The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2398 Daughter and Traitor

"When did you get pregnant?" Before leaving for the expedition, Thain took the time to take a look at Natalya.

At this time, Natalya was lying in the training cabin recovering from her injuries.

Speaking of which, this woman is really dignified.

The injuries on her body were sustained in the recent war.

Fortunately, the injuries were not serious and were mostly skin injuries.

At first, neither Thain nor Natalya noticed that she was pregnant.

Until Natalya returned to the Space Fortress this time to rest and treat her surface injuries.

Only then were they suddenly reminded by the healing circle and learned this "surprising" news.

"It should be after your last experiment, right?"

"Didn't your experiment go very successfully? Later, Lenna and I went to find you, and by the way, you gave us..." Natalya said with a slight blush on her cheeks.

It is much more complicated for creatures above level four to give birth to offspring than for lower creatures.

When Narcissus came out of her mother's belly, she went through a lot of troubles.

Now Nataya is pregnant again. According to the previous experience, it may take hundreds of years for Thain to see his second child.

"You should cultivate yourself well during this period. Although the war in the Asgar Star Territory is extremely fierce, I will still find a way. After a while, I will see if I can work out a relationship and send you back to the Wizarding World to rest." Thain told Natalya. said.

Natalya has always been a carefree character, and even when she was pregnant, she acted extremely wild on the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

Thane was not only worried about her, he also had to worry about his unborn child.

Faced with Thain's request, Natalya rarely refuted him this time, but tilted her head and said softly "hmm".

Thain talked to Natalya for a while, and using the phaseless mask, he indeed sensed the breath of a small life that had not yet formed in Natalya's abdomen.

Afterwards, Thane stood up and left. He had to carry out the rescue mission assigned by the wizard civilization as soon as possible.


At this time, Natalya suddenly stopped Thain again.

I saw her touching her belly, which was still flat for the time being, with a maternal glow on her face, and said, "Husband, I feel like I am really a daughter this time."

"She must be a very cute little girl." Natalya said.

When Thain saw this, a smile appeared on his lips and he said, "Whether it's a boy or a girl, I like them all."

"You should have a good rest. I will ask my mentors to make some warming potions for you later."

Natalya nodded and said, "Okay, then you should also pay attention to your safety!"

Thain nodded at Natalya and then left the rest room.

Outside the rest room, also present here, somewhat nervously, were Sean's mother-in-law Xia Ya and goddaughter Xiao Xingxing.

They also just learned about Natalya's pregnancy, and they arrived just one step behind Thane.

"Xia Ya, you and Xiao Xingxing don't have to go on this support mission. Just stay here and take care of Natalya."

"I will make arrangements to send Natalya back to the Wizarding World to take care of her body and prepare for childbirth." Thain said to the two of them.

Xia Ya nodded and watched Thain leave with Little Xingxing.

It is very likely that he will have another biological daughter, and Thain is quite happy.

Although his blood descendants have grown stronger, there are currently only two direct blood relatives.

It won't take long for that boy Naxi Xiu to learn that he has a younger sister.

Already having a son and a daughter, and his search for truth has been relatively smooth in recent years, Thain couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

In addition to the news of the Gallente Federation's raid on the rear, Thane felt a hint of displeasure.

"This time, we must completely eliminate these shadow fleets that raid the rear!" Thain said coldly.

Those who rushed back to the rear logistics base to perform support tasks were all direct descendants of Thane, Gongsun Wudi and Spider Queen Rose.

Not all legions.

At this time, the main force of Thain's Ash Legion was still fighting on the frontline battlefield. What Thain had dispatched and taken away was only about 10 million combat groups.

The situation under Tianming Empire and Rose's command is similar.

Ten million is also a lot. The three companies added up to a huge combat army of 30 million.

The shadow fleet group in the Gallente Federation's surprise attack logistics base definitely does not have such a large number of combat units.

Because if there are too many of them, it will be difficult for them to hide and jump across space.

And Thain and others gathered such a huge combat legion with the purpose of completely encircling and destroying this shadow fleet group in one go.

At the same time, while rushing to the logistics base, Thane gradually learned that it turned out that the Gallente Federation's surprise attack on the Asgar star field logistics base was not the only one behind their Ash Legion.

Instead, a total of thirteen logistics bases were raided by the Gallente Federation! And the losses were heavy!

"The total number of logistics bases our wizard civilization has deployed in the Asgar star field is hundreds."

"The raids on the thirteen logistics bases cannot change the overall war situation in this star field."

"But the coordinates and protection and concealment of these logistics bases should be done extremely well."

"In the end, there were still thirteen bases that were attacked by cross-space jumps by the Federation fleet... I am afraid that there are still spies and traitors of the Gallente Federation hidden within our wizard civilization." Thain said thoughtfully.

It was not only Thain who felt something strange, but also many high-level officials of the wizarding civilization.

In the alliance

After Bang's series of raids, a quiet thorough investigation and elimination began to take place within the wizarding civilization.

In the past, the top leaders of the wizarding civilization had been keeping a close eye on the gods who were members of the alliance.

But this incident has sounded a wake-up call to the top leaders of wizard civilization.

Those who betrayed the wizarding civilization may not only be those alien gods from the alliance, but also the local knights and magicians of the wizarding world who were instigated to rebel and become corrupted!

Because it involves so many logistics base coordinates and patrol legion blind spots, it is definitely not intelligence information that just a few alliance gods can get!

There must be a knight or magician of level 4 or above from the wizarding civilization who tipped off the news.

And it seems that the opponent's level is not too low!

When the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization gradually turned their attention to the traitors who appeared, few people noticed that the thirteen logistics bases of the wizarding civilization that were raided by the federal shadow fleet were actually distributed in a diagonal straight line. In the area occupied by wizard civilization.

The reason why the Gallente Federation sent out a suicide fleet and designed such a surprise attack plan was of course not only to make the battle look good and to combat the offensive tide of the wizard civilization.

But they have a deeper offensive plan...

It was also in the process of sending support to that logistics base through Thain and others.

The not-so-distant Gallente Federation controls the star field.

In an extremely hidden pitch-black subspace, a towering silver-white rectangular metal device slowly reveals its ferocious and technologically rich appearance.

This exaggerated metal device that looks a bit like a cube and has a total length of nearly 30,000 meters is the ultimate treasure of civilization that the wizard civilization has searched all over the Gallente Federation but has not found - the endless light emitting device!

It's actually hidden here!

Perhaps it was just transferred here, and this metal torque cannon is already ready to be fired!

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