The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2273 The World of Burners

The world of elves is much more prosperous than the world of orcs.

Moreover, there is almost no hardship in this world, and people may even starve to death.

In addition to the life-related materials in the Great Elf World, the largest export of goods to the Wizards Alliance every year is food.

The orc world is almost always in need of food assistance from the elven world.

As for the Titan World, which is also one of the alliance planes with an astonishing appetite, those Titans also have a large part of their food source, which comes from the Elf World.

From a practical point of view, if the relationship between the Titan world and the wizard civilization is not too close, the Zerg is also inextricably linked with the wizard civilization.

So in fact, relying on personal ability, the one who firmly holds the top spot in wizard civilization should be the great world of elves in front of us.

Her performance in all aspects has surpassed that of the veteran large alliance planes such as the Orc World, the Amethyst World, and the World of the Undead, which are also veterans of the Wizards Alliance.

The three "Windrunner" sisters came up with the title during the Civilized War.

In the past, this reputation only spread within a certain range of the elven world.

But as the three sisters now show their prominence, especially the sixth-level elf Alleria has become more and more important to the elf god Elune. While giving her many important responsibilities, she also personally helped Alleria create secret treasures such as the Wrath of the Sky. .

As a result, the name "Windrunner" gradually spread throughout the Wizards' Alliance.

The second eldest Sylvanas and the third eldest Vereesa are much lower than Alleria in terms of strength and reputation.

But Thain could tell that the three elf sisters all had considerable talents.

With the long lifespan of the elves and their current youthful appearance, their future development is limitless.

(Among the same level, the average lifespan of the elves is far longer than that of humans in the wizarding world.

It's not that the elves have a higher level of evolution than the humans in the wizarding world.

It can only be said that the species of the two civilizations have different evolutionary priorities. )

Thain had gained a lot of benefits when he was in the Centaur world.

Later, in the orc world, many orcs and half-orc legions were obtained through trading.

But in the elven world, although several elven gods came up with valuable gifts, Thane thought about it and politely rejected the kindness of the three Windrunner sisters.

Or perhaps, Thane gave a gift of equal value to the third sister of Windrunner in return.

Only girls will accept their gifts.

There is no free lunch in the world.

The world of elves is so attentive, and I think that Thain may be used one day in the future.

Thain didn't want to owe others a favor for nothing.

However, considering that the three Windrunner sisters had extended a helping hand to him outside Fairyland City, he actually owed Alleria and others a favor at that time.

Although he didn't take anything from the Elf World for nothing, Thain still bought many "specialties" from this world while traveling in this large world.

The elven world is really rich in products. The plant resources and special life springs that Thain bought were basically bought for his mentor Lu Lianman.

The prosperous elven world is a significant representative of the extraordinary prosperity of the Wizards Alliance today.

After staying in the elven world for more than ten years, Thane and others continued to the next plane.

Except for those large and medium-sized worlds with a reputation for alliances.

Thain and his team also visited many small worlds this time.

It's a pity that the miniature world does not support experts above level four to enter it.

Even if Thane and others enter in the form of clones, the intrusion of so many clones of powerful people above level four will be an unimaginable impact and pressure on those micro-planes with weak rules.

"I heard that it is difficult for dominator-level creatures to enter low-level planes. It is suitable for places where dominator-level creatures fight. At least it must be a medium-sized plane battlefield."

"With my current strength, in the future civilized battlefields, I can get close to the edges of those dominant battlefields and observe them."

"The realm of domination..." Thain muttered.

Although Thain and others visited the Wizards' Union during this trip, they also visited many low-level planes.

But what really leaves a deep impression are those medium-sized and above planes, especially large worlds!

Since the great world of elves.

Thain and others arrived in the World of the Dead and the Burner World of Thanoras!

In the world of the undead, a large world full of the power of death and trillions of undead creatures, Thain purchased a lot of top death resources for Lina and Mei Kelly, and at the same time helped a semi-undead woman who had just been promoted to level four.

