The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2387 Anxious Mood

A few months later, the Giant of Light envoy from the Kingdom of Light's civilization had just arrived in the Great World Star Territory and quickly gained the attention of the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization.

Because the wizarding civilization has recently been paying attention to the changes coming from the direction of the Minghe Empire.

The death tide surging from the center of the Minghe Star Territory also marked the emergence of the Minghe Empire's "big move".

"You need to go to the wizard star field immediately to discuss it and meet with other senior wizard civilization leaders including the true spirit level magician Ms. Bev."

"Sorry, at this stage, it is impossible for me to rashly send troops to attack the Hades Empire Legion before getting an accurate answer from the top of the wizard civilization."

Vivian, the eighth-level true spirit witch at the general command base of wizard civilization in the star field battlefield of the world, looked at the early-level seventh-level light giant in front of her and said.

At this time, a trace of shame and dissatisfaction appeared on the face of the seventh-level giant of light, Senagaro.

However, the huge pressure from the survival of civilization prevented this seventh-level giant of light from doing anything in person.

He knew very well that he could never provoke evil at this time, such as Vivian and other high-level masters of the wizarding civilization.

He has always been a bit impatient, but he has undergone many changes since he was kicked out of the light dimension star field by his father.

An acquaintance of the sixth-level female Guangwei warrior called him a lot more "mature".

"Okay, I will immediately go to the Wizarding Star Territory to explain to the top leaders of your civilization the death crisis posed by the Hades Empire."

"This is a real death disaster that may bring havoc to surrounding civilizations."

"Since the wizarding civilization has been at war with the Hades Empire, it will inevitably face such a death crisis in the future."

"Having more friends like our civilization in the Kingdom of Light will definitely relieve a lot of pressure that the wizarding civilization will face in the future." When the seventh-level light giant Senagaro left, he did not forget to explain to the true spirit witch Vivian about the death of lips and teeth. reason.

The eighth-level witch Vivian nodded slightly, not sure if she heard it.

Anyway, Vivian never made a positive statement from beginning to end.

At this point in time, go attack the world

Are there still those Minghe Empire legions stationed on the battlefield in the World Star Territory?

This is not in the interest of wizard civilization!

After leaving Vivian's general command fortress, Senagaro recruited his two deputies while waiting for the activation of the inter-star space teleportation array.

The two deputies of the mission are both at the peak of level six, and one is a man and the other is a woman.

The male sixth-level peak light-dimensional warrior named Naye Sobi. When Senagaro met the eighth-level true spirit witch of the wizard civilization, this light-dimensional warrior flew to the frontline battlefield to take a look.

He told Senagaro, "The war between the wizard civilization and the Hades Empire has indeed cooled down rapidly in recent years."

"Nowadays, in the star field battlefield of this great world, in addition to the middle and lower-level legions, small wars are still breaking out."

"A battle at the master level has never happened again since the wave of death came from the center of the Mingha Empire!"

In addition, another bad news that Nyesobi told Senagaro is that "our inter-star space channel to return to the civilization of the Kingdom of Light has been cut off."

"It should be the work of the Mingha Empire. The strong power of death interfered with the normal operation of the inter-star teleportation channel." Nyesobi said.

His words almost foreshadowed that from this moment on, their group of civilized warriors from the Kingdom of Light and Wei became a group of "prodigal sons".

Separated from the star field battlefield of the world and the vast territory of the Hades Empire, it is almost impossible for them to fly back to their mother civilization!

In the starry sky in front of them, there is an endless gray fog of death.

On the Starfield battlefield of the Great World, the Minghe Empire is temporarily implementing a war attitude that focuses on "defending".

It seems that even if there are ninth-level creatures standing guard, these senior officials of the Minghe Empire are not willing to start a war on two fronts.

It is estimated that after the cuisine ends the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, the Minghe Empire will

Only then will the focus of the war shift here again.

