The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2524: Mechanical City

“This seems to be a top-notch civilization named Hai... Yun.

"Their dominant group is actually some marine soft-bodied creatures."

"Judging from the information recorded in the shells, the dominant group of this civilization is not good at fighting, but their spiritual power is extremely powerful."

"You can directly control sea beasts and other creatures of weak civilizations, and bring them under your rule." Thain said to Gongsun Wudi and Ziyou who entered the depths of the ruins.

Regarding the location of the main ruins underground, this ancient ruins are deeper than the original source energy civilization ruins.

This shows that this top ocean civilization started the war earlier in the desperate world.

And unlike the ancient ruins of the Yuan Neng Civilization, a core of the Yuan Neng sub-city can still be left behind, as well as other technological creations that still have considerable research value.

There are very few things left in this ancient ruins.

Thane didn't even get the full name of this top civilization.

"Hai" and "Yun" are just the first and last words of the name of this top civilization.

As for its real name, it has been completely lost in the long history.

It's very sad.

"It's hard to find anything valuable anymore. This is our only gain."

"In addition to recording some of the incomplete conditions of the top civilization back then, it also seems to have recorded a volume of techniques for using power."

"I hope this thing is complete." Thain sighed as he pinched the broken white shell that was only the size of his thumb.

The power usage skills contained in the shells are obviously leftover from the creatures of this top marine civilization back then.

Since the creatures from this top civilization are extremely good at controlling sea beasts.

So this power application technique is most likely also a related skill.

Among Thain and others, there is no one who practices the power of water law.

This technique seems useless to Thane.

However, Thane still wanted to study the power system of the ancient top marine civilization.

And the ability to control sea beasts is obviously a related application in the field of mental power. Thain may be able to get some inspiration from it.

The power of the magicians of the wizarding civilization is reflected here.

Even if it is a secret of laws that you are not involved in or good at, you can still get certain benefits and insights from it.

This is something that is difficult for other civilized creatures to learn.

"This technique of using power... Tourmaline's sister Shirahoshi should be interested in it."

After studying the techniques left by the top marine civilization for a period of time, Thain suddenly sighed.

The ancient civilization skills contained in this white shell are indeed incomplete.

But fortunately, its damage is not that serious.

In Thain's research, he concluded that in addition to the sea creatures in the wizarding world, he believed that even those summoning magicians would be very interested in this top-level ancient civilization technique.

As for Thain himself, he also gained some skills in using mental power from this technique, but not much.

"When you return to the material star realm in the future, you can give this Sea Clan technique to Bai Xing for understanding." Thain mused.

The giant mermaid Shirahoshi has the ability to command the sea kings in the wizarding world. This ancient civilization technique that can control sea beasts is obviously more suitable for Shirahoshi's situation.

After all, she is his sister-in-law, so Sean naturally has to take more care of her.

And Bai Xing's attitude towards him has obviously changed 180° since the return of Thane and Tourmaline last time.

Many treasures, including Hai Xinyan, were given by my sister-in-law Bai Xing back then.

It is reasonable for Thane to return the favor and bring back some treasures that are more valuable to her.

Once the relationship with Bai Xing is settled, at least the Tourmaline family will become Thane's most solid backing.

After staying in this top marine civilization ruins for a long time.

Having found nothing else, Thain called his subordinates to leave.

Perhaps the water law phenomena possessed by that civilization ruins also have certain research value.

But unfortunately, this thing is really not what Thain is good at. After exploring the ruins and getting the white shell that recorded the special skills information, Thain became more interested in the Osdia civilization that was about to arrive.

In Thane's future plan, he will transform the ruins of the Osdia civilization into his own "Mechanical City".

The outline of the Osdia civilization ruins finally gradually appeared in front of us.

It has been thousands of years since Thane last left here.

Judging from the situation reported from the ruins of the Osdia civilization, it seems that a lot of changes have taken place here in recent years.

This ancient ruins have been damaged a lot.

And from the central and peripheral areas of this civilized ruins, Thain also discovered many traces of battles.

Some battle marks are so deep that they may not be caused by ordinary level six peak creatures.

Regarding this situation, Thane first looked at Ziyou.

Seeing Thain looking at her, Ziyou reacted quickly, shook his head and waved his hands and said, "It is definitely not done by us creatures in the Demonic Abyss world!"

"We creatures in the Demonic Abyss world have probably never been here again in recent years."

"After all, most of the situation here has been discovered by us."

“This relic of technological civilization has an attraction for us.

Gravity is not that big. Ziyou said frankly.

Naturally, most of the information on this top civilization relic was traded to Ziyou by Thain.

Ziyou's words can be regarded as a side expression, a kind of praise for Thain's ability.

In response, Thane frowned slightly and nodded.

This top-notch technological civilization that is relatively well-preserved is of great significance to Thain's next mechanical experiment.

After leaving here, Thain really didn't know when he would be able to find his next favorite experimental base in the boundless world of despair.

Therefore, no matter what changes have occurred in this settlement area in the past thousand years.

Thain also wants to take this place completely!

At least half of this settlement must be occupied in order to support Thain's future experiments.

Thain's current body is already at the level of a desperate person. After stimulating the mechanical integration, he can reach the peak level of a desperate person.

Taking a step further, the main body is naturally moving towards the half-step peak of despair, and the power of the mechanical combination... is progressing in the direction where Gongsun Wudi is now.

This shows how important Thain's next experiment in this ancient civilization ruins is!

"Help me take over the dominance of this large ruins. From now on, I will provide you with a threefold increase in the dosage of various magic potions." Before taking action, Thain promised Ziyou.

Ziyou's eyes lit up when she heard this, but she took advantage of the situation and asked, "I want you to give Gongsun Wudi's personal rare potion. Don't fool me with the previous ones."

"Other than that, what methods did you use to help Gongsun Wudi reduce his power to the level of a half-step peak despairer?"

"Give it to me as well, or help me suppress my power." Ziyou said with a hooked finger to Thain.

Regarding Ziyou's attempt to take advantage of the situation, Thain said without hesitation, "Deal!"

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