The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2270: Hospitality

The Centaur King of the Centaur World is an old man who has lived for more than three hundred thousand years.

Its name was also very long, and after Thane shortened it, he called it King Horiel.

King Holier's long life allowed him to witness the development of wizard civilization.

Even in the era when it became famous, the wizarding world was still just a large world and had not yet reached the top level of civilization.

With his extremely high qualifications, the Centaur King has developed a good network of contacts in the wizarding world.

Don't look at the fact that it runs its own world in a very dilapidated manner, including its own strength, which is at the bottom of the sixth-level creatures.

But in the wizarding civilization, there are quite a few strong people who are willing to sell it to save face.

Including Thain in front of him, facing such "kind hospitality" from King Holier, if the centaur king really comes to Thain for something in the future, it will be difficult for him to refuse coldly.

The Centaur King probably won't come after Thane... This old guy's time is numbered.

He clearly has the sixth level of life, but his face is covered with gray spots that represent the aura of death and decay.

And the breath is also full of twilight energy.

The opponent's withered arms, I don't know if he can still support himself and pull the magic bow.

While receiving hospitality in the golden hall of the Centaur King, Thane couldn't help but look at a silver bow hanging at the highest point of the hall.

It was a world-class secret treasure called the "Bow of the Brave", with a low-to-mid-grade level.

It is the weapon of the Centaur King back then, and it is said that it was made for him by a certain alchemist master in the wizarding world.

Today, this brave bow is used more for decorative purposes in the centaur world.

Because as the centaur king's personal artifact, this longbow, other centaur gods cannot and do not dare to pull it.

Perhaps he was keenly observing Thane looking at his longbow, but the Centaur King didn't look like he was old-sighted at all.

He immediately introduced that this was its former weapon. If Thain was interested, he could take it down and let Thain observe it.

"I heard that Master Thain is also a master of alchemy. Not long ago, you created a world-class secret treasure soul-gathering ring for the Alliance's powerful King of Ghost Crows."

"If this 'Bow of the Brave' can help you, Master Thain, gain something in your alchemy journey, it will be a happy event!" The Centaur King chuckled.

Less than two hundred years have passed since Thane refined a world-class secret treasure for the King of Ghost Crows.

The centaur king has actually received the news.

This is not only due to the King of Ghost Crow's outstanding performance on the frontline battlefield in recent years, but also from the side, it reflects the King of Centaur's well-informed information channels.

Although this old guy doesn't appear on civilized battlefields in person, and because his lifespan is approaching in recent years, he has been extremely low-key in the Wizards' Alliance.

But what happens inside and outside the wizarding civilization, the Centaur King is always the first federal god to know.

From this point of view, it can do better than the King of Ghost Crows, Decepticons and other powerful alliance players who are far more powerful than itself.

This is the benefit of living a long life!

If the King of Centaur dies suddenly, the status and treatment of the entire Centaur world in the Wizards Alliance may suffer.

Thane heard from Maya and Luna that the fifth-level gods in the Centaur world were fiercely competing for the position of the next Centaur King.

But from Thane's own perspective, no matter how fierce the competition among the fifth-level centaur gods is, in fact, if the bad old man lives longer, it will be more beneficial to the centaur world.

In the early years, the Centaur King suppressed the fifth-level Centaur Gods who grew up in the younger generation, which in turn led to the decline of this medium-sized world and the uneven distribution of high-level powerhouses.

But now in his old age, I heard that the Centaur King has loosened the restraint on those fifth-level centaurs.

It may also know that its time is running out, and finally thinks of doing something for its mother plane before dying.

Because of Thane, the Centaur King has also taken great care of Maya and Luna in recent years.

It smiled and said to Thane, "Under the wise leadership of the wizard civilization, we will definitely win the war against the Gallente Federation.

"In recent years, more and more excellent seeds have emerged in our Centaur world. The younger generation of gods such as Maya and Luna are the best representatives."

"This is all the help given to us by the wizard civilization. Our Centaur world will continue to firmly surround the wizard civilization in the future and promote the prosperity of the entire wizard alliance." The Centaur King said to Thane.

What it said was not only to Thain, but also to the other centaur gods sitting around.

He received the approval of all the centaur gods around him and the slight nod from Thane.

At this time, there were only seven level four gods in the Centaur world, plus the two girls Maya who had just returned from the battlefield of the Beast Star Territory not long ago.

Other centaur gods, including Hekam, the fifth-level centaur god whom Thane knew, were on the front lines of the civilized battlefield participating in the battle.

Before Thain arrived in the centaur world, he didn't have much favorable impressions of the sixth-level centaur king.

Because the Centaur world is so dilapidated, and the decline of the Mayan tribe at that time was more or less related to the Centaur King as the supreme ruler of this world.

