The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2465 Exchange

The energy tide of "Rumble!" was still passing over the heads of Thain and others.

More than half a year has passed since Thane and others hid in this underground gap.

Sure enough, the intensity and duration of this energy tide far exceeded those experienced by Thain before.

Minghua Phoenix, who was at the late sixth level, leaned his long beak against Thane's Staff of Ashes and fell asleep.

Thain has also heard that the phoenix does not rest on the parasol tree.

But he didn't expect that the Ashes Staff, which he made from the main material of fairyland sycamore wood, would bring such a powerful hypnotic effect to the female phoenix.

Gongsun Wudi now entered a state of meditation and breath control. 🅆

Speaking of which, the practice method of martial arts civilization is really strange.

In addition to the slow boxing skills that Gongsun Wudi used before, he can also improve his strength through meditation, which really opened his eyes to Thain.

As for Thain himself, most of his attention now is devoted to the trophies he obtained not long ago.

Thane didn't care much about that world-class secret treasure short stick.

Originally, he wanted to give the short stick to Gongsun Wudi, but Gongsun Wudi didn't want it and gave it back to Thain.

As another material that Thain is currently pressing at the bottom of the box.

Hundreds of Philosopher's Stones and other high-quality extorted materials are currently placed in Thain's house.

After all, only Thane, who mastered alchemy and pharmacy methods, could develop their full value.

The target that Thain focused on at this time was the information light ball that the sixth-level orangutan finally threw to him.

As expected, the ball of light contained information about a party called "Osdia Civilization Ruins".

In the world of despair, the so-called dangerous places with rules are not entirely composed of the special rules of this world.

There are also some rules and dangerous areas that seem to be formed by some powerful civilizations in prehistory.

Many knowledgeable and desperate people mentioned that these ruins that constitute dangerous areas with special rules were left by the top civilizations of the past.

Indeed, only a powerful world that has reached the top level of civilization can leave such a level of civilizational relics in a world of despair.

If it were an ordinary large plane, it is estimated that many creatures, even the masters of large planes, may not have explored this world with special rules.

The Osdia Civilization is another top civilization on the technological side.

Thane is currently unable to judge whether it is stronger or weaker than the Gallente Federation.

However, compared to the Gallente Federation's creation of the Dominator-class war fleet group and Dominator-class mechas, Osdia's civilizational creatures seem to be focusing more on transforming themselves.

The sixth-level orangutan mistakenly entered a ruins left by the Osdia civilization.

When other desperate world wanderers who entered the ruins were wiped out one by one because they did not understand the rules of this top civilization and the operating mechanism within the ruins, even their corpses were turned into some kind of life liquid.

Only this lucky orangutan finally managed to escape alive, and also received two Osdia cannons that were fused with his own flesh and blood.

"Maybe I shouldn't let those three guys go. The anatomical research value of that orangutan is indeed very high." Thain touched his chin and considered.

Before the storm came, the twin-cannon orangutan and other creatures quickly left the original battlefield.

It can be seen that these three guys don't quite believe in Thain and others.

It wasn't until they were out of sight of Thain and others that they began to look for a safe place to escape the storm.

"But they shouldn't have escaped far. I can use the tracking ability of Wuxiang Mask to find them again." Thain pondered.


In this way, time gradually passed in Thain's thinking and exploration of truth.

It was not until two and a half years later that the terrifying storm that swept across the ancient plains gradually subsided.

After getting along for a long time, Thain and Gongsun Wudi formed a good friendship with this Minghua Phoenix.

This is indeed a foodie. After Thain gave up some energy crystals and blood crystals in exchange, Minghua frankly stretched out a wing and asked Thain to bleed her.

Dragon blood can be used to make body refining potions, and phoenix blood is one of the best raw materials for restorative potions.

Thain studied under Lu Lianman, and his pharmacy ability is actually not bad.

It's just that he has relied too much on Lu Lianman before, so his achievements in pharmacy have not been revealed.

"Why don't you transform into a human form like us?" After the storm gradually faded away, Thane flew out of the gap in the ground and asked Minghua in front of him.

The phoenix tilted its head and thought for a while, then asked, "Then why don't you transform into the same phoenix form as me?"