Hailuo has truly gained a foothold in this world.

A large number of undead legions have gradually taken shape under Luo's command.

However, Thain did not see Bone Dragon Lord Sanchez when he was in the World of the Undead. That guy should have been summoned to the frontline battlefield again.

——The world of the undead is the large plane where the power of summoning is most active in the wizarding civilization.

Almost all necromancers will recruit creatures from the undead world to assist them in their cross-dimensional summons.

Similarly, the World of the Undead is also the world with the largest number of combat units and creatures among the many large-scale member planes of the wizard civilization.

The endless sea of ​​the dead!

In the war with the Gallente Federation, these undead creatures also played a great role.

As for the world of Thanoras Burner, it is the last large plane that Thane went to.

His vacation time is running out.

When it came to the final choice between going to the world of Burners or the world of Titans, Thane chose the former.

Although the Titan world is far more powerful than the Burner world, and the plane is also more vast.

But the world of Burner, as a large fire-attributed plane, is most consistent with Thane's attributes.

Including Lina, who travels with Thane, and also works part-time as a fire elementalist.

Their son Narcisiu's elemental energy is mainly the power of fire.

So everyone finally decided to go to the Burner World of Thanoras.

As for the Titan world, let the brothers Thor and Loki invite Thane as their guests in the future.

The Burner World of Thanoras is indeed one of the few large-scale fire elemental planes within the wizarding civilization.

Although there is another large fire elemental plane in the Wizards Alliance - the Purple Flame Soul World.

But Thane heard that the Purple Flame Soul World, which lacks a master, is about to fall to the medium-sized plane level. There is a shortage of resources in that place, and there is really nothing to see.

On the contrary, the world of Sanoras Burners is indeed a large world that is still in a state of resurgence and development.

Not long after arriving in this large world, Thane discovered several special law flames that were not inferior to the Nine Nether Fires.

"I heard that the Burner civilization of Thanoras has a long history."

"Its history is even longer than the wizarding civilization."


Although the development model of the Burner civilization itself seems a bit rigid, there are indeed many good things in this world. "Sain said with emotion.

The world of Burner does have a lot of good things that attract fire magicians like Thane.

But to get these good things, you first have to have money.

As it happens, Thain is a magician who is not short of money.

Having just ended several medium-sized star field wars, and still had the previous accumulation of wealth, Thain is now extremely powerful.

The price of the Fire of Law that he finally purchased in the Burner Civilization was much higher than the bidding price at the Fairyland Ghost Market Auction.

However, during the purchase, Thain was extremely relaxed and comfortable.

Because Thain scattered more than one billion magic coins in the Burner world of Sanoras, his behavior was noticed by the top brass of the Burner civilization.

A royal member of the Burning Civilization named Tinas later appeared in front of Thane and others, expressing his desire to make friends with Thain, a sixth-level magician.

The dominant group of the Burner civilization is a group of half-flesh, half-elemental creatures.

They do not follow the splitting characteristics of elemental creatures to reproduce, but follow the path of sexual reproduction.

The female Burner named Tinas was beautiful, but Thane had little interest in her.

But considering that the other party is a member of the royal family, it can help him and others obtain more rare fires of law from the Burner World of Sanoras.

And Tinas also generously said that Thain and others can get a 50% discount on their shopping expenses in Burner World.

In the end, Thane exchanged contact information with the fifth-level female Burner and introduced himself as the master of the Holy Tower of Ashes from the wizarding world.

Although the Burner civilization is a large world, Tinas, a member of the royal family, is not as well-informed as the Centaur King of the Centaur world.

Tinas didn't know the details of Thane, let alone that he was a master alchemist.

Faced with the fact that Thain had such a rich net worth, Tinas couldn't help but inquire about it many times.

Thane will not show off everywhere that he owns a world-class secret treasure like the King of Ghost Crows.

In response to Tinas's cryptic question, Thane simply replied, "I have just participated in several medium-sized star wars."

"Do you have any other rare fires of law here? You can bring them to me as well." Thain said.

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