The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2468 Number Zero

Thain and Gongsun Wudi are not the only ones who master special space methods.

Including the Minghua Phoenix in front of her, the bunch of white fluff on her abdomen obviously has certain magical powers of space laws, and it seems to be able to offset part of the rule erosion of the desperate world.

Of the blood crystal potions and energy crystals that Thain had previously traded to Minghua, some of them were eaten by her on the spot, while the other parts were carefully collected by her.

The world of despair is really a testing place, and the screening mechanism is also very strong.

None of the creatures that can survive here and live a relatively comfortable life are simple characters.

After Minghua lived in a desperate world, her lively and active personality was greatly affected.

Except for going out to collect some Philosopher's Stones as an energy supplement every once in a while, Minghua would maintain his Nirvana posture most of the time, practicing while reducing his own energy consumption.

After settling down the two of Thain and taking them to visit his phoenix nest, Minghua flew back to his nest.

Thain and Gongsun Wudi later found a good place at the eastern corner of the third peak as their place to live for the next period of time.

This place is mainly quiet, and the view is relatively wide.

The other sixth-level creatures on the third peak didn't seem to be dissatisfied with Thain and others just because they had two more neighbors.

Also, the area of ​​​​this mountain peak is extremely vast, and people can live even on the mountainside.

There were just a few sixth-level creatures, enough for them to do whatever they wanted.

Fighting is just a manifestation of a certain contradiction that has been intensified to a certain extent.

There is no creature that likes to fight with others.

And it would be difficult for a being who often turns against other tyrannical creatures to live long in a world of despair.

After settling down temporarily

, Thain and Gongsun Wudi were waiting for the rules of this settlement area to open, while taking advantage of the hundreds of years left to start other experimental projects of their own.

After obtaining Minghua's phoenix feathers and preparing enough materials, Thane can actually start refining the robe of ashes.

However, Thain was new to the Luanfeng Mountain settlement and was a little worried that the remaining time would not be enough for him to refine his magic robe to perfection.

Therefore, Thain could only continue to put this experimental project on hold for the time being and turn his attention to the piece of copper from the First Mountain he had just obtained.

As early as the previous Penetrating Gate settlement, Thane had an experimental plan to design and manufacture advanced intelligent robots above level four.

And for this experimental project, Thain has a relatively complete planning and design plan.

Thain did not intend to create something as exaggerated as level 6 intelligent robots from the beginning.

Creating a level 4 strength first and taking a trip will also make the subsequent journey easier.

Although the fourth level combat power is of little use to Thain at present.

But if we don’t build level 4 smart robots first, how can we have the ambition to impact the manufacturing process of level 5, 6, or even higher level smart robots in the future?

A large number of top-quality materials, including the copper of Shoushan, are the raw materials used by Thane to manufacture advanced intelligent robots.

After building his makeshift laboratory, Thain quickly got into it.

The experiment of refining intelligent robots is no less noisy than Thane's other Ember Fire experiments and body refining experiments.

Because during this experiment, many Gallente Federation robot production lines in Thane's Cube will be used.

So in the middle and late stages of the experiment, Thain even

The third peak he was on had hollowed out a large part of the mountain.

The peaks of the desperate world are indeed difficult to destroy.

But Thain couldn't stand it because he had the help of Fumila and Gongsun Wudi, two level six players.

In order to speed up the two people's excavation progress, Thain even made corresponding alchemy excavation equipment specially for them.

The intelligent robot Wall-E also gave Thain a lot of help in the process of refining the fourth-level robot.

Two hundred years later, an ugly fourth-level robot with a spherical head and a strange large disk on top of its head became the biggest experimental result of Thain in recent years.

"I will name you 'Zero'." Thain excitedly pressed the red button directly above the level 4 robot's head and said.

With a flash of red light, the intelligent robot slowly opened its eyes.

Judging from the design appearance, this level four robot is extremely ugly.

It is far inferior to the angel-type robots produced by the Gallente Federation, and has a strange appearance compared to the intelligent robots of Cybertron such as Decepticons and Optimus Prime.

But as the manufacturer of "Zero", Thain felt that the robot in front of him was pleasing to the eye no matter how he looked at it.

Perhaps this feeling is just like how parents like their children.

The program started and Zero opened his eyes. After scanning the surrounding environment with his pupil rays, he respectfully came to Thain.

He also sent a stream of well-intentioned data to Wall-E and Fumila who were beside Thane.

Before starting, Thain used the Rubik's Cube to awaken Zero's wisdom.

And in Thain's design, his intelligent robot should reach mid-level four combat power.

"Let us test your strength in actual combat."

"Haha, you only have level four power.

It's important, although you can't help me now in a place like this desperate world. "

"But if you are combined with the joint fortress group in future applications..." Thain touched his chin and said to the Zero robot, which showed both excitement and a little inferiority complex.

Thain's combined fortress group is still docked in the Rubik's Cube.

The previous extremely serious damage, as well as the massive energy consumption required by the fortress group, made it impossible for Thain to bring out this extremely eye-catching behemoth for the time being.

However, Thain has not forgotten the combination fortress group, nor has he forgotten the secret of mechanical integration that he has mastered.

After all the low-level magicians who assisted him in driving in the fortress group were killed, Thain not only needed to replace them with intelligent robots, but also needed more and more intelligent robots like Zero, which are level 4 or above, to bless him. combat effectiveness.

The final experimental test result was very successful.

As expected, No. 0 has combat power comparable to mid-level fourth-level creatures, and because its construction raw materials contain the copper of the First Mountain, a top-notch metal that is enough to create a world-class secret treasure.

Therefore, in a world of despair, Zero's energy loss and metal corrosion have been suppressed to a minimum.

If it can return to the material star realm, the power that Zero can theoretically explode should be even stronger.

The success of the experiment made Thain very happy.

But then, Walli, Thain's most effective assistant in the laboratory, explained to him a problem that he and others must solve as soon as possible.

"There is not enough energy, Master."

"To maintain the current experimental needs and other experimental projects in the future, it is no longer enough to rely solely on the secondary endless energy device contained in the Rubik's Cube."

"We need to activate a stronger infinite energy law, or find other ways to replenish energy." Walli honestly said.

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