The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2467 Luanfeng Mountain Settlement Area (Part 2)

The mountains where Thain and others are currently located are only on the outskirts of this settlement area.

But despite this, Thain climbed up and looked far away, and the scene of bones that almost covered the entire world made him feel extremely shocked.

Thane once visited the World of the Undead, which is affiliated with the Wizards Alliance.

This is a large plane of death.

But Thain can guarantee that the bones and skeletons in the entire world of the undead put together are probably not even one-tenth of the white bones in front of you!

And the world of the undead is a world with complete rules and regulations, full of death and all kinds of negative energy.

The sea of ​​white bones in front of them only showed countless biological skeletons, without any death power leaking out.

Many of these biological skeletons are difficult to see clearly for their true appearance, just like ordinary grains of sand that make up a world.

Their existence seems to be just to tell the world that a shocking battle once took place here.

No, maybe more than just a war.

I wonder if the bones of the fallen creatures after the civil war broke out between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation can fill up this sea of ​​white bones that even Thane can't see the end of?

When Thain was shocked, Minghua Phoenix stayed by his side without disturbing him.

When Minghua came here for the first time, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Even though they were already noble level six creatures, at this moment, they all still felt their own insignificance.

Thain's shock did not last long.

When he came back to his senses, he immediately took out his crystal ball and began to record everything in front of him.

Just like most magicians, they will record all their experimental steps in detail during the experiment.

After Thane came to the world of despair, he had used a crystal ball to record a large amount of information about this world.

information, as well as Thain's own research.

I don’t know if these things will be uploaded to the Mathematical Olympiad by him in the future, Sky City will give him feedback on how many Mathematical Olympiad points he has.

But Thain firmly believes that the creatures that can come to the desperate world must be a rare minority in the wizarding civilization.

At least he had never heard his master Cuilisi and others talk about such a strange world.

After completing the procedures to join the Luanfeng Mountain settlement, Minghua Phoenix asked if he wanted to be a guest at her place.

The mountains where Minghua Phoenix lives are certainly not this peripheral area.

Among the more than ten peaks in this residential area, the peak where Minghua always lives ranks third in height.

The higher the mountain, the fewer creatures live on it.

This may also confirm the saying that it is always cold in high places.

Anyway, according to Minghua, the mountainous area where she is located has only three neighbors with good or bad relationships.

The higher you live, the stronger you are.

Thain's strength is not inferior to Minghua, and Gongsun Wudi is stronger than her.

This signifies that they are also eligible to enjoy the privileges of the Luanfeng Mountain settlement.

Glancing at the gray-skinned creature that looked like a stick insect in front of him, he saw that this guy was the middleman who arranged for Thane and Gongsun Wudi to join the Luanfeng Mountain settlement.

This is an ordinary fifth-level creature that looks unremarkable.

However, in the Luanfeng Mountain settlement, because in a sense, it represents the strongest person and rule maker in the settlement - the phaseless one, so many powerful sixth-level creatures, including Minghua, will give This guy has a face.

Exploration of the Formless Mask

After entering the world of despair, the characteristics were greatly restricted due to the special rules of this world.

However, Thain still relied on his world-class secret treasure to detect the aura fluctuations of thirteen sixth-level creatures in this settlement immediately.

Each of these sixth-level creatures live in the first five peaks of this settlement area.

Those in the outer zone are basically fourth- or fifth-level creatures.

Thain did not intend to keep a low profile. After joining this settlement under Minghua's recommendation, it was difficult for Thain to keep a low profile.

Not to mention, Thain's daily experiments require a relatively quiet environment.

He was also not interested in crowding with a group of fourth- and fifth-level creatures to show off his power.

After taking a look at Minghua and the gray-skinned stick insect, Thane nodded, and together with Gongsun Wudi, they released aura fluctuations that were about mid-to-late level six.

The strong pressure of the aura caused the fifth-level stick insect to bow its head respectfully to the two of them.

Then, with Minghua carrying them, the group of them flew towards the highest peaks in this settlement area.

The so-called place of rules in Luanfeng Mountain, in fact, the real core should be in the sky in this residential area.

There are constant dark blue lightning flashes there, which contain certain rules and secrets.

Therefore, the higher the mountain, the closer it is to the core of this settlement.

When Thain looked at this settlement area with the Mask of No Form just now, there were two areas where he couldn't see through the details.

One of them is the highest peak in this settlement, which is the rugged mountain peak where the Formless One is located.

The second place is the sky in this residential area.

Deep in the dense dark blue lightning chain, it seems that there is

What secrets are there...

When Minghua Phoenix brought Thain and Gongsun Wudi to the third mountain peak, some whispers and voices of will belonging to the fluctuations of sixth-level creatures echoed among these mountains.

Regarding the addition of new faces, some of the six-level old monsters in the Luanfeng Mountain settlement were extremely calm, some showed faint hostility, and a very few, like Minghua, showed some kindness.

Minghua made a clear phoenix cry among the mountains, which seemed to be a response to these old monsters.

When carrying Thain and the others to the third peak, Minghua turned his head and introduced to Thain, "The trio of orangutans who fought with us before were once creatures of this settlement."

"That dwarf was the one who lived on the second peak."

"But they left here three thousand years ago." Minghua said.

Thain nodded. Enemies meet on a narrow road. As long as the other person does not die, there will always be a time to meet again in the future.

After that, Minghua pointed with his long beak to a mountain peak in the middle of the settlement area with a moderate altitude and said, "The trading area of ​​the Luanfeng Mountain settlement area is set up there."

“As the homeless population grows in the ghetto, there’s more good stuff there.”

"Although I have been in this world for a long time, many creatures' space equipment cannot be used anymore, including the energy loss of various precious materials, which is also extremely serious."

"But there will always be some people who master special space methods."

"Including because new wanderers are constantly appearing in this world, there will not be too much shortage of supplies for those who are truly capable."

"Some wanderers will also find the resources they need from regular dangerous places and ancient civilization ruins." Minghua said.

Thane nodded again.

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