The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2255 Marshal Medal

The Purple Dragon God wants to show his face in this medium-sized star field war in front of Thane and other powerful wizard civilizations.

It's just that the Huangyan planet is not so easy to win.

Merrick, the five-star federal general, is personally guarding this place. In terms of attack difficulty, this place is even more difficult than the Thunder Fire World where the Purple Dragon God just ended his battle.

As expected, not long after leading the Purple Dragon Beast Legion to the Huangyan planet, the Purple Dragon God suffered a huge loss on the battlefield of this planet because of his greed for credit.

Even the Purple Dragon Beast Legion under his command suffered many casualties.

It is difficult for the Purple Dragon Beast clan to have children. The Purple Dragon Beast Legion under the Purple Dragon God has gone through tens of thousands of years of civilized wars. Although it has become more elite and powerful, the number of members of the clan has been decreasing. This is an undeniable fact.

So many purple dragon beasts were shot down by the Gallente Federation at once, and the Purple Dragon God felt heartbroken when he saw it.

Therefore, we can only slow down the impact on the Gallente Federation Front on this planet and choose to go hand in hand with other wizard civilization armies.

In addition to the Purple Dragon Beast Legion, many battle legions of wizard civilizations have arrived here early on the Huangyan planet battlefield.

For example, the God of Corruption, who possesses late-level sixth-level strength, was sent to this battlefield by Thane.

In addition, there are several Holy Tower and Knight Hall legions, as well as a large number of Alliance cannon fodder legions.

The God of Corruption's strength increased so quickly during the Civilization War that even Thain was slightly stunned.

He did not know that this alien god from the alliance had taken refuge in the Rose Dynasty Civilization and had received many resources from the Rose Dynasty Civilization.

I just thought that this sixth-level powerhouse, who was not popular among the Wizards Alliance, had some other adventures.

Not to mention, the God of Corruption does have miraculous effects against the Gallente Federation.

The corruption-type divine power law it masters can even corrode the decks of Gallente Federation ships on a large scale.

The same is true for the group of corrupted legions under its command, which have both tenacious vitality and outstanding destructive power.

When fighting against the Gallente Federation Legion, the God of Corruption has often achieved miraculous results.

When the Rose Dynasty civilization first accepted this guy, it probably also took a fancy to this ability of the God of Corruption.

Rose Dynasty Civilization and

The Gallente Federation has been separated for a long time, and has a deeper understanding of the Federation. Naturally, it will not have any prejudice against the God of Corruption like other alliance members.

It's just that the God of Corruption brings bad luck to surrounding creatures, whether friends or foes, and it does exist.

In the Wizards' Alliance, there are very few gods from other worlds who possess the "lucky" priesthood.

With a scourge like the God of Corruption nearby, no one would be happy.

The Purple Dragon God suffered a big fall when he first arrived on the Huangyan planet, and the purple dragon beast army under his command suffered a lot of damage. He also followed the trend and attributed part of the factors to the God of Corruption.

However, the God of Corruption's combat effectiveness against the Gallente Federation is real.

And after a little contact, the Purple Dragon God learned that this guy also had some friendship with Master Thain of the wizard civilization.

So he did not show his dissatisfaction, but patiently cooperated with the God of Corruption on the battlefield of this planet.

It's just that his purple dragon beast army is usually far away from the corrupted world army.

The God of Corruption is also used to seeing the glares from the Wizards' Union, so he doesn't mind this kind of situation.

On the contrary, because the Purple Dragon God did not show any obvious malice towards it, the corrupt god who was sincere in his thoughts developed a certain fondness for the Purple Dragon God.

Merrick, the five-star general of the Federation, is on the Huangyan planet, and Thain also knows about this battle report.

However, Thain did not immediately go to the Huangyan Planet Battlefield in person, because there were other places in the Wild Star Field battlefield where Thain needed to be in charge.

What Thane needs to focus on is the war in the entire medium-sized star field, rather than the gains and losses in one or two plane battlefields.

More than a hundred years later, the overall progress of the Wild Star Field battlefield still makes Thane and the higher-ups of the wizard civilization quite satisfied.

