The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2527 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

Thane will not start to focus on studying the law of power in the future just because he has used the law of power during the battle.

When he felt the ripples of the law of power appear between his metal fists.

Thain just looked down with sigh, that's all.

Up to this point in the battle, the effect of establishing prestige has been achieved.

Thain, Gongsun Wudi and others have proven through their actual actions that they are the strongest in this Osdia settlement.

Now, it’s time to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

The Golden Scarab, which has outstanding defense and powerful vitality, is not a target that can be quickly annihilated in a short period of time.

But Thain looked at a circle of golden beetles, black-clad despairers and other half-step peak despairers on the battlefield of ancient civilization ruins.

He still focused his cold gaze on the Golden Beetle, which had been severely traumatized and had golden blood flowing on its surface.

The suppressed and powerful energy is condensed from the chest of the Thane giant fortress robot.

This is the location of the magic sequencer of the Thane Fortress robot "Destroying Shock Light".

As early as when Thain had just completed the secret of the giant Union Fortress robot, this super large magic sequencer was installed into Thain's Union Fortress group with the help of many alchemy masters in the Sky City.

And at that time, this giant cannon theoretically had the ability to threaten peak level six creatures.

And in a battle, Thane leapfrogged the battle level and annihilated half of the body of Jiuji Demon King who had late-level six strength at the time with one shot.

Nowadays, as Thane becomes more powerful, the mechanical mysteries he masters become more and more profound.

The Rubik's Cube has also completed a new round of transformation and upgrading.

Just the combination of Thane and the Fortress Robot already possesses the strength of a peak despairer, let alone launching such a tyrannical attack again.

The dazzling energy beam in the Thane Fortress robot

Converged at the chest.

In a bitter and cold place like the World of Despair, such a shocking scene of energy gathering must be the only one that is activated based on personal circumstances, apart from the major rules and dangerous places.

When Thain activated the "World-Destroying Shock Light" sequencer, Ziyou, who was on the battlefield not far from Thain, also took action under Thain's prompting.

I saw her raising the star ring in her hand again, and the star light, which was not inferior to the coercion of Thane's world-destroying impact light, appeared from Ziyou's hand.

Compared with the comprehensive functional characteristics of the Rubik's Cube, the starlight in Ziyou's hand, which is also a high-level secret treasure, is a purely offensive secret treasure.

Therefore, its power, as well as the speed of activation and charging, are staggering.

Two magnificent energy strikes were suddenly generated and cross-aimed to lock itself, causing the golden beetle to burst into death.

At this moment, it finally smelled the crisis of death.

As a peak despairer.

As a man who aspires to escape from the world of despair, he attempts to return to the material star realm and spy on the domineering existence of the realm of dominion.

As a tyrannical being who can protect himself in the hands of the Lord's Tail.

The Golden Beetle didn't want to die, and it never expected that death would be so close to itself.

"No!" The sharp whistle of the Golden Beetle came from its mouthparts.

At this moment, in the wave of will revealed by this peak desperate man, he even had the intention to surrender to Thain and Ziyou and beg for mercy.

However, Thain didn't think that if he spared the other person's life, this guy would listen to him honestly.

Compared to this guy's behavior of begging for mercy and praying for life in front of the battle, Thain believed more that he was killing the chicken to scare the monkeys.

The deterrent effect achieved.

Ignoring the golden beetle's begging for mercy, Thain and Ziyou launched a joint attack.

The Golden Beetle's personal vitality and defense are exceptionally outstanding, but it has a huge shortcoming in terms of movement speed.

His round body looked inflexible.

When facing the death threat jointly imposed by Thane and Ziyou, this guy only moved his body a small distance at the critical moment.

This distance cannot save its life.

The powerful cross-energy shock waves directly penetrated the body of the Golden Beetle from different directions.

Its insect shell, which is as strong as gold and stone, is as fragile as paper in the face of such extraordinary power.

Even the energy beams launched by Thane and Ziyou have different inner origins.

One is astral energy, and the other is magic element.

So much so that after the two merged into the body of the Golden Beetle, they even attracted the body of the Golden Beetle, and then a second explosion occurred!



The terrifying energy explosion shock wave directly blasted the ruins of the Osdia civilization down into a large crater that can be called a "basin".

The impact that Thain has caused in the desperate world is no longer inferior to the power of domination.

The appearance of the huge basin made many of the surrounding wanderers feel terrified.

Although there are many rational people among them, they also know that such attacks by Thain and others will not last long.

But the vast majority of the Rangers who saw this scene in front of them completely gave up the idea of ​​hostility and confrontation with Thain and others.

There are many timid guys who don't even dare to watch the excitement on the surrounding battlefields.


Leave here quietly, for fear that you will be harmed by Chiyu next moment!

The actions of these weak fourth- and fifth-level wanderers are undoubtedly very wise.

After Thane and Ziyou teamed up to attack the Golden Scarab, there was still a lot left in the power they had unleashed.

Therefore, the terrifying world-destroying shock light and starlight strike then descended on the surrounding half-step peak despairers and ordinary despairers who had fought with them before.

For a time, flesh and blood were rotten, and screams could be heard endlessly.

After the terrifying energy shock wave ended, Thain drove the combined fortress group and stood in the center of the battlefield.

Surrounding Thane, there were more than a dozen advanced intelligent robots, tightly surrounding him.

The surrounding battle, as the terrifying power of Thain and Ziyou erupted, was significantly weakened by more than one degree.

Many wise people have given up on confrontation.

Directly below Thain, there are many fresh corpses and remains of creatures.

Some of these wreckage come from ordinary fourth- and fifth-level wanderers, as well as from multi-headed pseudo-desperate people, desperate people, and two half-step peak desperate people.

These creatures have indeed experienced a long time in the world of despair, and their bodies have generally evolved to an extremely deep level.

In the face of Thain's world-destroying shock light strike and Ziyou's star strike, these corpse pieces were not directly vaporized, which is already a manifestation of their superior quality.

Of course, this also means that these broken corpses scattered on the ground also have high research value for Thain.

At least, Thain should not be short of raw materials for refining the best blood essence for some time to come.

In addition, there is another guy who appears, which is also more eye-catching.

Golden Beetle, this guy is not dead yet? !

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