The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2514: Mechanical Road

This isn't Thane's first encounter with the power of merit.

As early as when he went to the star field battlefield in the world of Huanyu, Thain had come into contact with similar power from Buddhist disciples.

Different from the wizard civilization, the Buddhist and Taoist sects of the fairyland civilization have actually developed a certain degree of belief.

However, the two sects of monks prefer to call it the power of incense and fire.

The power of merit is a rarer and more precious special power of the fairyland civilization.

Translated into the language of the wizarding world... it is like the blessing given by the will of the plane, like the ray of light from the plane that Thain received back then.

The power of merit is also relatively rare in the fairyland civilization, because it is a treasure that only truly "virtuous people" can possess.

The golden lotus in his hand appeared in front of him. In addition to the power of merit, Thain also noticed a ray of Buddhist golden light contained in it.

Could it be that Ziyou has come into contact with powerful Buddhists in the Immortal Realm before?

Or... Thane thought of the golden light flying from behind when he was escaping in the Union Fortress Group.

The movement in Thain's eyes indicated that he was indeed shaken by the price Ziyou had to pay.

The power of merit can also be regarded as a special power of truth that is extremely attractive to Sean to study. In addition, the two-grade golden lotus that appeared in front of him always reminded Sean unconsciously of the red lotus of karma and black lotus of destruction that he had come into contact with before. lotus.

These three types of refining seem to have many similarities in terms of appearance and structure.

The difference is that the lotus platforms that Thain has come into contact with are generally of different grades, and their original powers are also very different.

The third-grade karma fire red lotus in the hands of Gui Sha Nu previously gave Thane's Ash Flame a considerable increase.

I don’t know what kind of insights the golden lotus of merit and virtue in front of me can bring to Thain.

"Okay, we're done," Thain finally said.

After reaching another phased cooperation agreement with Princess Ziyou, Thain got up and left the place.

He still has other experiments to work on, including some previous gains from the ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization, which need to be sorted out again.

Thain is not in a hurry to get the second-grade Golden Lotus of Merit.

When it comes to his hands, Ziyou will naturally give it to him.

Moreover, Thain did not think that Zi Youhui would just give this thing to him.

Just letting Thain study it is enough.

After watching Thain leave, Ziyou glanced at the second-grade golden lotus of merit in his hand, and then put it away.

The heaviness in her chest and the tingling pain in her brain made Ziyou not as confident as she showed.

This is definitely the biggest crisis Ziyou has experienced since she grew up.

Moreover, this crisis was brought to her by Thane.

Therefore, Ziyou had a different feeling towards Thain, who had maintained a calm state from beginning to end.

The gentle golden light of the Golden Lotus of Merit constantly repairs Ziyou's injured body and spirit.

Worthy of being one of the most precious treasures in the Immortal Realm, there is no need to elaborate on the ability of the Merit Golden Lotus in the field of recovery and healing.

Moreover, Ziyou's two golden lotuses of merit were not spawned from the so-called golden lotus seeds.

It comes directly from the body of the Twelfth Grade Golden Lotus of Merit!

In terms of the power of the original law contained in it, the second-grade golden lotus is slightly more than the third-grade karma red lotus in the hand of Gui Sha Nu.

Because the red lotus of Gui Sha Nu's karma can only be regarded as a second-generation lotus.

The power of the golden lotus of merit and the golden light of Buddhism are completely different things.

So Ziyou can use it to recover from wounds.

After Ziyou's injuries were almost recovered, she would naturally hand over these two golden lotuses of merit to Thain for study.

"Would you like to follow this man to explore the secrets of this desperate world?"

"By the way, it's also a bit of growth, so it's not bad to arrive."

"According to what my aunt mentioned in the message transmission to me, it would be best for me not to borrow the power of the demons again."

"This is my own path of growth." Ziyou sighed.

In fact, the faction of the Demon Tide Civilization headed by Youhuang Supreme has never given up on the exploration and research of the desperate world. Of course, they will not place their main burden on them.

On the little girl Ziyou.

Regarding Ziyou, Youhuang Supreme, Yanxia Demon Ancestor and other high-level officials, their attitude toward her is that they hope she can grow in the process.

As for whether Ziyou can really make some discoveries, Mochao Civilization doesn't care.

Ziyou actually knows this too.

However, in the past period of time, with the help of Thain's analysis, Ziyou, who obtained a large amount of information from the ruins of the Osdia civilization and the source energy civilization, discovered that Thain was a talent.

Ziyou actually doesn't want to be regarded as a little girl who hasn't grown up yet by her elders.

She wanted to prove herself and try to achieve something.

Therefore, she will win over Thane at all costs.

But this time... Ziyou breathed a sigh of relief. In the next period of time, she could take a good rest.

At least the injury needs to be healed.

Ziyou is not worried about what danger his life will really face.

Because according to her experience, even if her father Youhuang Supreme would not come in person, her aunt Yanxia Demon Ancestor should always be watching over her secretly.

Not to mention that Ziyou still has so many trump cards on hand.

As the top second generation of the Demonic Tide Civilization, Ziyou does not seem to be as cheerful and optimistic as outsiders imagine.

As Thain's aura completely left this place, Princess Ziyou was left alone.

There was a hint of melancholy and sadness between his eyebrows.

The experiment went very successfully.

What this refers to is most of the experiments that Thain conducted after arriving at the place he renamed "Mechanical Valley".

First of all, Thain carried out extensive repair projects on the severely damaged joint fortress group.

Some surface equipment can be repaired directly in the mechanical valley.

After Thain arrived here, he transformed it into a veritable Mechanical Valley. A large number of mechanical technological equipment obtained from the ruins of the Source Energy Civilization and the Otis Subcivilization were placed here by Thain.

So much so that Mechanical Valley is like a fortress, equipped with excellent offensive and defensive capabilities.

As for the more sophisticated and cutting-edge core equipment, Mechanical Valley was unable to repair it, so Thain took them back to the Rubik's Cube for maintenance and repair.

The Rubik's Cube is still the core mystery of Thain so far.

Neither the aborigines of the Mechanical Valley nor Princess Ziyou have been able to access this secret of Thain for the time being.

In addition to the fact that the joint fortress group is being steadily repaired and may be reactivated in the future.

The highly intelligent robot that followed Thain in the previous battle conflict and survived.

Most of the maintenance experiments also went very smoothly.

There are even signs of continued improvement in some intelligent robots after being infused with the power of the upgraded version of the Rubik's Cube.

Only the repair work of the two high-level intelligent robots was not ideal, and it was difficult for Thane to get the parts to repair them.

In response, Thain took out their black boxes.

And plans to re-create their bodies in future mechanical experiments.

For these highly intelligent robots who followed him to fight to the death, Thane would not give up on any of them.

Just as they regard Thane as their father, Thain regards every one of his fruits of truth as a child.

Before the conflict at the Source Energy Ruins, Thain's sequence of advanced intelligent robots had grown to "number thirty-five."

However, after arriving in the Mechanical Valley, there were only fourteen high-level intelligent robots left, and almost all of them were injured.

Thain is confident they can be rebuilt in the future.

Moreover, the sequence of advanced intelligent robots that Thane has at hand will be far more than "No. 35".

This number will become more!

From the ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization, part of its core secrets can be obtained, especially after the Rubik's Cube has devoured and digested the core of the Source Energy Sub-city and mastered part of the origin of the ancient Source Energy Civilization's technological laws.

Thain seems to have found a mechanical path that can propel him to a higher realm!

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