The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2399 Endless Light

Intense energy slowly gathered around the endless light.

As the Endless Light device began to gather energy, a large number of space cracks and energy turmoil were generated around the entire subspace.

At the beginning, the pressure of these spilled energy could be smoothed out as much as possible by the auxiliary devices arranged in advance by the Gallente Federation.

But as time goes by and the level of energy pressure becomes higher and higher, the turbulence generated will become more and more obvious.

It is different from the two civilizational treasures of the wizard civilization - the light of wisdom and the powerful knight's domination suit.

The former tends to be functional.

Although the latter also has extremely strong blessings and improved combat power, it has many limitations.

The "Endless Light Emitting Device" developed by the Gallente Federation is actually a terrifying device specially used for combat and destruction.

The power erupted with endless light is enough to break the balance of the star realm.

Because even those eighth-level peak masters can hardly wipe out a medium-sized star field in an instant and bring disaster to hundreds of planes in this star field.

And Endless Light can!

Even if the shot is accurate, the Federation's endless light can kill the seventh-level master in an instant!

In the Wizards' Alliance, the Norman Federation's seventh-level artificial humans were initially like this.

As the most cutting-edge technological weapon of the Gallente Federation, the Endless Light Device is also a piece of cultural heritage that the wizarding civilization must aspire to acquire!

But unfortunately, every time it is launched, the Gallente Federation protects and hides it very well.

No matter how hard the black magicians and black knights who have penetrated the wizarding civilization search, they can hardly trace any trace of each other.

We can only wait for the launch of the Endless Light device, because this federal civilization treasure has a long downtime and preparation period.

Including after the launch, the Gallente Federation also needs to carry out a lot of follow-up finishing work.

During this period, there was only a slight possibility that the wizard civilization would discover the coordinates of the endless light device.

But now, as the civilized front continues to advance, the territory of the controlled star domain belonging to the Gallente Federation has become increasingly narrow.

Apparently the Wizarding Civilization captured the Federation’s Endless Light Equipment

The probability of setting it up is increasing, and on the other hand, there are not many places to hide for this ultimate trump card of the Gallente Federation!

This also greatly increases the possibility of the wizard civilization locking and finding the endless light emitting device!

Of course, coexisting with the results after discovery are the dangers inherent in the process.

Although the Endless Light device, when it gathers energy to a certain extent, will definitely make the powerful wizards and civilizations on the opposite battlefield sense it.

But because the Gallente Federation’s Endless Light device hits too wide!

It can even cover an entire medium-sized star field.

Moreover, with such a strike method that exceeds the balance of the astral realm, before the locking and power activation are completed, it is difficult for even the dominant-level creatures to break the space barrier and escape from the original place in an instant.

Therefore, even before the launch of Endless Light, its location and target were exposed.

But as the main enemy being hit, it is still difficult to move away from the place!

This is a game between both parties, and everyone knows what they want.

The Federation's Endless Light device was finally launched after being charged by the "Endless Crystal" and completing a period of preparations!

The predecessor of the Endless Crystal is also a "gamma crystal", but its properties are much more stable than the "God Crystal" that the Federation is developing and producing.

The other party is also the main energy source of the Endless Light device.

The terrifying torrent of pure white energy shot straight towards the Asgar Starfield battlefield directly opposite.

Asgar Star Territory is a larger star field battlefield that is more extensive.

But after being hit by the endless light, it still seemed like a holy white plow plowed through this vast black star field.

The entire Asgar Starfield battlefield became extremely corrupt at this moment.

The terrifying energy tide and endless white torrent have caused unknown amounts of damage to this star field.

A large number of regular anomalies and space storms appeared in many corners of this star field.

In the past, the Gallente Federation did not want to use such terrifying weapons around its home star field.

But looking at it now, they obviously don’t care so much!

Most of the thirteen wizard civilization logistics bases that had been attacked by the Gallente Federation's shadow fleet happened to be on the central axis of the torrent that the endless light passed through.

The damage suffered by the wizard civilization army was countless.

Of course, the one that suffered the biggest blow, and was also designated as the main target by the Gallente Federation - is located in the middle of the Asgar star field, the general headquarters of the Western Islands forces, the seventh-level peak true spirit female magician, Bev The lady is here!

Thain arrived at the target logistics base battlefield within the specified time.

Maybe it's because recently, no matter what experiments he does, everything goes smoothly, including the joy of having a new daughter.

So much so that Thain hadn't noticed any strangeness or discomfort before.

There may be a traitor in the upper echelons of the wizarding civilization, and Thane has already reported his suspicion.

Thain also knew people in the Western Islands. He thought about this report and submitted it directly to Lord Knight Klopp through the Holy Tower of Ashes.

However, these reports, as well as the subsequent purge operations of traitors, cannot be approved and completed in the blink of an eye.

What Thain thought was that after the war around this logistics base was over, the top leaders of the wizarding civilization would come up with some explanations.

At least there are many "smart people" like Thane in the wizarding world.

When Thain arrived at the logistics base battlefield, the fighting here had already broken out.

Because of the timely support from Thane and others, the Gallente Federation shadow fleet attacking here had not had time to withdraw.

Including the wizard civilization legion originally stationed here, they also showed extremely tough blood and bit the federal fleet to prevent them from leaving.

The wizarding civilized legions that have experienced civilized wars are all a group of

The Iron Legion filled with blood and fire.

Different from the elite army of the Federation, the larger the number, the smaller the number.

The elite legions of the wizard civilization are getting bigger and more numerous!

This also shows the size problem of the two top civilizations and the gap between them and the potential for subsequent wars.

The Tianming Empire and the Dark Servant Army led by Rose arrived at the logistics base battlefield almost at the same time as the Ash Army led by Thane.

Like Thain, the three armies quickly jumped into the battle as soon as they arrived on the battlefield!

The total number of legions brought by Thane this time was not large, only 10 million, and many of them were mechanical legions under his command.

The twelve-winged mechanical angel Fumila was right next to Thane.

However, the number of Gallente Federation shadow fleets in front of them was even smaller.

After Wuxiang Mask's rapid battlefield capture and observation, the federal shadow fleet that raided the wizard civilization logistics base in front of them had only about five million combat units in total.

With the arrival of Thain and others, these federal shadow fleets are obviously going to be spoiled!

The war went smoothly at the beginning. There were garrison troops originally stationed around this logistics base to hold on to the enemy, and elite combat legions led by Thain, Rose, Gongsun Wudi and others surrounded it from the outside.

These federal shadow fleets, which were too late to evacuate, suddenly showed a trend of retreat.

These federal shadow fleets are good at carrying out raids and sabotage behind enemy lines.

But when it comes to face-to-face hard steel, their actual combat effectiveness is not even as good as those of the main federal legions active on the front-line battlefield.

Thain once cleaned up a federal shadow fleet in the home star domain of the wizard civilization, and was quite familiar with this type of federal combat legion.

Although the final loss of the logistics base was great.

But Thain felt that this time their support mission should be successfully completed soon.

Until...a pale torrent of energy gradually appeared in Thain's field of vision.

"F*ck!" Master Thain, who was always gentle and elegant in the eyes of outsiders, couldn't help but swear this time.

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