Minghua's rhetorical question made Thain choke.

Indeed, Thain entered a misunderstanding.

The dragons or phoenixes he had seen before generally had the ability to transform into humans.

Not only these two powerful races, but also other alien creatures, whether they are creatures in the wizarding world or creatures in the fairyland civilization, are generally keen on transforming into human form.

This is because the dominant groups of the two top civilizations are both humanoid creatures.

Transforming into human form is synonymous with high-end and advanced in many biological concepts.

But for a powerful world like the Bailing Bird World, which has little contact with the outside world, and the dominant race itself is the Phoenix, why should they change their appearance?

Instead of continuing to communicate with the phoenix, Thane shook his head, inspiring the formless mask to quickly collect all the information around him.

He tried to find the three unlucky guys who tried to rob him and others again.


Thain's plan ultimately failed.

When he took Gongsun Wudi to the shelter where the Double Cannon Orangutan and others had been, there was no trace of the three level six creatures.

Even those three guys seemed to have evacuated here in time before the storm completely stopped.

The lingering energy storm left traces of their escape almost perfectly clear.

"It's really not easy for any of the sixth-level creatures to be able to rob families and survive in a desperate world for such a long time." Thain couldn't help but sigh.

Thain was not discouraged when he failed to block the Double Cannon Gorilla and others.

Anyway, he got the coordinates of the ruins of the Osdia civilization, and the ruins of this ancient civilization are quite far away from here.

If the two-gun gorilla is really interested in this top-notch technological civilization relic, there will always be a chance for them to meet again in the future.


He failed to get any more information about the ruins of Osdia's top civilization from the Double Cannon Orangutan, but Thane turned around and gained something else from Minghua Phoenix.

"Thank you for your gift. I don't have anything else to exchange for it. I can't take your things for free. Do you want this?" After Minghua Phoenix received the blood crystal potion given by Thane, Said a little embarrassed.

How can you say "take it for free"?

During this period of time, Thain had at least plucked out half of Minghua’s phoenixes.

Phoenix feathers.

Fortunately, she was born with the endless power of nirvana, otherwise she would have been turned into a hairless chicken by Thain.

Putting away the newly plucked phoenix feathers, Thane felt that the raw materials for his robe of ashes were a little more enriched, and he couldn't help but look up at Minghua, who was a little embarrassed.

As Thain watched, Minghua dug out the hair on her abdomen for a long time, and finally used her long beak to pull out a dark yellow metal lump for Thain.

This is no ordinary piece of metal.

Thain stared at the piece of metal for a long time. It felt familiar, but he was not sure.

This special metal does not seem to be produced within the Wizards Alliance.

But Thain must have seen it before, and its properties made Thain immediately sure that it was a treasure.

On the other hand, Gongsun Wudi, who was next to Thane, seemed to know this metal.

While Thain was deep in thought, Gongsun Wudi approached Thain and whispered, "The copper of the first mountain."

When Thain heard this, he slammed his head and said, "Yes, it seems to be this thing!"

Thain himself also had the Copper of Shoushan on hand, which was a gift from Biyan, Bixi's uncle.

However, the color and appearance of the piece of copper from Shoushan given by Biuan was much prettier than the metal lump in front of me. It was a purified top-quality material.

As for the thing in front of me, its surface is pitted and accompanied by many black spots and impurities, making it more like a piece of raw ore.

However, such a large copper mine in Shoushan is rare.

Materials of this level are definitely the best raw materials for refining world-class secret treasures.

Thain made money this time.

For Thain, it is the best weapon-refining material that can make him a little excited.

But for Minghua Phoenix, it is a metal lump that cannot fill her belly.

After completing this transaction, Minghua seemed a little embarrassed.

She went on to add, "It seems that you are very interested in those dangerous places with rules and so-called civilizational ruins?"

"I happen to know a dangerous place with rules. Do you want to go there with me?" Minghua asked, eyes widening.

Putting away the huge Shoushan copper ore, Thain raised his head in surprise and said, "Oh?"

"I've been feeling really weak lately. Can any of you cast two monthly votes to replenish Xiaodou's qaq?"

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