Through the thick fog of death, Senagaro seemed to see the distant heart of the light dimension and the mother star field with rich light attribute power factors.

His right fist couldn't help clenching, and Senagaro whispered, "I will definitely complete the mission and see my father and the others again!"

Having said that, Senagaro walked towards the prepared cross-star teleportation array and asked Tina Weiss, another female sixth-level peak light dimension warrior beside him, "How is your contact there?"

The envoy from the Kingdom of Light, headed by Senagaro, did not only come into contact with the top leaders of the wizarding civilization.

The fairyland civilization with more troops and more saint-level beings is stationed on the star field battlefield of the world of the universe, and these light-dimensional giants have also tried to contact them.

Because in addition to the more than a thousand light-dimensional warriors led by Senagaro, there are also a large number of middle and low-level light-dimensional giants in the star field battlefield of the entire world. Before this, they participated in this battle as mercenaries. The war in the border star field.

The people who have the best relationship with these scattered light-dimensional giants are the Buddhists who also reject negative attributes such as darkness and the power of death.

Therefore, after arriving in this star field, Senagaro and others borrowed the relationship they had established with the civilization of the Kingdom of Light and successfully struck up a conversation with a Buddhist master.

The one who received the sixth-level peak light-dimensional female warrior was the Buddhist Haoyue Bodhisattva.

This is an extremely gentle Buddhist strongman who is good at the power of the Moonlight Law.

Because moonlight is also a type of light power, and this Haoyue Bodhisattva loves all living beings.

In the previous wars in the Star Territory of the Great World, many light dimension warriors who participated in the war as mercenaries were helped by this Haoyue Bodhisattva.

Faced with the request for help from the sixth-level peak female light dimension warrior Tina Weiss, Haoyue Bodhisattva finally just sighed.

She has also learned from Randen Buddha about the great changes coming from the depths of the Minghe Empire.

In terms of authority and voice, Haoyue Bodhisattva is semi-transparent in Buddhism.

She's just very popular

It's just good, and there are interpersonal relationships in the Immortal Domain, the Taoist Court of Saints, and the Wizarding Civilization.

But when it comes to prompting Buddhism to join the war against the Minghe Empire, Haoyue Bodhisattva does not have such great power.

Even the two Arhats who subdued the dragon and subdued the tiger may have more say in Buddhism than Haoyue Bodhisattva.

However, Haoyue Bodhisattva is a kind-hearted person after all. She knows very well that there is a death tide of this magnitude coming from the depths of the Minghe Empire. As a Buddhist, she cannot ignore it.

This is contrary to the profound meaning of Buddhism studied profoundly by Haoyue Bodhisattva.

Therefore, although Haoyue Bodhisattva did not agree to anything, she did mention to the sixth-level light dimension warrior Tinavis that she would talk to the eighth-level saint Nezha about the matter later.

See if you can get support from Chanjiao.

Tinavis's narration made Senagaro sigh.

We don’t know how long it will take for Buddhism and Chanjiao to make a decision.

In addition, Senagaluo did not understand the sects between the various saints and Taoist courts in the Immortal Realm.

He only knew that if he wanted to win reinforcements from the Wizarding Civilization and Fairyland, he could not do it in a moment.

There has been no response from the senior officials in the Fairyland, but on the wizarding civilization side, Senagaro has received permission to meet with the leader of the wizarding civilization, Ms. Bev, and other senior officials.

It shows that wizard civilization is more reliable.

The order Senagaro received from his father and the King of Light was also to ask for help from the wizard civilization.

Even though he was extremely anxious, Sai Nagaro had to go one step at a time.

The only thing he can do is to wait until the ultra-long-distance cross-star teleportation array is activated to activate his power of dominance. Minimize the time spent riding the teleportation array as much as possible.

Because every minute and second wasted may lead to the death of a large number of innocent creatures from the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

What’s more, he must do everything he can to gain the support of wizard civilization!

"The next chapter will be around one o'clock~"

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