The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2400: Open the champagne

The target of this endless beam of light from the federal-occupied area is obviously not a "little Karami" like Thain.

What they are really targeting is the contemporary leader of wizard civilization and the seventh-level peak true spirit magician, Ms. Bev!

As for Thain and other affected objects, they were just trash fish that were easily picked up.

Only an existence of Ms. Bev's level can become the Gallente Federation's primary target of attack.

The pale white beam finally directly engulfed the headquarters of the Wizarding Civilization Western Islands Power Group.

Surrounding the headquarters, two large star ports and as many as hundreds of space fortresses were evaporated and annihilated into the most basic particles under the endless light of the Gallente Federation!

No one would believe that anyone could survive such a blow.

Even an eighth-level master is at risk of falling after being struck by this endless light!

With the launch of this endless torrent of light, the Gallente Federation's massive legions that had already been assembled at the border of the Asgar Star Territory began to attack more intensely than before!

If you just look at a corner of the Asgard star field, you will probably be suspicious. Is the Gallente Federation's full-scale counterattack about to begin?

After experiencing the ravages of the Endless Light of the Gallente Federation, the Wizarding Civilization Legion was severely hit and was in a state of depression. After a short period of reaction, it finally gradually organized an effective counterattack.

Among them, the one with the most fierce counterattack attitude is none other than the Zerg Blade Queen!

No one knew before when the Zerg Legion appeared in the Asgar Star Territory.

Not only was the Gallente Federation not aware of it in advance, but even most of the knights and magician legions of the wizard civilization had not received any relevant news before.

I only see these numbers

Zerg legions numbering in the trillions poured out from one space wormhole after another, and under the leadership of higher-level insect beasts, they rushed towards the battlefield in front of them.

The most intense confrontation and conflict broke out with the charging Gallente Federation fleet.

Moreover, these Zerg legions have shown an even crazier momentum and fearlessness than in the past!

This army of insect beasts, whose entire clan is in a "violent" state, also indirectly shows the furious mood of the Zerg Blade Queen at this time.

Could it be that the Gallente Federation succeeded?

More than one federal high-level official couldn't help but have such thoughts after learning about this situation.

The Gallente Federation, which has been in contact with the wizarding civilization for many years, has naturally known for a long time that the Queen of Blades and Ms. Bev, the leader of the wizarding civilization, are actually sisters.

Immediately afterwards, the Titan Legion suddenly launched an attack from the front of the Asgar Starfield battlefield, seeming to interpret the possibility of this conjecture.

The Titan Legion has also been greatly affected by the torrent of the Federation's Endless Light.

Millions of Titans were evaporated and wiped out in an instant.

And tens of millions of Titans were also affected by the impact of the endless light, and they could not recover for a long time.

It was the Titan God King Odin, holding the world-class secret treasure Kungunir, wearing a God King suit, and roaring at the forefront of the Titan Legion.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of His Majesty the God King, the originally languid Titan Legion regained its vitality in the shortest possible time, followed the source of their faith, and rushed towards the Gallente Federation Legion. !

From the Zerg Legion

After the Titan Legion, the elite knights of the Wizard Civilization, the Magician Legion and other alliance combat legions also quickly adjusted in the following time.

Led by the senior knights and magicians of the Wizarding World, they reorganized the front line in the Asgar Star Territory and responded to the Gallente Federation's counterattack.

However, at this time, the central area of ​​the Asgar Star Territory is still a land of corruption and energy chaos.

According to the experience of several endless light strikes that the wizard civilization has experienced before.

The regular phenomena that appear in the middle of the Asgar star field will last for at least a thousand years in the future.

Including the main hit area in the middle of the Asgar Star Territory at this time, it is still a restricted area of ​​life that even Dominator-level beings cannot approach.

Everything there was completely destroyed.

Death and desolation will last for thousands or tens of thousands of years in the middle of this large star field.

The entire Asgar Star Territory is gradually declining due to the Federation's Endless Light attack, but it's not necessarily the case.

This appeared to be a staged victory for the Federation. 🅆

After learning that the Torrent of Endless Light had successfully hit its target, some of the senior officials of the Gallente Federation had already opened champagne to celebrate.

This is indeed a victory worth writing about!

Even the Federation's supercomputer, after Endless Light hit its target, estimated the Federation's winning rate from 2017 to 2547.

The winning rate increase data is about 5, and the federal high-level officials are obviously not satisfied with this.

Because in their original estimate, the winning rate would skyrocket by at least 10!

“The operation of the ultimate quantum computer requires support from all aspects of data and intelligence.”

"may be

The information we have collected now is still too little. Wait until we get the actual death information of the seventh-level peak true spirit magician of the wizard civilization, as well as the detailed loss data of other wizard civilization legions on the battlefield of the Asgar star field. "

"I believe the winning rate index will change significantly!" A senior official in the federal scientific research community explained this.

The other federal leaders nodded at this, and they continued to clink glasses with each other and chant "cheers!"

At the top of the federation, they have begun to celebrate their own war action.

Almost no one noticed that a well-disciplined elite team was personally led by three wizard civilization masters, and all its members were knights and magicians of level four or above.

Quietly infiltrated through the Gallente Federation front and sneaked straight towards the star field behind the Federation!

The goal of this ultra-luxurious team of wizard civilization is obviously not the boring president, or the federal home planet that has been blasted countless times in history.

The direction they headed straight for was the coordinates of the subspace star field where the Endless Light Launcher had just fired!

In such a short period of time, those federal scientific research technicians and secret forces would never be able to immediately transfer the Endless Light device.

at the same time.

In the middle of the Asgar star field, the most central place where the endless light is raging.

Bev, the seventh-level peak true spiritual mage, was wearing a white-gold dress. A row of sweet-smelling sweat seemed to break out on her fair forehead.

She took two deep breaths and said to the knight in front of her, who was wearing a strange and extremely ferocious jet black armor suit, "Knight Roland, you have worked really hard this time!"

"The next chapter will be around one o'clock~"

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