The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2515 Madman

The energy storm in the area where Mechanical Valley is located lasted for a total of twenty-one years.

This is indeed a very rare and huge energy storm.

The blowing of this energy storm marks that the Philosopher's Stone reserves in the nearby area will increase a lot after this.

However, Thain won't care about this "little thing".

After entering the research state, for Thain, more than twenty years were just a blink of an eye.

If there weren't a specialized high-level intelligent robot, they would monitor the situation around the Mechanical Valley for Thain.

Thain, who is obsessed with experimental research, may not even know when the storm will end.

Sixty-three years later.

Thane in the laboratory was staring intently at the jet-black flame in front of him.

This wisp of flame was extracted by Thane from a level four orc in the ancient ruins of the Source Energy Civilization.

This jet-black special energy is very similar to the power controlled by the Fountain of Destruction that Thane came into contact with back then.

However, unlike Fountain of Destruction, it has overwhelming power.

The destructive power inside the fourth-level orc corpse in front of him is undoubtedly much smaller.

And the passage of time has caused the orc corpse's original power of law to be lost extremely seriously.

Thain worked hard and worked hard, but he could only extract this ray of power.

However, five years ago, the appearance of this jet-black flame made Thain extremely excited.

After obtaining this ray of flame, Thain started a new round of research on the Ember Flame non-stop.

Thain's path to truth growth is a path in which mechanical and fire magic go hand in hand.

It is also mixed with side branches such as light system, pharmacy, and alchemy.

But this time, there is another round of transformation of the Ember Flame, and the growth of the mechanical system brought about by the upgrade of the Rubik's Cube.

Perhaps it means that Thain's realm will take another big step forward.

In fact, not long has passed since Thain was promoted to the late sixth level.

Especially when looking at the time flow rate in the material astral realm.

But the various mysteries contained in this desperate world are full of...

The ancient civilization ruins in Pei are like treasures waiting for him to develop.

Even after entering the World of Despair, Thane was not too distracted by the secrets of body refining. He just habitually took the body refining potions he made, which made his body refining process slow in the past few thousand years (s refers to the World of Despair). time) has also reached incredible heights.

Perhaps, Thain does not need to use magic now. He can use his magic wand to break the head of a sixth-level creature with just his physical strength...

"Hiss!" A large ball of dazzling sparks rose in front of Thain as Thain incorporated the power of destruction into it.

Seeing the mysterious Law of Ashes unfold in front of him, Thane's eyes became more obsessed and crazy.

Thain was in the laboratory, conducting various experiments that were unknown to outsiders.

Outside the laboratory, Ziyou, who has almost recovered in recent years, is not idle either.

She finally collided with Gongsun Wudi, who couldn't stand her.

This time, Ziyou did not have an exaggerated number of demon tide creatures around him for deployment, nor did he use his various world-class secret treasures.

So, she was beaten badly!

In the past few decades, Ziyou fought against Gongsun Wudi seven times, and Gongsun Wudi defeated her seven times.

When fighting Ziyou, Gongsun Wudi had no intention of holding back.

She knew that this woman had no shortage of restorative treasures at hand, and also had many props for various treatments.

Therefore, every time Gongsun Wudi was able to beat Ziyou until she lay in the room for several years.

Ziyou, who looks extremely beautiful and has never been beaten by too much wind and rain, showed remarkable resilience during the battle with Gongsun Wudi.

Repeated battles and repeated defeats, repeated defeats and repeated battles.

Ziyou, who would challenge Gongsun Wudi every nearly ten years, also made Gongsun Wudi change her many views in these non-stop battles.

Gongsun Wudi is the kind of person who has to fight her before he can

A strong person recognized by her.

Thain also came here in this way, and he was beaten badly at that time.

After losing the first few battles, Ziyou felt suffocated in her heart.

I will consider using my secret treasures or other trump cards to gain some ground.

But after several recent discussions.

Ziyou, whose combat skills and strength have improved significantly, changed her mind.

She voluntarily gave up the blessing of various equipment.

He turned to a more primitive way to confront Gongsun Wudi.

Because Ziyou discovered that after every battle with Gongsun Wubi, he would experience a great improvement. 🅆

On the contrary, when other demon tide creatures used to compete with Ziyou, they never dared to use too much power.

Gongsun Wudi was really beating her up!

As the daughter of the Supreme, Ziyou was born as a fourth-level creature.

After practicing for a while, I reached level five.

In terms of potential and growth rate, they are even more exaggerated than those of the heirs of the master.

Even until she reached the half-step peak of despair, Ziyou had almost no setbacks.

Now, she finally encountered two major setbacks in her life.

One was given by Thain, and the other was given by Gongsun Wudi.

The powerful purple demonic energy on Ziyou's body was once again shattered by Gongsun Wudi's punch.

Facing Gongsun Wudi's iron fist, Ziyou, who was unable to resist, closed her eyes.

But the pain that was expected to appear again did not come.

When Ziyou opened her eyes, she found that Gongsun Wudi's fist was less than two centimeters away from her cheek.

The cold fist wind made Ziyou feel a bit chilly on her face.

I saw Gongsun Wudi then put away his fist, turned around and left, saying, "You have made great progress in your growth this time. I believe you will be a good opponent in the future."

Ziyou was not only good, but the long-lasting battle between the two had directly dented the central area of ​​Mechanical Valley.

Several high-level intelligent robots stand around this duel field.

\u003eAs the battle between the two women ends, these advanced intelligent robots will step forward and pour special reinforced metal liquid to shape the venue for the next duel between the two women.

Faced with Gongsun Wudi's words, Ziyou was stunned.

This should be the first time Gongsun Wudi slightly changed his attitude towards her.

At this time, Ziyou, whose purple demonic energy armor was covered in large areas of cracks, slumped on the ground without any regard for his identity.

She looked at Gongsun Wudi's leaving figure and couldn't help but say, "With your physical power and body strength, you are no less than an ordinary master. It's really an exaggeration."

"I never noticed you were so low-key before."

"How do you practice?"

"Or is it that the body-refining potion that Thain gives you every time is different from the one that he gives to me?"

"Did he add ingredients to you?" Ziyou couldn't help but ask Gongsun Wudi.

Gongsun Wudi obviously had no interest in answering Ziyou's question, and she left without stopping.

Until... "Boom!" An explosion appeared in Thain's laboratory area.

The violent explosion of elements was even more exaggerated than the most intense moment when Gongsun Wudi and Ziyou were fighting each other.

The terrifying elemental power shock wave even showed a black mushroom cloud centered on Thain's laboratory.

Seeing this huge explosion scene, many survivors in the Mechanical Valley were frightened.

Dozens of advanced intelligent robots quickly flew to the high altitude of the Mechanical Valley, seemingly trying to reduce the impact of the explosion as much as possible.

And when he felt the surging flame element coming from the center of the explosion.

Ziyou's cheeks couldn't help but hesitate.

She asked Gongsun Wudi, who had already stopped and turned around, "Is this... the experiment a success or a failure?"

Gongsun Wudi didn't bother to answer Ziyou's question. She instantly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the center of the explosion.

As Gongsun Wudi rushed into the first scene of the explosion, a burst of hysterical laughter from Thain vaguely echoed in the mechanical valley.

In response, Ziyou muttered two words.

Seems like a "madman".

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