The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2525: Negotiation Collapse

Feimli is the "old man" who followed Thain from the Mechanical Valley all the way to the ruins of the Osdia civilization in front of him.

He has been attached to Thane for thousands of years.

After Thain had just established his dominance in the Mechanical Valley, Feimli was one of the first batch of level four survivors to pledge allegiance to Thain.

Feimli used to be very timid and cowardly.

It has a lot of strength, but in a bitter and cold place like the Despair World, it can't even fill its stomach.

The fifth-level biological chocolate was Femli's backer back then. It was due to the fair distribution of chocolate that the group of survivors in the Mechanical Valley were able to survive before the arrival of Thain.

Yes, that kind of situation cannot be said to be life, it can only be said to be survival.

How sad it is for a generation of fourth-level creatures to live here.

Feimli, who had entered the world of despair for just three thousand years, felt that it was longer and more difficult than the thirty thousand years he had spent.

The miserable life and the constant torment from the surrounding environmental laws put Femli's cells under extremely heavy pressure all the time. 🅆

Under such pressure and darkness, Femli almost forgot what the mother plane he came from back then looked like.

It was a low-level plane with only one fifth-level creature at most.

At that time, Feimli, who was in the early stage of level four, was living a very prosperous life in his mother plane.

Enjoying the adoration and admiration of countless people, and also being able to receive the care of the will of the mother plane.

But now, all this can only appear in dreams.

And more than a thousand years ago, the appearance of Thane finally ushered in a ray of light for Femli after thousands of years of entering the desperate world.

He just sold part of his blood and the black villi on his body.

Feimli got the energy crystal that he had not seen for countless years, and the potion that made his heart and lungs beat vigorously after drinking it!

In fact, Feimli has never forgotten revenge, and took revenge on the fourth-level peak wanderer who had bullied it and trampled on its dignity after entering the world of despair.

After so many years, perhaps the wanderer has become stronger, and Femley has gradually lost his desire for revenge.

But Thain's appearance did rekindle the fire of hope in Feimli.

A sufficient supply of energy crystals can make Feimli's passive evolution faster and stronger.

And the magic potion that flowed out of Thain's hand has become a rare treasure for all survivors in the Mechanical Valley settlement in recent years.

Among them, the most precious blood essence potion allows every wanderer who is experiencing the rules of a desperate world to clearly understand how much effect it will have on him!

Just a thousand years

Over time, Feimli's strength gradually increased from mid-level four to late level four.

In the future, he believes that he will go even further.

Therefore, even without the coercion and participation of his old backer Chocolate and other familiar survivors in the settlement, Feimli will continue to firmly follow His Highness the Machine God Emperor.

Before arriving at the ruins of the Osdia civilization, Feimli had already learned that this was a place that His Highness the Mechanical God was bound to win.

And observing the various conditions here, it is much better than the Mechanical Valley where Feimli and others lived together before.

Here, the number of homeless people living here alone exceeds a thousand!

Therefore, the less than fifty survivors under Thain's command were not particularly eye-catching after arriving in this settlement.

"Is this place going to be under our control soon?" Femli couldn't help but feel a little excited.

When Femli was ready to fight, a level four wanderer that looked a bit like a black cicada flew to Femli's side, apparently wanting to fight alongside him.

This guy was Femli's new little brother when he was in the Spark Settlement.

Isn't it very reasonable for Femli, who has late level four strength, to have a younger brother who has early level four strength.

This fourth-level wanderer who looks a bit like a cicada is named Guyato, and he is a very trouble-making guy.

When he was in the Spark Settlement, it was the one that provided Feimli with a piece of solar iron waste that contained the power of the blazing sun.

Therefore, he integrated into the survivor group under Thane and worshiped Feimli as his eldest brother.

Seeing this guy who had just lived in a desperate world for a thousand years, there was still a bit of nervousness on his expression.

Feimli also suppressed the slight uneasiness and nervousness in his heart, and said to Guyato with a seemingly relaxed expression, "Hey, you guy, don't you always ask me why you call Master Thain the 'Machine God Emperor'?" ?"

Seeing Guyato's two protruding black eyes looking over, Femli chuckled and said, "You'll be able to see it next."

Sure enough, as Feimli finished speaking, a majestic "Boom!" sound sounded.

Amidst the trembling movement, a huge metal robot with a height of 100,000 meters, far exceeding Gu Yatuo's imagination, was seen standing in the center of this ancient ruins.

Even the tallest building in this top-level technological civilization ruins looks so small and small in front of Thane's Union Fortress robot.

In addition to this huge metal object, as many as thirty high-powered intelligent robots suddenly appeared next to the giant fortress.