Now, three-quarters of this medium-sized star field has gradually been controlled by the wizard civilization.

And as the war continued, especially after the Thunder Fire World was captured, the control territory of the wizard civilization gradually moved towards one-fifth of the territory.

The situation of four is approaching!

"It's really an exaggeration. Even though half of this medium-sized star field has been occupied by our wizard civilization in advance, the advancement speed is still so slow."

"If the offensive and defensive situation changes, and I am stationed here, I will face an enemy several times stronger than myself, and I will lack war resources..."

"I can't do better than that Federation five-star general Merrick!" Thain couldn't help but shook his head and sighed as he looked at the entire war situation in the medium-sized star field.

In the field of defensive warfare, Thain is indeed inferior to others.

As for the entire Gallente Federation and Wizarding Civilization, I wonder if they can find another person who is better at defensive warfare than Merrick.

This guy is a talent!

So much so that Thain wanted to capture the other party alive.

It's not that he wants to conquer the other person, but that Thain simply wants to get to know this person. 🅆

General Merrick mentioned several classic quotes during the all-army call.

Saindu was greatly moved and praised the spirit, or "military soul" it conveyed.

"Of course, the winner is the king and the loser is the enemy. Our wizard civilization is about to win the battle of civilizations. It is the general trend."

"It is definitely not a very small number of individuals who can turn the tide."

"Even if he is commanding a Dominator-class war fleet, it will be of no use in the current civilized war situation." Thain shook his head and said.

Following the end of the Thunderfire World War, the Gallente Federation's front in the Wild Star Territory was further compressed as the Wizarding Civilization advanced throughout the territory and fought steadily.

However, as the federal forces gathered together, the resilience of these federal legions was once again revealed.

The war continued until the war in the Wild Star Territory. In the 237th year, the Gallente Federation, which had only one-sixth of the territory occupied by this medium-sized star territory, had to begin to consider withdrawing its troops.

This time, the federal military finally sent a retreat order.

In this order, not only the five-star general Merrick was transferred, but the entire defending army of the Wild Star Field battlefield could be evacuated from the Star Field battlefield.

It's just that the Federation's current military strength is tight and it cannot send too many legions to support this Federation's "Legion of Heroes" that has defended the Wild Star Territory for thousands of years.

If Merrick and others wanted to leave safely, they would have to leave behind a large number of death squads.

Unlike other star field battlefields where the Federation requires certain legions to defend their rearguard, the commanders will draw lots to decide.

On the Wild Star Field battlefield, generals do not need to draw lots.

From the rank of major general to the rank of general, all generals spontaneously and enthusiastically want to stay as queen and leave this glorious mission to themselves.

Seeing this situation in front of him, Congressman Charles, as the President's special commissioner, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In addition to bringing the order to retreat, Senator Charles also brought a lockbox and a dazzling medal.

This lockbox is the command key to the flagship of the Explorer's Orobus-class Titan fleet.

As long as General Merrick presses his palm fingerprints and completes all-round binding of genes, pupils, and spirits, the Explorer's Orobus-class Titan fleet group will become General Merrick's Fleet under his command.

And that medal is the title of marshal that represents the supreme status of the Gallente Federation military.

From the moment this Marshal's Medal appeared in front of General Merrick, it meant that from this moment he truly entered the top circle of the Gallente Federation.

I just don’t know, is it too late for this Marshal Medal to appear now?

And it was also learned from the presidential commissioner that the Explorer's Orobas-class war fleet group is currently not around the Wild Star Field battlefield.

This severely damaged Dominator-class fleet is currently resting and rebuilding in the hinterland of the Federation Star Territory.

"The President and Congress have learned about your heroic achievements in the Wild Star Field battlefield."

"However, compared to this border battlefield, the Hermes Defense Front located in the hinterland of our Gallente Federation needs you, General Merrick, to guard it more."

"That place represents the gateway to the heart of our Federation, the future destiny of tens of thousands of living planets and trillions of federal creatures!" Representative Charles said solemnly to General Merrick.

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