The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2389 Rare Rival

"What should we do? Agree to the conditions of these creatures of the Hades Empire?" the president asked aloud.

"That's all we can do. At this stage, these dead creatures are indeed the only ones that can help us." One of the Gallente Federation executives couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, the Gallente Federation humans are very disgusted with those death-based creatures.

Because there was a war in the history of the Federation, and it was almost destroyed by a hostile death-based civilization.

Although the Gallente Federation ultimately won the victory, the heavy price paid by the Federation in the end was shocking enough.

Including today's war with the wizarding civilization, what some senior leaders of the Gallente Federation hate most is not the warring legions on the frontline battlefield of the wizarding civilization, but the black magician groups who always wreak havoc behind the federation.

These black magicians once made the federal senior officials very worried.

The death plague magic and other viruses introduced by the other party have created countless twisted monsters, turning large areas of the Federation's planets into dead zones.

It is also a kind of sadness and helplessness that I have to enter into a war alliance with the most annoying creature.

The president asked again, "How are the preparations for the counterattack against the Wizarding Civilization Front...these 'God Crystals'?"

The person who answered the president's question was a head of federal scientific research, who was also the assistant to chief scientist Samirato.

At this time, the chief scientist of the Federation was immersed in the arduous task of completing two "God Crystals" within five hundred years and had no time to participate in such meetings.

At this time, not too long has passed since the last federal meeting.

Of course, these federal scientists are not "gods", and they cannot create two God Crystals in an instant.

After regretfully answering the president, the president turned his attention to other top federal officials.

"I think it is not appropriate to use the God Crystal for the time being." One of the bosses in the federal military manufacturing industry said.

"Oh?" the president said.

"There are big problems with the activation process of God's crystal."

"It's not like the Endless Light Launcher, which can be activated by us smoothly and carry out targeted attacks."

"Once we use this immature product now, even if it detonates successfully, the impact will not be too high."

"Is it possible that the God Crystal can be delivered to the home star domain of the wizard civilization now?"

"But if the detonation fails...our 'doomsday plan' will come to an end."

"The wizarding civilization will definitely step up its defenses, and the probability of the God Crystal detonating will only be lower in the future." The federal executive sighed.

The speech of this big shot in the field of military manufacturing was quickly followed by comments from several other senior federal officials.

go along.

Including a military marshal also agreed with this.

He is one of the military commanders who is personally responsible for the crazy operation of the "Doomsday Plan". He knows that the "Doomsday Plan" is not yet mature, let alone launching it in advance.

This is purely to lower the bargaining chip in the hands of the Federation.

The president's moustache seemed to accept the rhetoric of these top federal officials in the conference room.

But deep down in his heart, President Mustache still couldn't help but wonder whether some of the top federal officials had defected to the wizarding civilization.

After all, the Hades Empire is willing to send troops to the Gallente Federation. Everyone knows that there is a high probability that it will just be a piece of cake.

Whether those death-type creatures are willing to come is still a matter of debate.

Will there be high-level officials from the Gallente Federation present who will use this as an opportunity to seek refuge in the wizarding civilization?

The mustachioed president calmly looked around at the federal senior officials present.

Compared with the last high-level meeting, the number of federal high-level officials participating in this meeting was less than twenty in total.

Originally, in Mustache's understanding, these federal high-level officials "should" be trustworthy.

But at this moment, he still couldn't help but doubt.

"Then what method should we take to win the Minghe Empire's consent to send troops?" President Mustache asked.

One of the top federal officials suddenly said, "Isn't the new round of endless light strike fully charged?"

After arriving in the Wizarding Star Realm, the seventh-level light-dimensional warrior Senagaro was quickly personally received by the top brass of the Wizarding World.

Since this seventh-level master used his own power to speed up, he even spent a little bit of his omnipotent soul for this purpose.

So he arrived at wizard civilization very quickly.

When all the other giants of light from the civilizational envoys of the Kingdom of Light were still traveling in time and space in the inter-star space and time passage.

Senagaro has already appeared in front of Ms. Bev, the leader of wizard civilization.

Appearing in front of him at the same time were many dominant leaders of the Wizarding Civilization and the Wizarding Alliance.

Because of the seriousness of the matter, Bev and others did not exclude the Alliance Master from this meeting.

Two eighth-level masters such as the Elven God Elune and the Zerg Blade Queen Lisa are both in this conference room.

Even the great ape Wukong was destroyed because of his wizard ability.

The special connection between civilization and the civilization of the fairyland was also invited here as an exception.

There are nine masters of wizard civilization in the entire conference room.