Some of these high-level intelligent robots with obvious power fluctuations of level four or above flew towards the fortress robots. With their own structure, after deformation, they perfectly integrated with Thain's coalition fortress group.

There are also some smart robots that fight alone. Without exception, they all have extremely strong firepower!

The picture that appeared in front of him completely stunned Guyato.

Not to mention that he had never seen such an exaggerated behemoth in the world of despair, even when he was in the material star realm, Gu Yatuo had never seen it before!

What Feimli didn't know for the time being was that the little brother he was protecting in front of him actually came from a large world civilization in the star realm - the world of Cicada Wing.

Although his strength is not high, Guyato is definitely more knowledgeable than Feimli.

But its huge, dark, protruding eyes were filled with shock and disbelief. 🅆

Coupled with its black charcoal appearance, Guyato seemed even more stunned.

Feimli is still a reliable big brother.

As Thane brazenly took action in the center of this ancient civilization ruins, "rumbling" explosions and power shock waves came from the central battlefield.

Feimli hurriedly called to Guyato who was still in a daze and said, "You brat, why are you dazed? Get ready to fight!"

"Don't die here."

"If you die, you won't be able to receive the energy crystals and magic potions that Master Thain promised before." Femli shouted at Guyato.

Guyato nodded hurriedly and entered an early warning combat state.


Not to mention the specific thoughts of those weak survivors who are attached to Thane.

As Thain summoned his own Union Fortress robot directly over the ruins of the Osdia civilization, it was a sign that Thain had broken down with the top powerhouses in this large settlement!

The situation was slightly different from when Thane left here more than a thousand years ago.

At this time, the number of peak despairers in the Osdia settlement increased from three to two.

There are also several fewer ordinary desperate people and half-step peak desperate people.

As for the weaker fourth- and fifth-level wanderers, and even the pseudo-desperate ones who have reached the sixth level of life, the total number has dropped sharply from 1,788 before Thain left to 1,200 now.

The loss of nearly one-third of the power indicates that the Osdia settlement has obviously undergone great changes in recent years.

Moreover, all the high-level experts here were injured.

But for what Thain proposed, he asked for nearly half of the mechanical land in the settlement area, as well as the right to first choose the loot after entering the secret realm of mechanical space in the future.

The creatures present in these ancient civilization ruins

, how can you agree? !

These guys are all extremely tough masters, and they are also existences that often lick blood from their swords.

They are completely different from the group of weak survivors in the Mechanical Valley settlement.

Especially the two powerful peak despairers present, they have not given up their obsession to escape from the world of despair.

The current ruins of the Osdia civilization are what they believe to be the key to escaping from the desperate world.

How could he give up his own interests just because of Thain's words?

When it comes to a struggle for interests, the result can only be determined through fighting.

With many wanderers in front of him remaining stubborn, Thane has regarded the ruins of the Osdia civilization as a ban on his development for a long time to come.

He suddenly summoned his own fortress robot and waved the fortress robot's huge metal iron fist towards a peak despairer in front of him.

"Rumble!" The sound of steam explosion was produced between Thain's fists.

At the same time, a large number of fortress artillery and energy element beams suddenly spewed out from all over the Thane Federation fortress robots!

This is definitely a combat experience that these homeless people in this desperate world have never experienced before.

Even in the material star realm, it is estimated that they have never experienced such an exaggerated all-round attack!

When Thain took action, Gongsun Wudi and Ziyou also took action.

Considering that this battle is very important to Thane and is almost related to his growth of truth and mystery for a long time in the future, Gongsun Wudi suddenly unlocked his self-sealing technique!

As the white sealing bandage was removed, extremely exaggerated and powerful ripples of Gang Qi swept in all directions to the west, centered on Gongsun Wudi.

In terms of the oppressive aura and strength of his power, Gongsun Wudi is clearly superior to Thane, who is currently controlling the Union Fortress robot!

Gongsun Wudi's outburst obviously frightened many of the desperate world wanderers present.

If it weren't for the fact that she didn't have a master-level aura on her body, I'm afraid many people would think that she was a living master!

Ziyou was also secretly stunned by Gongsun Wudi's explosive momentum.

Because of this, she became even more enthusiastic about asking Thane for the rules and techniques of self-sealing.

Of course, Ziyou's performance wasn't bad either.

As she put the star ring on her hand, she slowly activated half of her power.

The powerful law energy contained in it shocked the high-level experts in the Osdia settlement area.

"Where did these guys come from?" Many homeless people in the settlement couldn't help but feel bitter in their hearts.

"It's the last day of this month, please give me your monthly ticket qaq~"

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