The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2518 Self-Sealing Technique

In addition to the mysteries of Ember Fire and Mechanics, Thain has actually made great progress in the field of body refining in recent years.

It can be regarded as an unintentional move.

In recent years, Thain has not actually put too much thought into the field of body training.

Unlike Master Sai En, he is the founder of the field of Jade Fire Tempering Body.

As his disciple, Thane's main direction of development is towards the secrets of the Ember Fire and the secrets of mechanics.

The progress in the field of body training stems from several small projects that Thain has carried out in addition to frequent experiments in recent years.

And these projects, once promoted, have achieved great success.

The main materials for these experimental projects are the trophies that Thain once obtained in the star field battlefield of the world - the biological specimens of the Hades Empire!

Yes, Thain has made a new discovery in the field of "self-sealing" that is commonly mastered by creatures in the Hades Empire.

Thane is not the only magician in the wizarding world who studies self-sealing.

On the front lines of the Starfield Battlefield of the Great World at war with the Mingha Empire, a large number of combat magicians also began to dabble in the other party's cutting-edge secrets.

Continuous learning, exploration and innovation are one of the great virtues of the magicians in the wizarding world.

Even some theoretically mature self-sealing methods have been extended to the knight community.

The Northland Witches Organization was the first to conduct this experimental project.

The biggest difference between Thane and the knights and magicians on the star field battlefields of the world is that he is in a world of despair.

The special laws and cell evolution intensity here are very different from the star world environment!

After a brief study, Thain discovered that the special rules of the desperate world, as well as the constant cell beating and passive strengthening of living organisms, are actually extremely suitable for the self-sealing technique mastered by the pharaohs of the Hades Empire.

However, the self-sealing technique of the pharaohs of the Pluto Empire mainly seals their own energy, in the hope that more powerful power will burst out in the process of fighting the enemy.

The self-sealing technique, which was briefly studied by Thain, mainly seals the cell strength and physical power of living organisms.

In recent years, Gongsun Wudi's growth in the desperate world has gradually reached a bottleneck.

Yes, her body is as powerful as a Juggernaut.

In a bitter cold place with energy elements like the Despair World, where it is extremely difficult to break through to the realm of domination on the spot, how can Gongsun Wudi grow?

The self-sealing technique recently developed by Thain has greatly solved the problem Gongsun Wudi is currently facing!

After Thane sealed him, Gongsun Wudi's original strength as a peak despairer has been suppressed to half the peak level.

This is because Thain's research in this area is not in-depth enough, otherwise he estimates that he can suppress Invincible to the peak level of ordinary sixth level.

Thain left the laboratory before and stayed in Invincible's room for so long mainly to assist her in completing the seal so as to conduct a more in-depth exploration of power.

tempered into a steel.

Gongsun Wudi's method of suppressing his own strength is equivalent to putting himself at the ceiling of strength, and once again creating one or two more levels of room for further improvement.

It is really hard to imagine that when Gongsun Wudi, under the premise of self-sealing, once again sharpened himself to reach the peak level of a desperate person.

What kind of abnormal power will she possess after she unlocks the seal?

Because Thain himself had not explored enough in the field of self-sealing, the process of sealing Gongsun Wudi was still relatively primitive.

He referred to those pharaohs of the Hades Empire and made a special white bandage for Gongsun Wudi that had the power of the sealing law.

When she was in Gongsun Wudi's room before, Thain assisted Gongsun Wudi and tied this bandage all over her body.

I really didn't realize that Gongsun Wudi, who often wore military uniforms or metal armor, had quite a bit of material under his clothes.

Because the last kiss between Gongsun Wudi and Gongsun Wudi greatly promoted the relationship between the two parties, Gongsun Wudi didn't mind that Thain saw her body this time.

In fact, love arrives

When he moved, Thain, who had been holding back for many years, wanted to complete further communication with Gongsun Wudi.

But this step was rejected by Gongsun Wudi.

"At least until you marry me."

"Besides, I want to tell my brother." Gongsun Wudi raised his eyebrows and looked at Thain with his heroic face.

The customs of martial arts civilization are still relatively traditional.

At least I will never engage in any negative contact before marriage.

This is completely different from the situation in the wizarding world.

Gongsun Wudi's parents have both passed away.

Her eldest brother is like her father, and the current emperor of the Tianming Empire is her only maternal elder.

After confirming his relationship with Thain, Gongsun Wudi definitely wanted to talk to his brother.

Moreover, Gongsun Wudi, as Princess Taiping of the Tianming Empire, is also the second in line to the throne.

What she represents is also the face and national prestige of the Tianming Empire.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Gongsun Wudi to play a role similar to a lover for Thain.

And Thain's next marriage with Gongsun Wudi may not only be a matter of personal relationship between the two.

But it will inevitably rise to the level of civilization.

This represents a testimony to the long-lasting friendship between the Tianming Empire and the Wizarding Civilization!

With such a relationship, there will undoubtedly be more cooperation and intersection between the Wizarding Civilization and the Tianming Empire in all aspects.

Regarding Gongsun Wudi's insistence, Thain naturally obeyed.

He rarely does anything against his woman's wishes.

Moreover, Gongsun Wuwei is different from Thane, the female warrior of Krypton, Kram, and the Huyan princess Gamora.

Like Lina and Natalya, she is a partner who can rise to the level of Thane's wife.

On the contrary, it was another person of the opposite sex who had established a sincere emotional bond with Thain - his mentor Lu Lianman. The special status of Thain made it difficult for Thain to publicly claim any special relationship with her in the future.


It's not that I'm worried about the knocks from the Jade Burning Fire Master.

Master Cuilisi and others still doted on Lu Lianman and valued Thain, a junior.

Mainly due to the influence of public opinion.

In the wizarding world, the wizarding world generally places more emphasis on the teacher-student relationship.

In contrast, if you were a knight from the wizarding world, you wouldn't have so many worries.

Thain respected Gongsun Wudi's persistence and the traditional customs of the Tianming Empire, so he agreed to wait until the wedding ceremony in the future to hold important moments.

As Gongsun Wudi, I wonder what kind of title and power Thain will enjoy in the Tianming Empire after marrying her?

Think about it, he will definitely not be an ordinary prince-in-law.

Gongsun Wudi also understands Thain's "love heart".

This is also the influence of civilizational traditions and customs. In the Tianming Empire, it is completely normal for powerful warriors or high-ranking people to have three wives and four concubines.

Even Gongsun Wudi's elder brother, Gongsun Wuji, doesn't have an entire harem?

In terms of the number of opposite-sex partners, Thain is far inferior to this "big uncle".

However, Thane's ability to raise offspring is much stronger than that of the other party.

Now he has a son and a daughter.

And the grandchildren and great-grandchildren have also begun to flourish and develop.

And the emperor of Tianming Empire now only has one prince.

This shows that quantity is sometimes not the key factor in solving problems.

During the time in Gongsun Wudi's room, Thain's main job was to assist Wudi in completing the sealing process of her body.

After tying all the white bandages all over Wudi's body, including carving sealing runes into them, Thane left her room feeling exhausted.

However, this process also made Thain very excited.

Because the success of Gongsun Wudi's self-sealing process indicates that his secret body refining will also usher in a wave of improvement.

"There will be more at night, please give me a monthly pass~"

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