, not with hypocritical talk.

As Thain's fortress robot looked further into the settlement, more and more wanderers were taking pictures of Thain's majesty and did not dare to make a sound.

However, this does not mean that they have completely surrendered to Thane.

It can only be said that Thain used his actual actions and violent methods to forcibly take away half of the profit output of the Osdia civilization ruins.

Others dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

This situation may also involve risks.

Because they know people but not their hearts, who knows which one of these guys is actually dissatisfied with Thain.

And provoke him in the future, causing him even greater trouble.

However, a person suddenly appeared and solved a lot of trouble for Thain.

No, to be precise, it was two people.

I saw a Level 6 orangutan who had suffered a lot of trauma and flew over on his own initiative.

In front of Thane.

Looking at this huge and terrifying metal giant, with two giant cannon gorilla connected to its back, it knelt down directly towards Thain.

"I, Gedav Morika, am willing to accept the rule of the Mechanical God Emperor and hand over all my future earnings in the Mechanical Space."

"I hope the Machine God Emperor can protect us and avenge my brother!" The orangutan then kowtowed heavily to Thane.

This level six orangutan is the double-cannon orangutan that Thain once fought with and glimpsed the secrets of its living cannon.

Unexpectedly, today, it would take the lead in expressing its surrender to Thane.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. Since the "chicken" has been killed, the "monkeys" should naturally also express their feelings.

This twin-cannon gorilla has level six strength and is considered an upper-class creature in the Os Mortgage settlement. Many wanderers know him.

As it proactively reveals its loyalty to Thane, the effect will be much better than if Thain forcibly oppresses the wanderers with power.

Following closely behind the two-cannon gorilla, the one who surrendered to Thain was a dwarf wearing a bamboo hat.

It is stronger and already has the level of Desperate One.

So when it also swore allegiance and surrender to Thane, it would be even more meaningful for Thain to take control of the entire Osdian civilization ruins!

The dwarf knelt down in front of Thain and took off his hat on his own initiative.

It revealed its body covered with injuries and a broken chicken foot.

The injuries on the Double Cannon Orangutan and the Bantam Chicken were not caused by Thain.

In fact, they were not involved in the battle with Thane just now.

Faced with the surrender of these two familiar guys, and the "meaning of revenge for brothers" that the other party had just expressed, Thain couldn't help but lower his head in confusion.

Then the Double Cannon Orangutan took out a piece of black spotted leopard skin that had turned into dry skin from his arms.

This guy had his flesh and blood sucked out of his body and perished. There was even a relatively complete head on this leopard skin.

The godless black holes in the eye sockets mark

I wonder how miserable this guy's death was.

Then Thain couldn't help but look at another central place in the ruins of the Osdia civilization, where there were many obvious traces of battles that had existed before Thain and others arrived.

Creatures including the dazzling golden beetle that had just been killed by Thain also had certain injuries on their bodies.

Thain has long had doubts in his mind about what happened here before.

After calmly accepting the surrender of the duo of the twin-cannon gorilla and the dwarf, Thain asked about the reason.

So the two guys quickly explained to Thain what had happened here before.

It was mainly the Twin Cannon Orangutan who was talking. Under its introduction, Thane learned that the Osdia settlement was attacked by a Tail of the Lord five hundred years ago.

The other party appeared suddenly and caused a torrential rain of blood in the Os Mortgage settlement.

Hundreds of wanderers were sucked into human form by the tail of the master.

Among them are the twin-cannon gorilla and the third brother of the dwarf in a hat.

That's why they swore allegiance to Thane, prayed for protection, and hoped for revenge in the future.

Facing the story of the two-gun gorilla, Thain looked at the leopard that had turned into dry skin and other traces of battle in the Osdia settlement.

Thane couldn't help but think of a creature - the Cell test subject!

Has it been here before?

Then, Thane turned the metal head of his fortress robot and looked at Ziyou who was nearby.

Faced with Sean's surprised and questioning look, Ziyou, who felt a surge of purple magic power on her body, shrugged and replied, "I don't know either."

The Cellulite test subject and the Blood Mosquito Overlord were both ruthless characters who appeared in the ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization.

Following the traces of Cell's test body, it appeared at the ruins of the Osdia civilization.

It means that this residential area will no longer be safe in the future.

"We will try to update five times a day this month. Brothers who have monthly votes, please vote for Xiaodou. Thank you very much!

I’d better try my best to update at seven o’clock in the evening~”

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