The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2519 The Strength of the Desperate

After leaving Gongsun Wudi, Thain entered the experimental retreat state for a longer time this time.

Hundreds of years later, when Thain appeared again in front of everyone in the Mechanical Valley, he already had the aura of a sixth-level peak creature.

In a desperate world, this is the sign of a "desperate person."

It also means that Thain has officially entered the top level of the world of despair.

The improvement of personal realm will naturally push Thain's strength towards higher realms.

Although it has not been tested in actual combat, Thane felt it when he controlled his combined fortress group and inspired the secret of mechanical integration.

Already possessing the strength of a peak despairer.

And if it is not integrated with the fortress group, it will simply be integrated with intelligent robots such as Fumila.

Thain's strength should be able to rise to the level of a half-step peak despairer.

The reason for such obvious progress is also due to the upgrade of Thain's Cube and the improvement of the mysteries of mechanics.

This caused Thane to undergo several rounds of adjustments and upgrades for many intelligent robots such as Fumila.

During these years in the Mechanical Valley, Thain conducted not only experiments related to his own promotion, but also invested a lot of effort in Fumila and others.

Especially for Fumila, the intelligent robot that has been following him for the longest time.

If the existing conditions were not limited and the biotechnology that Thain currently mastered was not perfect, he should be able to bring more upgrades to Fumila.

Long before he entered the world of despair, by studying the captured Gallente Federation robots, Thane discovered that Federation scientist Sipnas was ahead of him.

This guy was the first to propose the concept of angel-type combat robots, and tried to integrate the Norman Federation's artificial human technology into it.

At the end of the war between the Federation and the Wizarding Civilization, many of the robots he produced even had the "flesh" of similar creatures.

In Thain's view, it eliminates the steel element and has higher toughness and plasticity.

Sexual bionanotechnology.

Although Thain also carried out coordinated transformation of Fumila in related aspects, the Norman Federation's artificial human technology was not what he was best at after all.

(sIf he hadn't been blasted into a world of despair by the endless light, Thane might have started research in related areas.

After arriving in the Asgar star field on the federal frontline battlefield, Thane had actually applied to the Norman Federation to transfer a group of artificial human scientists.

It's a pity that Thain didn't have the opportunity to discuss too much with the scientists who are members of these alliances. I hope there will be this opportunity in the future. )

In addition to the android scientists from the Norman Federation, Thane was actually more interested in Sipnus, a scientist from the Gallente Federation.

He has been admiring Sipnus for a long time.

I don’t know if Sipnas has come into contact with Thain, a wizard and civilized magician, but Thain has obtained a lot of information about the other party through various channels.

This chief scientist from the Icarus chaebol is definitely a "genius" in Thain's eyes!

As of now, Thain can only produce high-level intelligent robots with a maximum strength of five levels.

Sipnus, long before the civil war between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation broke out, had already led the production of many six-level angel-type robots like Fumila.

Of course, given the characteristics of the scientific community of the Gallente Federation, combat robots like Fumila are definitely not the research results of Sipnas alone, but the contributions of the entire team.

But Sipnas, as the soul figure, is obvious to all.

In fact, Thain sometimes thinks that if this genius scientist of the Federation builds a Dominator-level battle robot, he will not be too surprised.

Thain had never thought so deeply about a scientist from the opposing side.

If there is a chance in the future, he must have a good chat with Sipnas.

In addition to the great improvement in his own realm and strength, the internal situation of Thain's advanced world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube has also undergone great changes after it completed its transformation.

At this time, the internal volume of the Rubik's Cube is undoubtedly larger, and all aspects of the rules and attributes are of great benefit to the mechanical creatures within it.

Including Fumila, all mechanical creatures tend to return to the Rubik's Cube to rest after completing the daily tasks assigned by Thane.

Moreover, this upgrade of the Rubik's Cube has almost comprehensively improved the power of various laws within it.

The Law of Infinite Energy, the Law of Planetary Shield, the Law of Dimensional Space, the Law of Mechanical Analysis, the Law of Pulse Melting Point... Almost all the powers of the laws involved in the Rubik's Cube have ushered in a wave of considerable progress.

Even because the Rubik's Cube has absorbed too many technological rules, the functions involved are relatively comprehensive. 🅆

So much so that after it was upgraded to a high-level secret treasure, Thain himself was unable to study all of its properties during this period of time.

Anyway, what Thain can be sure of now is that he no longer has to worry about energy issues in the short term.

With the current energy output of the Rubik's Cube, he can double or triple the number of high-powered intelligent robots under his control!

In other words, if the number of advanced intelligent robots is now increased to one hundred, Thain can also afford it!

Of course, the power produced by a hundred advanced intelligent robots combined with the Union Fortress Group is significantly different from a dozen or twenty.

Thain is also curious about where his mechanical fusion secret will eventually go.

Seeing that his woman Gongsun Wudi has matched the physical attack power of a dominant creature, Thain himself was quite envious.

Although he uses the self-sealing technique to

The secret opened a door for Gongsun Wudi, the key to a higher level of power.

But Thane himself actually wanted to master that vast power.

Deep down, Thain is also a man who refuses to admit defeat.

He can be weaker than his woman, but he can't always be weaker than Gongsun Wudi.

However, the production of more advanced intelligent robots does not mean that as long as they have energy, it is enough.

Thain must also have enough manufacturing materials and corresponding design inspiration!

Assembly line engineering is not what Thain is good at.

And it is almost impossible for him to mass-produce advanced intelligent robots above level 4 in an assembly line manner.

The advanced intelligent robots previously designed and developed by Thane, from "Zero" to "Number 36", are all independent and different individuals.

Thain understands the internal structure of each of them, and Thain also regards them as his most proud works, as well as children.

Nowadays, in order to produce more advanced intelligent robots, it is also to make our own path of truth have more directions.

Thain knew that it was time for him to leave this "paradise"-like mechanical valley.

"We have to leave here next." Thain called Gongsun Wudi, Ziyou and others to him and said.

Naturally, the taciturn Gongsun Wudi supported Thain's decision unconditionally.

On the other side, Princess Ziyou, who had gradually become familiar with Thane and Invincible, asked curiously, "Where are we going?"

"Return to the ruins of the Osdia civilization."

"There's just what I need."

"And as my mechanical mysteries become more refined, I might be able to discover more secrets in that civilizational ruins this time," Thain said in a deep voice.

"I'm writing slowly today. I might have to wait until nine o'clock for the next chapter. I hope you understand~"

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