The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2271 Extravagance and hardship

The Southern Cross Grassland belongs to the Royal Court of the Centaur World and is one of the realms of the Kingdom of Centaur of the Centaur King.

Its grasslands are rich in products and there are countless powerful centaur tribes.

Even the Minotaur group located on the edge of the steppe is stronger than other Minotaurs in the Centaur world.

Directly giving the Southern Cross Grassland to Maya and Luna is enough to show how much favor the Centaur King gives to Thane.

As for King Holier then asked how many centaur legions Maya and Luna needed.

After all, they were extremely young fourth-level gods. When faced with this problem, Maya's ancestors and grandsons did not dare to speak loudly. In the end, they only asked for about two million legions.

The Centaur King then muttered, "In addition to the two million Centaur legions I allocate to you from the king's account."

"I will migrate a new generation of centaur people to the Southern Cross Grassland." 🅆

"If you have any needs in the future, you can always tell me." The Centaur King said.

The Centaur King's words made the other Centaur Gods in the golden hall look at Maya and Luna with envy and jealousy in their eyes.

One in particular is a female centaur in a red dress.

The other party is the spouse of the Centaur King. She is less than 30,000 years old this year. The Centaur King married her 20,000 years ago.

Although this Southern Cross Grassland is affiliated with the Royal Court, it has always been the territory of this female centaur god.

Now that the Centaur King gave it to Maya and Luna without blinking an eye, how could he not make the other party jealous.

However, this extremely young centaur queen has been with the centaur king for 20,000 years, and she has a relatively accurate grasp of the city government and the centaur king's temperament in all aspects.

Faced with the situation in front of her, she didn't dare to question it face to face, but besides looking at Maya with jealous eyes, she couldn't help but cast part of her gaze on Thain.

The Centaur King was so attentive, but it was obvious that he wanted to curry favor with Thane.

In the centaur world, the Maya Kingdom and the Luna Kingdom are both direct descendants of Thane.

The improvement in strength of the two centaur legions is also an improvement in Thane's own strength.

Furthermore, just the two million elite centaur legions from the king's account, if you want to buy them with magic coins, it is probably not a low number.

Thinking of this, Thain approached Duan Ning and whispered something to her.

Facing the Centaur King's eager gaze, Duan Ning frowned slightly, and then poured out an Ascension Pill from his purple gourd.

Duan Ning understands pharmacology, and she can see that the Centaur King is actually a "medicine jar".

Ordinary life-extending elixirs may have extremely limited effect on the Centaur King.

The Yuanshou Pill just now was a life-extending elixir that she deliberately selected, which could have a more obvious effect on the Centaur King.

The Ascension Pill in front of you is actually mainly used to help earthly immortal monks in the immortal realm to advance to heavenly immortals, hence the name.

Secondly, it is to increase part of the lifespan of the monks in the Immortal Realm.

With the two elixirs of Yuanshou Dan and Ascension Pill in front of him, the Centaur King's tone was more familiar and enthusiastic than before.

There was more and more singing and dancing in the golden hall, and the Centaur King tried his best to please Thain and others.

An old thing like this that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years and has been in the wizarding civilization for so many years knows how to please the knights and magicians in the wizarding world. It even knows the preferences of the monks in the fairyland.

Although Thain doesn't like those virtual ones very much,

However, in the end, the research materials given to Thain by the Centaur King satisfied him very much.

"When a creature that is approaching the end of its lifespan finds a way to extend its lifespan."

"No matter what it costs, it will try its best." When leaving the centaur world, Lina reminded her son Narcissus.


After declining the Centaur King's invitation to continue traveling and exploring the Centaur world, Thane and his party headed to the next world.

Due to the launch of the Civilization War, exchanges between the large and medium-sized planes within the Wizards Alliance have become much more frequent.

This is directly reflected in the fact that many worlds have established stable and long-term inter-dimensional transmission channels with each other.

Even those low-level planes and micro-worlds have become more and more cooperative under the tide of this civilized war.

There are countless forms of alliances and combinations of interests.

This is because, in this world, if you don’t make progress, you will die.

The next world that Thane and others went to was the orc world, one of the large alliance planes.

This is the hometown of the Panda Brewmaster, so this gray giant panda took the initiative to act as a guide.

It can be seen that Panda Jiuxian respects his senior sister very much.

Under Ai Wu Ji Wu, Panda Jiuxian was also extremely polite to Duan Po.

The little fox girl Ai Jieli has not returned to the orc world for several years.

When she crossed the teleportation array and appeared in this large world, she couldn't help but open her hands forward and feel the unique atmosphere of the mother plane.


The Orc World is one of the important forces of the Wizards Alliance on the frontline battlefield.

More than two-thirds of the beast gods, including the beast god Campas, are still active on the front line of the civilized battlefield.

In terms of the warlikeness of these orcs, they exceed the knights of the Wizarding World and the giants of the Titan World.

Thane's old friend Eugene is not in the orc world at this time.

However, some of his children are still here.

Thain wants to raise an orc army for the little fox girl Ai Jieli, so he can ask Eugene for help.

In addition, the Panda Brewmaster also patted his plush chest and said that he could help Ai Jieli contact several beast gods that he was familiar with.

Panda Brewmaster also has a good impression of Ai Jieli, a kind-hearted shaman. His good friend, the fifth-level orc shaman Despre, is even more kind to the little fox girl.

The orc world is also an alliance world that Thane has dealt with more.

After successfully getting in touch with Eugene, the fifth-level beast god on the front line of the civilized battlefield, through several of Eugene's children.

The other party agreed immediately, and then asked the little fox girl to prepare an army of one million orcs.

These Orc legions are different from the Centaur legions that Thain and others used for free in the Centaur world.

Employment fees are required.

Although Eugene has shied away several times, saying that he does not need to pay Master Thain.

But Thain looked at the still difficult living conditions of the Orcs and said that he would still pay these Orcs the market employment price of the Wizards Alliance.

At this time, Narcisiu looked quite solemn when he saw that the living conditions were extremely difficult, the Orcs did not even have enough to eat, and the quality of their drinking water was very poor.

Lina said about this, "In the Wizards Alliance, there are many other plane groups like the orcs."

"If you don't have absolute strength, survival is indeed a problem in a star realm full of laws of survival of the fittest." Lina sighed.

Naxi Xiu nodded, thinking a lot.

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