The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2517 Peak Level 6

Looking in the direction where the phoenix cry came from, I saw an excited phoenix spreading its wings amidst the raging elemental flames.

It's Minghua.

Different from the orange-red phoenix flame before, Minghua, who finally emerged from the nirvana state, seems to have undergone some changes in the fire of the law of this court.

These changes are inseparable from Thain's experimental accident just now.

Some dark flames with destructive properties appeared around Minghua's phoenix wings.

Although it is not enough to turn this phoenix into a phoenix of destruction.

However, with the blessing of a little power of destruction, and the obvious characteristics of part of Thane's ashes in the Nirvana Fire of Minghua, the strength of this phoenix, which had just finished its Nirvana from a serious injury, not only did not decline, but actually improved slightly. increase.

There was a bit of dissatisfaction in the high-pitched phoenix cry.

Minghua's Nirvana state was obviously interrupted in advance by Thain.

Although she may very well be a blessing in disguise this time.

Ignoring the phoenix that was still chattering there, Thane flew high into the sky and pulled the phoenix that finally transformed back down from the sky.

"Assist me with a few tests!"

"The next experiment will most likely require your participation!"

"A little bit of the power of destruction and the fire of ashes can actually be fused with your natal flame."

"This may be related to the fact that my flame itself contains the origin of the Phoenix Nirvana Fire Law..." Thain murmured to himself while dragging the newly awakened Minghua and flying towards his second experimenter. .

"Hey, hey, hey, I just woke up, are you sure you don't want me to rest for a while?" Minghua shouted with some dissatisfaction.

While being pulled by Thain, the phoenix changed its appearance into a human form.

Perhaps because of spending a long time with Thain and others, this phoenix finally got used to changing into a human form.

This may also be related to the fact that she has never been able to deceive her.

En and Gongsun Wudi are related to her transformation into a phoenix.

When Minghua's voice gradually disappeared from another underground laboratory in Thain.

Ziyou on the training ground could not help but whisper, "They are all crazy."

At this time, Gongsun Wudi finally turned around, looked at Ziyou again, and said to her, "Let's continue."

His cheeks twitched involuntarily.

Ziyou glanced at the star ring that she had already taken out, thought about it, and took it back.

Substantial experiments and fierce battles once again took place in this Mechanical Valley settlement.

Thain's intelligent robots are still working diligently to deal with the severely damaged laboratories and combat training grounds.

Only the aboriginal survivors in Mechanical Valley didn't seem to understand what was happening.

Except for a few brave fourth-level creatures who dared to jump out and observe their surroundings.

More other survivors looked at the place where the explosion occurred in confusion.

After the last experimental accident, Thain did not appear in the Mechanical Valley for more than seventy years.

The last accident was an opportunity for Thain and Gongsun Wudi to formally establish their relationship.

It's really hard for the two of them to be so tolerant.

During this period, Thain was still obsessed with his experimental research every day.

Gongsun Wudi is busy with training, actual combat, meditation... and his time is also full.

The two never seem to tire.

I rarely do anything to pass the time or do leisure activities.

In the eyes of many people, only a madman can be worthy of a madman.


Many years later, when Thain walked out of the laboratory, his ashes indeed contained a trace of the flame of destruction.

However, Thane's original power is still the fire of ashes and will not be changed to other powers.

Although, among the power systems that Thane has come into contact with, it is true that so far, he has not seen one more extreme than the power of destruction.

It is precisely because of this that Thane clearly realized that he could borrow and absorb part of the Law of Destruction, but he could never use this black flame as the fire of his own original Law.

Because Thane believed that he might not be able to control this extreme flame.

Various experimental data show that in addition to being extremely lethal, this kind of flame also has the side effect of infecting the will of an organism.

Many of the living specimens that Thain treasured so much had been scrapped during the process.

The integration of the power of destruction greatly improved Thain's Law of Ember Fire.

Including Minghua Phoenix, after a series of experiments and strength guidance by Thane, she finally gradually mastered this flame that was not hers originally.

The Phoenix clan is indeed a well-known powerful biological race in the star world. With the help of these new flames, Minghua's strength has also greatly improved.

For the sake of Thain's sufficient energy crystals and increased strength, Minghua forgave him for forgetting himself in the laboratory and treating himself as a high-quality experimental subject for a long time.

"In addition to the energy crystals, give me a few more of the fruity body-refining potions you took out last time," Minghua demanded.

After fixing the obedient Minghua on the experimental table, Thain pulled the experimental valve and nodded, "Okay."

Thain walked out of the Ember Fire Experiment after his transformation and improvement, and it didn't take long for him to return to the experimental state again.

This time he entered the mechanical laboratory.

But before entering the laboratory this time, Thain went to see Gongsun Wudi on the way.

I don’t know what the two of them did.

Anyway, it was not until several months later that Thain walked out of Gongsun Wudi's room and looked very weak.

But visible to the naked eye, Thain's face was very excited.

And Thain, who once again devoted himself to mechanical experimental research, spent a longer time in the experimental state this time.

Although, during the experiment, Thain also appeared many times and had contact and exchanges with Gongsun Wudi, Ziyou and others.

But looking at the total period of experiments that Thain invested in this time, it surprisingly reached 347 years!

Three hundred years later, the giant fortress complex of the Union that had been hovering in the Mechanical Valley suddenly disappeared.

The disappearance of this huge metal giant made many aboriginal survivors in Mechanical Valley feel uncomfortable for a while.

However, over the years, they have gradually accepted and adapted to His Highness the "Mechanical God Emperor", and he can always come up with some new gadgets for them.

For example, the number of high-powered intelligent robots appearing in Mechanical Valley at this time is several more than when Thain and others first came here.

In addition, Thain and his intelligent robots have never stopped transforming Mechanical Valley in recent years.

The disappeared joint fortress group was naturally taken back into his own Rubik's Cube by Thain.

After hundreds of years of time changes, Thain's Rubik's Cube finally transformed and was promoted to a high-level world-class secret security after devouring and digesting the core of the Source City!

In addition, Thane himself, driven by the dual progress of the Ember Fire Mystery and the Mechanical Mystery, began to reach the peak of level six.

The sixth level of peak realm came faster than Thain expected.

"The next chapter will be around three o'clock~"

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