The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2513: Traveling Together

A terrifying energy storm began to sweep through this area half a year after Thain arrived in this valley. ơɱ

In these years in the desperate world, Thain's premonitions have indeed become stronger and stronger.

Of course, this is not a hunch, but is based on rational analysis.

And this time, the intensity of the energy storm sweeping through the valley was far greater than usual.

Thain judged that this storm tide is likely to last for several years, or even more than ten years.

"I wonder if the formation of such horrific natural disasters has something to do with the previous battle for domination?" Thain couldn't help but look up at the surging energy storm and sighed. 🅆

According to the fifth-level old man named Chocolate, it has been more than 20,000 years since it entered the world of despair.

And entering this valley settlement, it is estimated that it has been more than 10,000 years.

But he had only experienced energy storms of this magnitude twice before.

A level five creature that has been in a desperate world for 20,000 years?

This is the biological individual that Thain has come into close contact with so far and has been in the world of despair for the longest time.

But this guy with a pair of goat's horns and grass growing on his head does not seem to have too much strength just because he has survived in a desperate world for a long time.

In fact, he is still very weak.

In other words, he is cowardly.

Thane tested the strength of his cells.

It did reach a level that even surprised me.

But the result of the old man's survival in a desperate world for so many years was only that his passive evolution reached an extremely deep level.

The degree of passive evolution is not the same as strength.

In fact, because his cells are too hard and have an extremely high mass density, this guy's movement speed is extremely slow.

Like...a turtle.

After Thain arrived in this settlement, the old man named Chocolate consciously handed over the rule of this settlement.

At the beginning, including Zhu Gu

Survivors, including the powerful ones, are all afraid of Thane, the "Mechanical God Emperor", and his "Mechanical Minions".

But after getting along for a period of time, especially after Thane exchanged a few energy crystals with these survivors for some of the Philosopher's Stones they dug.

These survivors quickly accepted Thain's rule, and secretly and openly wanted to please Thain.

Energy crystals, the survivors in this settlement have not seen this kind of resource that can directly replenish energy for countless years.

The feeling of hunger and emptiness coming from deep within the cells can make these timid survivors give up their dignity easily.

After Thain discovered that these level four creatures were more "useful", Thain quickly accepted the allegiance from Chocolate and asked all level four creatures in this settlement to participate in assisting in the maintenance of his joint fortress group. in process.

Some highly sophisticated mechanical technologies may not be possible for these survivors.

But if it's just some work that requires effort, these level four creatures can still do it.

The special terrain of the Mechanical Valley allows Thane's fortress robot to better avoid the impact of energy storms here.

Even the survivors living here dug extremely deep caves.

According to what Chocolate said, the Philosopher's Stone vein they discovered was deep in the cave.

In addition, they usually live underground to avoid natural disasters such as energy storms, or the prying eyes of other powerful wanderers.

Rats have their own ways. Although the strength of these survivors is not good, they can dig extremely deep underground mines in a desperate world where the ground is extremely hard, which also makes Thane look at him with suspicion.

The second year after the energy storm came, Ziyou finally woke up.

As of now, the black shield on Ziyou's body has not yet

Energy is exhausted and eliminated.

During this period, Thain also observed that Ziyou was able to wake up, and her body was slowly recovering in an unconscious state.

It's because the ray of golden light contained in her body is working.

Regarding this ray of golden light, there is interference from the black shield, and Thain cannot explore it too clearly.

But for some reason, Thain always felt that this golden light was very familiar.

Ziyou seems to be very relieved about Thain, or maybe she is extremely confident in her own strength.

After waking up, Ziyou quickly lifted her black shield and appeared in front of Thane.

"Aren't you worried that I will harm you?" Thain, who was wearing an ash robe and holding an ash staff, looked at Ziyou in front of him with interest.

At this time, Thain was not wearing the phaseless mask, and the two of them were sitting face to face again.

However, in addition to Thain himself, Gongsun Wudi also stood beside Thain.

Gongsun Wudi, whose eyes exuded a hint of coldness, was the person present who posed the greatest threat to Ziyou.

"Haha, if you wanted to harm me, wouldn't it be okay if you didn't save me then?"

"You can just throw me in the direction of the eighth-level master." Ziyou pursed her lips and smiled.

Ziyou's demeanor at this time was very grand.

The previous battle at the ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization was largely due to Thain, but she didn't look angry at this time.

"Only by taking a hard time can you gain wisdom."

"As my elders told me, my future growth still requires a lot of hard work."

"And this time, you brought it to me, Thain." Ziyou smiled and looked at Thain in front of her.

Thain didn't say anything at this time.

Ziyou's self-confidence and freedom are not a proof of strength.

If it is an ordinary sixth-level creature, or a creature like Chocolate that is struggling in a desperate world,

Survivors of more than 20,000 years.

How can they have so many opportunities for trial and error and room for growth?

Chocolate's "cowardice" and the generally weak and timid temperament of the fourth-level creatures in this settlement area.

It's also because they once broke their heads in this world.

After a moment of silence, Thane said, "Now that you have woken up, we are completely clear."

"After the energy storm is over, you can leave directly."

"I will also continue to explore my path to truth."

"We will never have any intersection from now on," Thain said.

Faced with Thain's excommunicating tone, Ziyou was not annoyed.

In fact, Thain rarely saw Ziyou angry.

Even before she fell out with Thane at the ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization, Ziyou still behaved very calmly.

I don’t know who she learned this kind of demeanor from.

Ziyou shook his head and said, "My injuries have not fully recovered, including the sequelae of frequent use of high-level world-class secret treasures, which will not be eliminated in a short time."

"Of course, I don't mean to rely on you, but I think we still have opportunities to cooperate."

"Don't you often explore and study those ancient ruins in the world of despair? It just so happens that I am also very interested in this information."

"Let's continue our previous cooperation."

"You give me part of your research results, and in return, I can give you a satisfactory reward." Ziyou said.

When Thain heard this, his face darkened.

Just when he was about to say something, Ziyou stretched out his hand and said, "Don't reject me in a hurry. I can show you my deposit first."

After saying that, a second-grade golden lotus flower appeared on Ziyou's fingertips.

Thain first frowned and glanced at Ziyou's fingertips. Thain quickly recognized what it was and couldn't help but said in surprise, "The power of merit?"

"There will be more tonight~"

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