The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2269 Relaxation

In subsequent experiments, Thane asked the Decepticons to demonstrate the "Storm Nebula Split" trick for himself.

The form of the Storm Nebula released by the intelligent robot Decepticon is a little different from the Decepticon King in the Wild Star Field battlefield back then.

I saw the Decepticon first in the form of a saber-toothed tiger, looking up to the sky and roaring.

As it roared and roared, the Turbo Nebula wings behind it vibrated violently.

In the subsequent form transformation process, the Decepticon transformed into a high-level intelligent robot, except for the high-frequency shock wave blade in his hand and the Turbo Nebula Wing that appeared behind it.

The Decepticon also has an additional pair of weapons, which are a pair of golden claw blades that are combined with its fists. 🅆

In its final form, the ultimate form of Storm Star Cloud Splitting is accomplished by the Decepticons using the claw blades between their arms.

"Yes, he is already as good as the Decepticon King back then."

"Sure enough, the world-class secret treasure of the Turbo Nebula Wing is the most suitable for your attributes." Thain nodded in approval.

After completing the experiment on transforming the Decepticons, Thane then showed him the intelligent robot leader whose personal strength had greatly improved again, and then showed him the family of mechanical angels that had settled in his Rubik's Cube.

Thain said, "Although the appearance of the mechanical angels is different from your motorcycle-type and beast-type intelligent robots, they are essentially of the same origin and are also your tribe."

"In the future, you can also communicate more with the mechanical angels under my command." Thain said.

The Decepticons naturally nodded in agreement.

In addition, the Decepticons, whose strength has been greatly improved, also asked Thane, when will the next war plan be carried out?

Nowadays, the intelligent robot family is still in a period of rapid development. There is no way for these intelligent robots to seize and accumulate resources faster than through war.

The sweetness of the war between the Wild Star Territory and the Beast Star Territory does not seem to be there yet.

Satisfy these smart robots and they want more.

A race of intelligent robots that are tireless and don't have too many emotions. They are indeed a natural war legion.

No wonder the Gallente Federation wanted to enslave them completely, and Thain also valued this aspect of the other party.

Regarding the Decepticon's request for a fight, Thane did not immediately reply to the other party.

He said that if he had any news, he would take the initiative to contact the Decepticons, Optimus Prime and others.

Of course, the Decepticons, Optimus Prime and others can also follow the instructions of the wizard civilization and spontaneously carry out the war tasks assigned by the wizard civilization, and there will not be too much hindrance from his side.

After receiving these words from Thane, the Decepticon couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

It is the best situation that Thain will not interfere with the internal development of the intelligent robot family.

Originally, the Decepticons and Optimus Prime were a little worried. After becoming attached to Thane, the intelligent robot family would be restricted by this sixth-level magician in everything.

But judging from the current results, Master Thain is still as easy to get along with as ever.

"I don't have much time to rest in the wizarding world. I don't think I have enough time to complete the research and experiments on Optimus Prime's transformation."

"Next, let those level 4 robots who have not yet undergone Rubik's Cube certification in front of me come over one after another."

"Before the next war begins, as many as can be certified."

"There is also the matter of going to your planet Cybertron...I will not forget it." Thane said to the Decepticons.

Upon seeing this, the Decepticon replied solemnly, "Yes, Master Thane!"

Unlike the King of Ghost Crows, who is extremely interested in the vast wizarding world,

Curious, and also stayed in the wizarding world for a short time after the experiment.

The intelligent robot Decepticons are not very interested in this "other people's world".

After leaving Thane's Ash Tower, it quickly flew towards the planet Cybertron.

Also after the Decepticons left, a period of time later, another level four intelligent robot came to Thain one after another.

When using the Rubik's Cube to certify and transform these intelligent robots, Thain did not put too much thought into it this time.

It was too long of high-precision experiments that made Thain's body very tired.

Many of the internal structures of advanced intelligent robots actually contain many secrets of mechanical laws.

But now Thain has no interest in studying these mysteries one by one. He can only store them in the Rubik's Cube's information database for the time being, waiting to be studied slowly in the future.

There is no time when research on the mysteries of truth can be exhausted.

During this last period of rest, Thain decided to really relax.

His son Narcisiu has been clamoring many times and wants to visit the many planes of the Wizards Alliance.

Thain also planned to take some of the girls around him to relax and talk about some things.

Thane went to the Alliance plane to relax, and there were quite a few people following him.

Although Xia Ya and Hong Lin did not follow due to some matters.

But Lenna, who had nothing to do, followed along.

Mei Li, the dean of the Holy Tower in Thain, is usually a busy person, but this time she also "missed work" and came with her.

Traveling to the alliance plane is also a good experience.

She didn't want to work endlessly for Thain.

Dragon Vein Warlock Mel didn't come with her. Her Warlock Holy Tower is still being relocated.

In the process, it is a busy time now.

Tourmaline is of course the unstoppable one, and she will go wherever Thane goes.

Duan Po and Duan Ning, brothers and sisters, also went to the Wizards Alliance to check out the Wizards Alliance under Thain's strong invitation.

Lina and Mei Kelly, who were far away in the Black Realm, originally wanted to go with them.

But there was something suddenly happening on Meikaly's side, so only Lina, the biological mother, took Narcissus with her.

In addition, Narcisiu himself had many confidantes... The scale of this tour group ended up being much larger than Thain had expected.

"We don't have too much time. It only takes a few decades in total. We can only go to some alliance planes in a targeted manner." Thain said.

The first place that Thane and others went to was the Centaur world.

In the Centaur world, a desolate and boring atmosphere ripples throughout the world.

Although it is a medium-sized world, the Centaur world has always been known for being barren.

As a group of powerful wizards from the wizarding world, represented by Thain, came to the world, Thain and others were warmly welcomed by many local gods, headed by the Centaur King.

The Centaur world is indeed poor, but the Centaur King and those veteran centaur gods above level four are not poor!

In the golden hall of the Centaur King, Thane and others received the highest level of hospitality from the Centaur clan.

Look at the wine made from the vital spring water produced in the great world of elves.

And activated fruits from the activated fairy world are inserted on the rim of the glass filled with ice beads.

Thain couldn't help but sigh, "The mentor should also be called out. The Centaur world is indeed one of the oldest member planes in the Wizards Alliance."

"Although the external reputation is poor, there are still a lot of good things."

"The next chapter is around nine o'clock~"


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