Except for these two alliance masters and the giant ape of destruction, the remaining six are all true spirit magicians and master-level knights in the wizarding world!

Among them, three have special identities. 🅆

They are two old men and a knight who contains rich dark power.

There is no way, the promotion of the first pharaoh of the Minghe Empire to the ninth level is too shocking.

Even old men like Douglas and old guys like Nigel, who had suffered heavy losses on the civilized battlefield and were recuperating, had to rush to the front lines of the civilized battlefield to attend the meeting.

As for the other knight full of dark power... The seventh-level early-stage light dimension warrior Senagaro stared at the opponent for a long time and said, "I know you."

"Your deeds of holding the Imperial Blade and fighting against the Third Pharaoh Demon Karst in the Great World have also been passed on to our civilization of the Kingdom of Light."

"Although you are a master possessing the power of dark laws, the civilized creatures of our Kingdom of Light do not reject you. On the contrary, there are many young light-dimensional warriors who regard you as their idol." Sai Nagaro suddenly said.

Facing the compliment from a seventh-level master of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, the Dark Knight Master Aibadang, who maintained an indifferent expression in the conference room, glanced at the other person and said nothing.

Senagaro wanted to use Ai Badang as an opportunity to pry open the door for the top wizard civilization to rush to support the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, but he obviously chose the wrong person.

Not to mention that wizard civilization is still in charge of magicians. Even the dark knight Aiba himself does not want to take care of the messy affairs of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

He once fought a fierce battle with the third pharaoh Demonkarst, but it was nothing to Abadan.

He didn't even hate the opponent who had severely injured him. Instead, he had a faint admiration for Mokarst in his heart.

In other words, it is admiration for strength!

It is precisely with strong opponents like Mokarst and the First Pharaoh Ozyman Deas that the Dark Knight Abadang can feel the meaning of life and the motivation to continue to become stronger!

After glancing at the other party with an indifferent attitude, the eighth-level knight master Ai Badang crossed his arms and entered a state of meditation with his eyes closed directly at the meeting venue.

After being rejected by Senagaro, he immediately turned his gaze and looked at the other wizards and civilization masters present.

I have to admit that the overall strength of the wizard civilization, which is also a top civilization, is indeed much higher than that of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Senagaro himself is a master-level warrior who can

Clearly perceive the superiority and weakness of the dominant existence.

Among the masters present, the one that particularly caught Senagaro's attention was the one besides the Dark Knight master Aibadang.

There were two other old men wearing white robes and black robes.

And another Zerg Blade Queen wearing sharp armor.

And the last one was scratching his head and scratching his head, as if he couldn't sit still at all.

No matter which one of these existences you pick, in the civilization of the Kingdom of Light and Dimension, few can match it!

Of course, this also exposed one of the biggest problems of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Except for the strongest Diersga, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light seems to have no particularly capable second-in-command.

The King of Guangwei is just the supreme leader of the civilization of the Kingdom of Guangwei. His strength is not outstanding among the eighth-level masters.

After Dierska, the strongest person who can rank in the civilization ranking of the Kingdom of Light is actually Senagalo's father - the eighth-level mid-level Lightdimensional warrior, Seth Levin.

However, relying on the obvious restraint effect on the creatures of the Hades Empire, it is not difficult for the powerful civilization of the Kingdom of Light to jump to a small realm and fight against the creatures of the Hades Empire.

In addition, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light has other trump cards.

The two civilizational treasures, the Plasma Spark Tower and the Heart of Light Dimension, are just one of them.

Senagaro knew that many light-dimensional giants had the ability to fuse.

He himself had seen with his own eyes the scene of the eighth-level light-dimensional warrior Remjiao fighting in conjunction with his younger brother.

In addition, there is also a legend circulated in the civilization of the Kingdom of Light. Several master-level light-dimensional warriors, including his father Seth Levon, uncle Zorisfe, uncle Aibask and others, actually have the ability to fight together. ability.

However, this ability should belong to the ultimate foundation of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Anyway, Senagaro has never seen the scene of his father and others fighting together. He only came into contact with some of the true details of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light through certain channels and as a descendant of the ruler.

Not long after he was promoted to Lord this time, he was hurriedly sent by his father to carry out an extremely important mission to the wizarding civilization as soon as he broke through the barrier.

Otherwise, as a master-level light-dimensional warrior, he is qualified to know the other details and trump cards of the civilization of the light-dimensional country.

There is no need to be like now, just anxious and anxious, placing all hope on the unfamiliar wizard civilization.

It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others!

"Xiaodou may become a fourth-shift beast qaq~"

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