The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2274 New Planet Cybertron

Although I didn’t find out the details of Thane for a while, the magic coins that Thain spent in the Burner Civilization of Sanoras were real!

Don't imagine the royal members of this large world to be too arrogant.

When someone can easily take out a billion magic coins.

Even members of the Burning Civilization royal family like Tinas had to be careful and smile on their faces.

In the past, Thain had money, but not to this extent.

At that time, I went to the Fairyland Ghost Market to conduct transactions because my magic currency reserves were not enough.

But now, Thain can ignore small fluctuations in price.

Rather than spending time searching for and purchasing cost-effective experimental materials, Thain prefers to use money to save this time.

Finally, because Thain purchased too many fire magic materials.

So much so that in addition to the 50% discount that Tinas originally promised, she also helped Thain erase the fraction as a member of the Royal Court of Sanoras.

In the end, the magic coins paid by Thane were not much worse than the average cost of searching for and purchasing the most cost-effective resources.

This result made Sean, Lina and other women feel a little emotional.

"Master Thane, you and your Ash Tower will be one of the most distinguished guests of our Thanoras Burner civilization."

"Next time you come to our Burning Star Territory, please inform me in advance. I will serve as your representative to entertain you. Tinas, wearing a fiery red water lily dress, smiled at Thane.

She didn't know whether it was because the other party was originally a fire elemental creature, or because Thain bought so many things, she was also a little excited.

I saw that Tinas's face was all red.

In addition to being half-element and half-flesh creatures, the Burner civilization of Sanoras is also a half-cultivation and half-technology system civilization.


However, Sanoras civilization is mainly based on cultivation, supplemented by technology.

This large-scale world civilization is quite unique.

In addition, there are all kinds of fire law materials that Thain desperately needs. Faced with Tinas' invitation with a smile, Thain nodded.

After purchasing a large amount of fire-attribute materials, it will be enough for Thane to study the mysteries of fire for hundreds or thousands of years in the future.

With the last bit of time left, Thane and his team arrived at the new home of the intelligent robot family - the New Cybertron planet as promised.

This is a vibrant planet under construction.

Hundreds of years ago, Thain knew that the construction progress here was not complete.

Unexpectedly, until he arrived today, this planet was still not fully constructed.

"The construction progress of this planet should be still there for the time being." Thain glanced at the Rubik's Cube in his hand and said as he looked at the mechanical planet in front of him.

Hot Wheels, a motorcycle-type intelligent robot that hangs out with Thane's son Narcissus, has traveled to many places with Thane and others over the years and gained a lot of knowledge.

Now that he has finally arrived in his hometown, this guy's face is filled with a desire to express himself that cannot be concealed.

"Come on, let me introduce our planet to you."

"I really didn't expect that when I just left here, the construction of the planet Cybertron was still at the drawing stage."

"It has only been a few hundred years, and this planet is almost completed?" Hot Wheels said excitedly.

Hal, the electronic cockroach, jumped to Hot Wheels' forehead and looked at the mechanical planet below.


Thain thought slightly, and then released the ten-winged angel Fumila, the seraphic angel Mikael, and some intelligent angels.

The new planet Cybertron should be of great significance to these intelligent robots that gave birth to intelligence.

Intelligent robots such as Fumila and Mikael who live in the Thane Cube can't help but change their eyes a little when they see such planets.

"It's a pity that the internal space of my Rubik's Cube is not complete enough. Even a large war platform with a diameter of more than five thousand meters is difficult to fit directly into it."

"If we can continuously expand the internal space of the Rubik's Cube, especially its space carrying capacity."

"In addition to the future envisioned, war platforms such as space fortresses will also be installed."

"I wonder if I can create something similar to the mechanical planet in front of me directly in it." Thain pondered.

"If it works one day, I can build an 'Angel Star' for you." Thain turned around and promised Fumila and others.

Fumila's eyes were filled with brilliance, and she was obviously very moved by Thain's promise.

Mikael and other intelligent robots knelt down directly on one knee to express their loyalty and dedication to Thane.

He raised his hand to tell these angel robots not to be so formal.

When the group of them sighed and observed the planet Cybertron, the intelligent robots on the planet who had also discovered the presence of Thane and others immediately sent special high-level robots to greet them.

Not long after, the first person to appear in front of Thane was Optimus Prime, one of the two leaders of the planet Cybertron.

"Hello, Master Thain!"

"The Decepticons were dispatched by the wizard civilization 52 years ago and went to somewhere on the front line of the civilized battlefield.

reinforce. "

"I will receive you today." Optimus Prime said respectfully to Thane.

In terms of body shape alone, the original height of the motorcycle-type intelligent robot Optimus Prime was taller than the Decepticons.

However, its combat power is much inferior to that of the Decepticons.

In addition, after receiving the Turbo Nebula Wings given by Thane, the Decepticon possesses two world-class secret treasures, and its strength is far beyond that of its former companions.

The higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization moved the Decepticons to the front lines of the civilized battlefield so quickly. They probably discovered the extraordinary combat power possessed by the Decepticons and could not bear to let such excellent thugs go to waste.

Facing Optimus Prime's hospitable speech, Thane nodded, smiled and said, "I am here to fulfill my original promise."

"Although I helped your intelligent robot clan awaken more clan members during the Wild Star Field battlefield."

"But as the planet Cybertron is about to be rebuilt, I think there should be more compatriots from the intelligent robot family."

"Besides, if you have anything else you need my help with, feel free to ask." Thain said gently.

Optimus Prime once again thanked Thane for his generosity and friendliness. It glanced at Mikael and other intelligent mechanical angels who were following Thain and others. Then, it did not immediately make its request, but turned around to invite Thain and others. Let’s enter the planet Cybertron first.

According to Optimus Prime, although the current construction level of Cybertron is still around 9063, the basic performance in all aspects is relatively complete.

This is a home built by intelligent robots, and all robots put a lot of thought into it.

At the same time, Optimus Prime also invited Thane and others to visit their robot production factory.

"The next chapter will be around eight o'clock~"

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