But now, after contacting and sizing up this dim-sighted sixth-level Centaur King again, Thane glanced at the world-class secret treasure bow and arrow in his hand, and said, "With an outstanding god like you, King of Centaur, I believe that our Wizards Alliance will change We have to be more united.”

"I heard from Maya that you have been ill recently."

"I happen to have a life potion here. It may be of some help to your body's recovery."

With that said, Thane took out a red potion, pushed it in front of the Centaur King and said.

The Centaur King has lived for so many years, so he must know his stuff.

When he saw the Lulianman brand life potion that Thain took out, a slight excitement flashed in his eyes.

The biggest effect of this life potion on the Centaur King is not to restore some old injuries on its body, but to increase its lifespan to a limited extent.

No matter how much the increase is, even if it only increases by a few decades, for the current Centaur King, it is still what he is willing to get no matter how much it costs.

Before the Centaur King could express his gratitude to Thane, Duan Ning poured out an elixir from his gourd, causing the Centaur King's complexion to change instantly. 🅆

I saw Duan Ning saying, "I see that you are full of twilight energy. I guess your life is short."

"This Yuanshou Pill should be regarded as a reward for your hospitality to our brothers and sisters." Duan Ning said in a normal tone.

In terms of overall value, Thain's Life Potion actually exceeds Duan Ning's Yuanshou Dan.

But in terms of importance to the Centaur King, this Yuan Shou Pill is ten times more important than the Life Potion!

Pharmacists like Thain know that if you take too much of a medicine, your body will become resistant to it.

With the Centaur King's background and qualifications as a sixth-level powerhouse of the veteran Wizards Alliance, I am afraid that even the golden apple potion may have been drunk in its long life.

Therefore, no matter how precious the life potion is, because most of its main materials come from the Wizards Alliance, its benefits to the Centaur King are limited.

But the Yuanshou Pill that Duan Ning took out was different. This kind of pill was a specialty of the Immortal Realm.

If it were an ordinary pill, it would be fine. The Centaur King might have taken it back then. After all, as early as more than 200,000 years ago, the wizard civilization had a honeymoon period with the fairy civilization.

But Duan Ning's elixir came from the Bajing Palace of the Immortal Realm Civilization, and learned from the sage Laozi.

Even Thain couldn't help but move his eyes slightly and sighed inwardly when he saw this Yuanshou Pill.

If it were Celine back then

If Thane knew Duan Ning before Na and Irene died, there is no guarantee that he can help the two women advance to the fourth level. However, with the power of the immortal realm elixir, the two women can live for hundreds or even thousands more years. It's also possible.

The extra lifespan itself will increase the chances of the two women reaching a higher realm in the future.

Speaking of the elixir that Duan Ning gave to the Centaur King, it was not because this guy did not forget to show his sincerity to the wizard civilization during the banquet.

It was just because his brother Duan Po praised the Centaur King for being friendly, and he also felt that the Centaur clan was so enthusiastic towards them.

The Centaur King treated Duan Ning, Duan Po and other powerful people in the Immortal Realm equally, and showed sufficient gestures and respect during the reception.

In addition to Thain's status as a sixth-level magician, another reason was that it saw Tourmaline and Panda Brewmaster sitting in the corner of the golden hall.

At this time, Bi Xi was showing off the various delicacies prepared for them in the centaur world. She had a huge appetite with the fourth-level female knight Lenna.

Panda Brewmaster's appetite is not that amazing.

However, the fine wine from the combination of the Elf World and the Spark Fairy World also made the gray panda hiccup constantly.

The appearance of this Yuanshou Pill made the banquet in the golden hall even more enjoyable for the host and guests.

In his subsequent words, the Centaur King, in addition to being extremely respectful to Thane, also began to obviously fawn over Shang Duan Ning.

But unfortunately, Duan Ning's attitude towards the Centaur King has become indifferent since then.

So much so that the Centaur King could only look at Thain again with his dim old eyes.

Of course, Thain could not promise anything to the Centaur King at this time.

Facing this increasingly attentive sixth-level creature, Thane said, "Maya and Luna will need your continued care and attention from the Centaur King in the future."

"no problem!"

"I can put all the most fertile Southern Cross prairie in the southeastern part of the Centaur world under their divine kingdom. That area happens to be adjacent to their divine kingdom." The Centaur King said.

When it said these words, all the centaur gods in the golden hall, including Maya, Luna and their grandsons, couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the old centaur king in astonishment.

Thain was still pondering at this time.

He then continued, "Maya and Luna followed me to participate in civilized wars several times. The Centaur Legion under their command also suffered a lot of casualties. If I can add a little more..."

The Centaur King turned to look at Maya and asked, "How many Centaur legions do you want?"

"I updated the last chapter very late today, hope you understand~"

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