The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2388 Prove yourself

When the envoys from the Kingdom of Light's civilization began to contact the top leaders of the wizarding civilization.

The movements of the Minghe Empire were not slow either.

A "high-status" seventh-level pharaoh clone successfully contacted the top leaders of the Gallente Federation and gained the opportunity to talk to the president and other top federal officials.

Just as there has always been a secret connection between the wizard civilization and the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

The connection between the Hades Empire and the Gallente Federation has never been broken.

Time is really a wonderful thing.

This is not the first time that the dominant existences of the two civilizations have come into contact.

However, the treatment and circumstances of the two contacts were completely different.

Back then, when the 10th Pharaoh of the Hades Empire arrived in person on the battlefield of the Wizarding Civilization, the Federation only sent a five-star general to contact him on his behalf.

What came back this time was only a seventh-level pharaoh with average strength, and it was just a clone of the opponent, but the Gallente Federation had put on such a grand and solemn battle.

This shows that the Gallente Federation has no other help.

They want to grab every life-saving straw that can help them!

"We, the Hades Empire, can send troops to help your Gallente Federation." The seventh-level pharaoh opened his mouth and said.

And this sentence immediately captured the hearts of many senior leaders of the Gallente Federation.

"But you also need to prove your worth."

"At least it must prove that it makes sense for our Minghe Empire to send troops to support you."

"If your Gallente Federation is destroyed by the wizarding civilization within a few hundred years."

"Given the long time and space distance between our Minghe Empire and this star field, what is the use of supporting you?" The seventh-level Pharaoh sneered.

"Destroy our Gallente Federation within a few hundred years?"

"Absolutely impossible!" An old federal marshal with a brown beard replied decisively.

"Even though the frontline of the wizard civilization has approached the hinterland of our Gallente Federation's home star field."

"Our federation is also confident enough to defend for another three thousand years!" the federal marshal said seriously.


The federal marshal is quite pragmatic.

There is no such nonsense as saying that the Federation can last for another 10,000 years.

However, the number "three thousand years" also contains a lot of water.

Among the processing results of the federal supercomputer, the Gallente Federation has the most, and can only last another 1,500 years.

Of course, a person who can become a marshal will not deliberately worry about such details.

He said to the seventh-level pharaoh in front of him, "As long as the Mingha Empire can send troops, help us contain part of the power of the wizard civilization."

"If our two civilizations cooperate internally and externally, the wizarding civilization will undoubtedly lose!" the federal marshal stated.

At the same time, another big boss in the federal economic circle also said at the right time, "If the Hades Empire agrees to send troops, in addition to fulfilling the contents of the contract signed with the tenth pharaoh of your civilization, we will also make additional payments." High-quality energy blocks twice as high as those of your civilization!"

"This is the greatest sincerity of our Gallente Federation. I hope your civilization will consider it carefully." The federal executive said.

Even the president's mustache couldn't help but nodded at this time.

The Congress has run out of money. If it wants to spend a huge amount of money to recruit the Mingha Empire Legion as foreign aid, it will have to rely on these top-notch plutocrats in the business world.

At this time, the cooperation contract submitted by the Gallente Federation to the Hades Empire was already the maximum price they could offer.

The seventh-level pharaoh looked at the contract handed over by the federation. The many rare ores and massive energy crystals recorded in this contract made even him, a master-level being, excited.

The rotten ship also has three pounds of nails.

The Gallente Federation has been so badly beaten by the wizarding civilization, but it can still spend such an exaggerated amount of wealth to invite foreign aid.

However, this seventh-level pharaoh was not moved by such foreign objects. He knew what his mission was.

He shook his head and said, "These wealth alone are not enough to persuade our Minghe Empire to send troops immediately."

"You still need to do one more thing." The seventh-level Pharaoh said.

"What's going on?" a federal executive asked impatiently.

"Prove that you can withstand the war pressure imposed by the wizard civilization and successfully persist until the death army of our Hades Empire arrives."

"The best way to prove this kind of thing is... to counterattack the wizard civilization front!"

"As long as you can launch a counterattack and let us, the Minghe Empire, see your achievements." 🅆

"Only I can convince the Pharaoh Temple to send troops to the Wizarding Star Territory as soon as possible to relieve your pressure." The seventh-level Pharaoh King said.

The Pharaoh's statement made the senior federal officials present couldn't help but look at each other.

The guy opposite didn't just talk nonsense, what he said made some sense.

However, while the whole is on the passive defensive, the Gallente Federation mustered a powerful counterattack to prove its military is indeed inconsistent with the Gallente Federation's war situation in the past two thousand years.

The Pharaoh in front of him did not push too far. He knew that these Gallente Federation legions did not have much strength anymore, so he added, "We only need to launch a wave of counterattack."

"You just need to prove yourselves." Pharaoh spread his bandaged hands and said.

The federal senior officials present looked at each other again. The special technological devices in their ears kept flashing yellow light, indicating that these federal senior officials were also discussing something secretly.

This is really just a life-saving straw.

Everyone knows that it is unlikely that the Minghe Empire will actually send troops, but they have to place their hopes on it.

I have to say it is sad.

In the end, the Gallente Federation agreed to the request of the seventh-level pharaoh in front of them, saying that they would take corresponding actions in the near future.

When the Pharaoh asked curiously what the Federation planned to do.

The top federal officials headed by the president just laughed, saying that friends of the Minghe Empire just needed to watch.

Anyway, their Gallente Federation will definitely be able to prove that they are still capable of fighting.

The seventh-level pharaoh looked at the group of federal senior officials and said nothing.

However, before the meeting ended, the seventh-level pharaoh said in a vague way that if the Gallente Federation could hand over the cost to the Hades Empire to them in advance, his work in persuading other pharaohs to send troops in the pharaoh temple would be even more efficient. Much easier.

"Don't worry, I guarantee that I can persuade the Pharaoh's Temple to arrive at the battlefield in the Wizarding Star Territory within 700 years, thereby greatly alleviating your pressure."

"If you still don't believe it, I can sign the master contract." The seventh-level pharaoh said.

The Gallente Federation has been deceived by the so-called "Master Contract"!

The lessons learned from the Wanhua Tianzun world are not far away.

How could he agree to pay the money in advance to the seventh-level pharaoh in front of him?

The senior leaders of the Gallente Federation continued to laugh and said, "It's only 700 years, our Federation can afford to wait."

"As long as we see the Minghe Empire's army arriving, all the promised resources and energy crystals will be given to us!" the federal executive said firmly.

When the seventh-level pharaoh in charge of the negotiations saw this, a sneer appeared on his face under the bandage, but he didn't say much on the surface and agreed with the Gallente Federation's remarks.

Indeed, it is only 700 years.

The Federation's extremely rich assets should be stored with them for the time being. The seventh-level pharaoh thought to himself.

"These stupid and stingy Federation humans!" After leaving the Federation meeting room, the seventh-level pharaoh couldn't help but secretly jeer.


"These cunning and insidious creatures of death!"

After watching the Pharaoh's clone leave with a smile, several senior federal officials couldn't help but curse as the door to the conference room closed.

With the technological means mastered by the Gallente Federation, there are naturally ways to interfere with the spiritual exploration of these master-level powerhouses.

You don’t have to worry about turning around and saying bad things about the other person, which will be noticed by the other person immediately.

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