The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2272 The Three Windrunner Sisters

The luxury of the Centaur royal court and the hardship of the Orcs made Thain's son Narcissus grow up a lot.

Speaking of extravagance, with Eugene's position of authority, he can be extravagant, even to the extent that he is not much inferior to the Centaur King.

But in fact, in the orc world, Eugene's residence is just an ordinary orc tent.

On the ancient totem poles outside the tent, the heavily weathered murals depict the difficult development years of the Orc clan.

The brilliant halo that lingers inside and outside the totem pole marks that these half-orcs are still a blessed race with the protection of gods.

Thain learned from Eugene's children.

The Orcs performed outstandingly on the front lines of the civilized battlefield, especially Eugene himself, who led his legions in bloody battles many times and gained a lot of military exploits.

As a result, he received many rewards and rewards from the wizarding civilization.

In addition to Eugene, the Orc clan currently has five fourth-level gods.

If it weren't for the three orc gods who unfortunately died in the previous civilized war, the strength of the orcs would be even stronger.

This development took place in just over ten thousand years.

The half-orcs are indeed a race that both Thain and the dominant knight Klopp are optimistic about.

The main thing is that they have a good leader and the whole group is united.

The speed of the surge in strength is far faster than that of other races.

You know, when the orcs first gathered together, they only had one god, Eugene.

And it was also during the process of cross-dimensional communication with Eugene that Thain keenly discovered that the half-orc god had reached the peak level of the fifth level.

Perhaps there is only one opportunity left before reaching the sixth level.

In addition to being guests of the Orc clan, Thane and others also visited other parts of the Orc world under the guidance of the Panda Brewmaster.

Including Panda Brewmaster’s hometown, Wandering Island.

It was also at this time that Thain discovered that the island where these giant pandas lived was actually the back of a giant turtle.

This giant turtle is larger than when Tourmaline opens its true form.

But slightly smaller than her brother Zong Ba.

In terms of life level, this giant turtle seems to have level six strength.

However, it does not seem to be a type that is good at fighting. When asking about the Panda Brewmaster, Thane learned that this giant turtle was named "Shen Zhenzi".

"No wonder the islands where these giant pandas live are constantly wandering between the East China Sea and the South China Sea in the orc world." Thain sighed.

Thane and his team stayed in the orc world longer than the centaur world.

After all, it is a large-scale alliance plane, and it is much broader than the Centaur world in every aspect.

Also in the orc world, through several orc gods introduced by Panda Brewmaster, Thain purchased a batch of orc legions for the little fox girl. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

Although the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh, Thain is obviously more affectionate towards the little fox girl.

Including the number and racial composition of the orc army under her command in the future, it will exceed that of Maya and Luna.

Another thing that slightly surprised Thane was the recent changes that had taken place in his son Narcissus.

Before coming to the orc world, all this brat talked about was cat-eared girls, rabbit-eared girls, etc.

But after actually coming to the world of orcs, especially seeing the half-orcs, gods and ordinary people developing together through hard work, this kid also realized that he had grown up a lot.

"It seems that it would be beneficial to bring him to the alliance plane more often." Thane said to Lina privately.

After leaving the orc world, Thane took a moment to calm down.

Yin, he went to the elven world not far from the orc world.

The Elf World and the Orc World are two members of the Wizards Alliance whose local star regions are very close to each other. However, the respective development of these two large star regions are completely different!

The first place that Thane and others went to was a medium-sized world and several low-level planes under the Great Elf World.

Without exception, these plane worlds are extremely prosperous and full of life due to the development of the elves.

Nowadays, the civilized war is still in full swing. In the orc world, mercenary legions are used to earn hard money on major battlefields on the front line.

The Elf World has long since broken away from the monotonous legion employment model. Instead, it has made a lot of money in the Wizards Alliance by producing various life and restoration props, and has further gained great reputation and good reputation. prestige.

——Those members of the alliance plane cannot buy too many expensive magic potions in the wizarding world, but they can afford the springs of life, vitality springs and other props produced by the elves.

Even lower-level restorative props such as "Moonlight Well Water" are gradually becoming popular in the bottom market of the Wizards League below the third level.

When traveling through the middle and low-level planes under the great world of elves, Thane saw that in these plant-based worlds full of green and vibrant scenes, there were countless moonlight wells in almost every forest.

These moonlight wells, by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, continuously produce moonlight well water and transport it to the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

It was also this scene that made Thain couldn't help but sigh, in the Wizards Alliance, the large world with great potential and development concepts is the world of elves.

When he came to the elven world with a richer atmosphere of life, Thain, who had only been walking in this world for a short time, met several acquaintances.

To be precise, it was the other party who took the initiative to find Thain and others.

"Long time no see, Master Thain." Alleria, the Windrunner with level 6 life aura, greeted Thain.

What hangs behind Alleria's back is her world-class secret treasure bow and arrow—Wrath of the Sky.

Thain saw a world-class secret treasure silver bow in the Centaur world not long ago.

Now glancing at the longbow carried behind Alleria, Thane felt that the grade of this Fury of the Sky was slightly higher than the silver bow in the Centaur world.

Moreover, Alleria's own strength was far greater than that of the aging Centaur King.

Since the last time we said goodbye outside Fairyland City, Thane had indeed not seen Alleria for a long time.

Alleria's strength has obviously improved significantly compared to that time.

Including Alleria's two younger sisters.

Sylvanas, Thain has met before, and the opponent has now reached the fifth level of peak strength.

As for the other female elf who looked delicate and cute and was also the smallest among the three sisters, Alleria introduced her as her sister Vereesa.

"Hello, three elf ladies." Thain responded with a smile.

Alleria said, "His Royal Highness Elune, the Elf God, likes to make friends with powerful wizards and civilizations the most."

"Although His Highness Elune is not in the Elf World now, she has also asked us elves who stay behind or rest in the mother plane to entertain every powerful person in the wizarding world who comes to the Elf World as a guest."

"We happen to have an old acquaintance with Master Thain, so let us three sisters lead you, Master Thain, on a tour of the elven world." Alleria smiled.

"That's really troublesome for you guys."

"The God of Elves is worthy of being the powerful master with the best reputation among our Wizards Alliance." Thain sighed.

"The next chapter is around one o'clock~"

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