The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2526 Fierce Battle

The terrifying metal iron fist fell from the sky again!

The one who was being attacked by Thain at this time was a peak despairer named "Yujin Beetle".

This is a golden bug with a body size of about 100 meters in combat status.

With his chubby body shape, at first glance, this guy doesn't seem to have an overpowering evil spirit or particularly outstanding fighting ability.

But the several long, dark red worm eyes on the opponent's head made people shudder when they saw it.

Combat is indeed not an area that the Golden Scarab is good at, but there is one thing that stands out about this guy, and that is its defensive power, which is exaggerated and scary.

When the Osdia settlement was attacked by a Tail of Overlord, a peak despairer died and several sixth-level creatures died.

The fact that the Golden Beetle was able to survive that battle with only a few scratches on its lower back was proof of its ability!

In fact, the world of despair is indeed a special time and space that is most suitable for the development and growth of the golden beetle.

If it were in the material star realm, given another hundred thousand years, it might not be able to reach where it is today.

But at this time, it has only been more than 30,000 years since it wandered into a world of despair.

The carapace shone with golden light, and when Thane's endless iron fist hit it, it just made a metallic sound.

This guy who stood upright in mid-air to deal with the majestic Thane Fortress robot was like a golden pea. No matter how hard he hammered it, he couldn't flatten it!

Of course, this is just the sigh uttered by Thane in the fortress robot.

In fact, the Golden Beetle, who had not fully recovered from his injuries in the last battle, also suffered a great deal in the face of Thain's punch after punch of the powerful metal iron fist, as well as the almost continuous artillery fire from the fortress. pressure.

It was okay to be knocked down by the frontal bombardment, but as it lasted for a long time, the counter-shock force that penetrated deep into the flesh of the Golden Beetle almost made it vomit blood.

When the conflict with Thain's joint fortress group just broke out, this guy showed a certain disadvantage.

On the other side, the peak despairer who was fighting Gongsun Wuyi was a weirdo holding many sharp blades.

The other party was wearing jet black and looked like

Special armor that looks like rag strips.

The weapons used were also special blades that Thain had never touched before.

Judging from the special energy fluctuations they display, two of these sharp blades have reached the level of world-class secret treasures.

And it seems that the grade is not bad, with the level of a low-middle-grade secret treasure.

However, in a bitter and cold place like the World of Despair, it is destined that most world-class secret treasures are difficult to possess extremely abundant energy elements.

The sharp blades in the hands of the weirdo in black were mostly restrained at this time.

During the battle with Gongsun Wudi, he rarely inspired any powerful sword energy.

Most of the time, they relied on the materials of the swords themselves to defend against enemies.

At this moment, Gongsun Wudi did not summon his own weapons such as Golden Armor and Fang Tian Painted Halberd.

Her equipment is maintained by sufficient energy from Thane's Cube, and its blessing power must be far greater than that of this weirdo in black.

It's just that Gongsun Wudi is in an explosive state of releasing the self-sealing technique at this time. She may think that she doesn't need the blessing from the equipment for the time being.

And on top of the peak despair, Invincible, who has explored the path to higher power, has never stopped growing for a moment.

The battle with the desperate man in black is also a test for Gongsun Wudi.

I saw Gongsun Wudi, whose speed was too fast to catch, colliding with the desperate men in black one after another in the sky.

Many weak level four wanderers in the settlement can only see the afterimages of the two.

Only those true masters can observe that in every collision and confrontation, Gongsun Wudi showed them exaggerated scenes of grabbing the sword with his bare hands.

The battle scene between the black-clad Despair and Gongsun Wudi was far less impressive than Thane's.

But in terms of viewing ability, the battle on Gongsun Wudi's side is undoubtedly much more exciting.

Many strong men who have embarked on the path of passive evolution and refined their fighting skills can learn a lot from the battle between Gongsun Wudi and the desperate man in black.

On the other hand, Thain's side... well, it was a pure catharsis of power, and Thain's arrogant battle showed off his exaggerated firepower and equipment to the many wanderers around him!

Mechanical God Emperor!

When ten advanced intelligent robots quickly gathered around Thain's robotic arm and merged with Thain's Union Fortress robot arm.

The huge mechanical arm once again blasted towards the Golden Beetle, producing a roaring vibration and a tooth-piercing, harsh metallic sound.

Explaining to all the living creatures around him why Thane has such a title.

On the last side, the battlefield Ziyou was on was not bad either.

This princess of the Demonic Abyss World who inspired the energy of the star ring, when facing the enemy, mainly vented the energy of the star ring to other half-step peak desperate people and ordinary desperate people on the surrounding battlefield.

And in a very short period of time, it caused an eye-catching impact.

The battle launched by Thane and others in this ruins of the Osdia civilization must be resolved quickly.

Because Thain's attempt to occupy half of the ownership of the Osdia civilization ruins undoubtedly violated the interests of all wanderers in this settlement.

Of course, it is mainly for the benefit of those level six and above wanderers.

With lightning speed, he quickly defeated all opponents who appeared, and demonstrated his power and authority to all creatures in this settlement.

Only then can Thain take over this place most smoothly.

Otherwise, Thain would not want to face all the creatures above level four in this settlement area by himself.

Thousands of vicious wanderers rushed towards them, and Thain thought that even the master had to retreat.

In the actual battle process, the opponents of Thain, Gongsun Wudi and Ziyou were not static.

Thousands of years of experience in getting along have created an extremely tacit understanding among these people.


For example, Ziyou's extremely powerful star ring attack, in addition to hitting those half-step peak desperate people who were ready to make a move, also assisted Thain and tore a hole in the belly of the Golden Scarab!

Saindou punched hard, damaging the flesh and blood tissue in the carapace of the Golden Beetle, but did not damage the opponent's shell much. Ziyou's star ring tool penetrated the opponent's defense with one shot.

It can be seen how powerful her attack is.

No wonder it was able to cause effective damage to Shahru's test questions before.

The extremely tacit cooperation allowed Thain and others to firmly grasp the initiative on this chaotic battlefield from the beginning!

What all creatures saw was that Thain suppressed the Golden Beetle with his extremely exaggerated mechanical body, and soon caused serious injuries to the opponent.

The battle between Gongsun Wudi and the desperate man in black made many strong men in the settlement calm down.

The vast majority of level four and five wanderers choose to wait and see at this moment.

This battle is indeed beyond their reach.

As for the more powerful sixth-level creatures and the desperate ones, they became more solemn and silent after another punch from Thain drove the golden beetle into the ground.

In the sky.

After exchanging opponents with Zi You, Thain faced the Golden Scarab again. When he waved his metal iron fist again, he vaguely realized a hint of the "Law of Power".

There is a saying in the fairyland civilization that the great road leads to the same destination through different paths.

Thain agrees with this statement.

Thain has never had in-depth contact with the law of power before, and has only seen a little bit of it in Tourmaline and Lenna.

I didn't expect that I would be able to gain some insights when using the fortress robot to fight today.

Even before, it could hit the flesh and blood tissue inside the opponent's carapace through the shell of the Golden Beetle.

It was also because during the battle, Thain learned and applied the more subdivided laws of shock in the field of power laws that Bixi had shown him.

Judging from the results, it is obvious that Thain imitated well.

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