The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2466 Luanfeng Mountain Settlement Area (Part 1)

The dangerous place with rules mentioned by Minghua Phoenix is ​​exactly the place where she used to live and survive.

The world of despair is also a society, and many creatures tend to live together. There are always only a few loners who live alone.

And the gathering of these wanderers together also helps them exchange resources with each other.

In addition, every place that attracts wanderers must have its own special characteristics.

Like the previous Penetrating Gate settlement, there may be some attractive resources produced in the surrounding area.

The regular and dangerous place that Minghua led Thain and others to was located on the border of this ancient plain.

Even Minghua, who has been living in this world for eight thousand years, doesn't know how big this ancient plain is.

Anyway, she hasn't completely walked through this place yet.

As for why she said that the area she was about to take Thain and others to was the border of this ancient plain, it was because the rules and environment inside and outside that settlement area had obviously changed greatly.

That must mark another area belonging to the world of despair.

From this we can also see the magnificence and vastness of the desperate world.

After traveling for several years and experiencing three energy storms, Thain and others finally arrived at their destination.

After being together for such a long time, Thain and others felt relatively at ease with Minghua.

This sixth-level phoenix, who has a relatively straightforward mind, is unlikely to have evil intentions and harm them.

However, before arriving at this settlement, Minghua Phoenix mentioned that this settlement has its own operating rules.

This rule was formulated by the strongest person in the settlement - the "Shameless One".

How strong is the Phaseless One?

Minghua said that even if ten of them are tied together, they may not be able to beat each other.

In this dangerous and regulated area of ​​"Chaos Peak Mountain", there were once several sixth-level creatures who tried to challenge the Phaseless One.

But in the end, he ended up with two people dead and three people seriously injured.

Among the guys who were killed, even

There is a level six peak being.

Upon hearing this, Thain and Gongsun Wudi couldn't help but look at each other.

Minghua certainly didn't bring Sean and others here to trick them.

In fact, as long as you don't violate the rules set by the Xiangren, the safety in this "Huanfeng Mountain" settlement area will be far better than living in the ancient plains before.

Even with the passage of time and development, the Luanfeng Mountain settlement has become very prosperous.

There is even a large market here.

Of course, those who can trade with each other in the market are at least level four creatures.

"Since entering the world of despair, many of my perceptions have changed."

"In the star realm before, who would have thought that hundreds of creatures above level four would settle together in such a peaceful and harmonious manner." Looking at the Luanfeng Mountain settlement not far away, which has many mountains and peaks reaching into the sky, Sei En couldn't help but sigh.

Hundreds of creatures above level 4...are almost as big as a large world civilization!

But in the world of despair, this is just a slightly larger settlement.

It's not just the top inhabited areas of desperate people.

The total number of creatures above level 4 in the Luanfeng Mountain settlement is approximately between two hundred and three hundred.

This is not the data when this settlement reached its peak. According to Minghua, about five thousand years ago, when she first came to the Luanfeng Mountain settlement, the total number of homeless people in this settlement reached an impressive More than seven hundred!

However, it was also at that time that the Luanfeng Mountain settlement area ushered in obvious turmoil.

It was at that time that the outstanding performance of the No-Phase One against many was accomplished.

It is said that there was another powerful being in this settlement area at that time whose strength was not inferior to that of the Phaseless One.

It's just that at the end of that turmoil

After that, the other party disappeared.

Some old wanderers who had stayed in the settlement longer than Minghua secretly mentioned in private that another powerful being who was as powerful as the Faceless One had already seized the opportunity in that turmoil and left the world of despair!

Is there a way to escape from the world of despair and return to the material star realm?

No wonder this area attracts so many homeless people.

Thane spent two thousand years in the world of Despair, mostly in the laboratory.

So the perception of the passage of time is not strong.

In addition, he has no shortage of energy.

But for those creatures that lack energy and endure the pain of hunger and cell torture all the time, leaving this world has become their only pursuit.

——Of course, Thain’s temporary inability to feel anything is also related to the fact that he has not been in this world for long. 🅆

If thousands of years pass, or even tens of thousands of years, I believe that Thain's ideas will have changed slightly by then.

"Let's go, I'll take you through some procedures for joining the settlement." Minghua said, and stretched out his phoenix wings.

Thain and Gongsun Wudi temporarily stood on Minghua's back, allowing him to temporarily serve as their means of transportation.

In a place like Despair World, if there are many people, it is best not to expose yourself to too many energy elements easily.

Therefore, Thain did not summon the elemental black phoenix to take his place at this time.

Minghua has been fed by Thain during this period.

It was just a short walk, and the phoenix had no complaints.

The real location of the Luanfeng Mountain settlement is on the top of the mountains that are tens of thousands of meters high in Thain's eyes.

After Minghua took Thain and others to the mountain, Thain was shocked to discover that the mountain peak they were on was not the highest peak in the settlement area.

In front, there are

A dozen peaks higher than the mountains in front of you.

Among them, the most towering and eye-catching one may have reached a height of hundreds of thousands of meters.

This means that even if Thane inspires the robots in the Federation fortress group to transform, he is still a younger brother in front of this giant mountain.

Seeing that Thain was looking towards the highest peak, Minghua said, "That's where the formless ones live."

"Unless you want to challenge the Phaseless One, or the once-a-thousand-year-old Luanfeng Mountain rules land is opened, I suggest you not to go up easily." Minghua said.

The most recent rule land in Luanfeng Mountain was opened approximately 352 years later.

It was a coincidence that Thain and others came here.

And because the Land of Rules is about to open, the number of people in the Luanfeng Mountain settlement is much larger than when the last Land of Rules ended more than 700 years ago.

Including the overall prosperity of the settlement in front of me, it has also recovered a lot.

The condition for joining the Luanfeng Mountain Rules Land is that you need to pay three Philosopher's Stones.

This is the rule made by the formless ones.

In addition, fighting is prohibited during the period when the Rules Land is not open, which is also a rule that everyone abides by tacitly.

After leaving the Luanfeng Mountain settlement area, these unruly wanderers can be beaten however they want.

But in a residential area, no.

The Phaseless One has used his power to prove his authority here time and time again.

However, compared to the freshness that the regular land of Luanfeng Mountain brought to him and others, Thain was more interested in the other side of the scenery in this settlement area.

No wonder this settlement is called the border area of ​​the Ancient Plains.

When Thain stood on this mountain and looked in the opposite direction from when they came.

An endless stretch of white bones appeared in Thain's field of vision!

"How many creatures are buried in this world?" Thain couldn't help but ask from the bottom of his heart.

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