The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2254 Trophies

The war in the Thunder Fire World lasted for fifty-three years.

With one against two, the fact that the Decepticon King can still fight for such a long time shows how powerful he is.

And Thain is also the one who has personally seen the opponent use special laws such as "Storm Nebula and Cloud Splitting".

Thain was also quite amazed that the Decepticon King, who only came from a medium-sized star field, could comprehend the power of such a mixed law of storm and star systems.

It seems that the Gallente Federation can defend the Wild Star Field battlefield.

Not only is there a federal five-star general named Merrick, but he is also closely related to the Decepticon King.

In other words, the Gallente Federation in the entire Wild Star Field battlefield is outstanding, and various influences have resulted in a situation where both warring parties have not been able to completely win the star field battlefield for thousands of years.

However, with the fall of the Decepticon King, the pattern of the battlefield in the Wild Star Territory has once again undergone major changes.

It was after the end of the Thunderfire World War that it took another two years for Thane to see the world-class secret treasure "Turbine Metal Wing" personally delivered to him by the level 6 intelligent robot Decepticon.

At the same time as the pair of metal wings appeared in front of Thane, there was also the corpse of the Decepticon King that had been turned into wreckage.

The damage to the body of the Decepticon King was extremely serious. It was not that the Purple Dragon God and the two did not know how to cherish the spoils of war, but that the Decepticon King's body had already become like this when he died of exhaustion.

"The Purple Dragon God said that he needs to immediately carry out other tasks assigned by you, Master Thain, so I will bring back this corpse and the world-class secret treasure." The Decepticon said respectfully to Thain.

In the past few decades since the war in the Thunder and Fire Plane broke out, Thain has also been extremely busy.

This medium-sized star field is a battlefield where fierce battles are taking place. Is it more than just a world of thunder and fire?

Except at the beginning of the battle, Thain focused his attention on the sixth-level battle in the world of thunder and fire for a while.


With more time, Thane would devote all his energy to wars in other planes.

Including Thain himself, holding the Staff of Ashes, he took action personally on two battlefields in two dimensions.

At this time, the remains of late-level six creatures and the world-class secret treasure turbine metal wings sent by the Decepticons personally shocked Thain's originally tired spirit.

Although two years ago, he had already heard the battle report that the Thunderfire World War ended and even the strongest Decepticon King in the Beast Star Territory died.

But because he has been too busy recently, Thain has not been able to pay attention to this matter.

It wasn't until recently that the Decepticons led part of the intelligent robot army back to the battlefield to rest, and Thane was able to take the time to look at these two valuable trophies.

Touching the smooth alloy of the world-class secret treasure turbine metal wings, Thain seemed to be touching something absolutely beautiful, and he seemed to be unable to put it down.

The grade of this turbine metal wing is only about the level of low-grade world-class secret treasures, and its absorption efficiency for the Rubik's Cube is not high.

What really interested Thain in it was that he was trying to explore some new things in the field of magic alchemy from these turbine metal wings.

Although Fumila's eight metal wings have been studied and upgraded many times by Thain in recent years, the overall effect on her blessing and improvement is not obvious.

Thain has long studied that the wings behind Fumila are one of her most important sources of energy.

I don’t know if Thain can significantly help Fumila’s subsequent upgrade experiments after disassembling and studying the turbine metal wings.

Of course, after the pair of turbine metal wings were thoroughly analyzed and studied by Thain, their final destination was to be given to the Decepticons by Thain as a gift.

It is one of the means for him to conquer the intelligent robot clan.

He had long seen that these metal wings were not suitable to be directly installed on Fumila's body. Instead, they were more suitable for the intelligent robot Decepticon.

Especially when the opponent activates the saber-toothed tiger beast form.

After all, Fumila's wings had to be crafted by Thain himself.

With Thain's ability, it may not be possible to create a top-notch wing comparable to a turbine metal wing.

Even more, Thane wanted to increase the number of metal wings in Fumila.

However, this experiment needs to be considered in the long term, and it is definitely not something that Thain can calm down and complete during the busy period of the current war.

After examining the turbine metal wings for a moment, Thane looked at the remains of the Decepticon King again, and a strange light appeared in his eyes.

I saw Thane sighing, "From now on, there will be no Decepticon King in the star world, but you, the Decepticon, will be the only one left!"

The Decepticon lowered his metal head slightly to show his respect for Thane.

Thain has studied the auxiliary godhead of Marduk, the main god of gods, and has many sixth-level biological specimens on hand in recent years.

No wonder the Decepticon King was able to sustain himself for so long under such adverse circumstances.

It turns out that he has reached the late stage of level six and is about to enter the peak level of level six.

It's a pity that the Decepticon King made a wrong move in the end. He lacked some opportunities and could not give him time to make a careful breakthrough on the battlefield. In the end, he died of exhaustion.

After hearing Thain say that the opponent who was beaten to death by him and others had reached the peak level of the sixth level, the Decepticon's eyes became a little darker, and he seemed to have something in mind.

Thain then continued, "I can protect your intelligent robot clan after the war, and I can also use the power of the Rubik's Cube to help you spawn more clansmen."


If the intelligent robot family on the planet Cybertron wants to truly develop and grow, external help alone is not enough. "

"You still have to work hard." Thane said with a meaningful look at the Decepticon.

"After the war in this medium-sized star field is over, I will start transplanting these pair of turbine metal wings to your body to greatly enhance your strength."

"But... I also hope that you can advance to the sixth level as soon as possible."

"If you need anything, you can just ask me." Thane said to the Decepticon.

The Decepticon's red eyes flashed, and finally he knelt down on one knee and respectfully replied, "Yes, Master Thain."

Not only the strength of the Decepticons needs to be improved, but also the intelligent robots such as Optimus Prime, Golden Iron Beast, Thunderbolt, Libatian and other intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron. If Thane can help, he will try his best to help. .

The strength of the intelligent robot family is closely related to Thain.

If Thain wants to achieve great success in mechanical mysteries in the future, these advanced intelligent robots will be indispensable as Thain's experimental subjects, or "materials."

The war in the Wild Star Territory, after the battle in the Thunder Fire Plane, it is obvious that the war process has accelerated to another level!

The sixth-level peak creature, the Purple Dragon God, is indeed a qualified fighter.

His performance in this star field battlefield was more active than other sixth-level wizard civilization creatures.

After the Thunderfire Plane War ended, he took the initiative to go to Huangyan Planet, which was heavily defended by the Gallente Federation.

It is said that the five-star general of the Federation, Merrick, is on the battlefield of this planet at this time.

And the Purple Dragon God didn't know where he found out that Master Thain, a sixth-level magician, was very interested in this federal five-star general!

"The next chapter is around eight o'clock~"

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